Our perspective on high performing teams... ……..and our T3 high performing team capability program
Steve Morrissey
CEO & Managing Partner (Retained Executive Search and Talent Development)
The core determinant of commercial success, we see amidst our clients, is not having “the idea”. It is not about the actual product, service proposition or, even, the corporate strategy (important as these aspects all are). The difference between companies that succeed and those that fail is whether a high performing team is in place to execute the plan they have been set.
Let’s linger here for a moment: Success in business, and many other aspects of life, is all about execution, execution, execution. Yes, you need a sound product and a robust strategy but what takes you from commercial mediocrity to real-world success is the ability to execute. And, the ability to execute is all about high-performing teams.
This is the powerful and universal message. You can see it in macro examples: with, say, Apple’s dominance of the personal technology space, Nike’s domination of the sports apparel market and with the US Navy Seals’ hard-won reputation as a world leading counterterrorism unit. It is as grounded a truth in your working domain also: whatever market you seek to gain, whatever competitors you seek to dominate, this is the nexus of the challenge. Indeed, it goes all the way down to the micro, or personal, reality. Develop a self-aware focus on execution and you will unlock your leadership talents to, in turn, unlock the extraordinary potential of the team around you. In this context, we have a privileged role. As a function of placing senior talent into leading companies we are often gifted unique access into the dynamics and cultures that make such firms tick. We are also often asked to provide perspectives not just on the individual hire but also with respect to the recipient team. How will this new placement fit in, how will they affect the whole team; fundamentally, will their introduction make the boat move faster?
Naturally, this got us hugely engaged in the topic of high performance teams. To become true leaders in the field of strategic talent advisory services, we knew we had to not only facilitate great hires but also support our clients in the continuous development of high performing teams. This professional curiosity was coincident with the growth of our own business. To maintain our own success and professional enhancement, we needed to ensure that we ‘perpetually’ developed as a team also.
This fixation led eventually to the development of a new service offering in the Pi Group’s portfolio: the skilled facilitation of high performing team programs. We call it our Team-to-Tribe (T3) service.
The services designed by Pi Executive and The Pi Group are founded on proprietary intellectual content. We call it our Team-to-Tribe (T3) methodology and we endorse it to you as a structured way to examine and enhance how your organization is performing currently.
From our experience, no two organizations are ever the same: different leadership team sizes, dynamics, corporate cultures and change-imperatives necessitate a wholly flexible approach to how this service is delivered. Rather, we have developed a series of modular workshop sessions that can be configured, in close preparatory conversation with clients, to achieve desired outcomes.
If any of this has caught your attention we would love to share with you the detail behind these modules and further describe how this initial dialogue can powerfully build towards successful T3 company-wide rollouts.
Please contact us: Steve Morrissey, Managing Partner, The Pi Group
(o) 212-301-0671, ? 203-252-8280