Our perception changes everything
Dawn Shuler
Helping CEOs Build Thriving Organizations Through Communication, Culture, and Leadership Development
[This is the article that came out on Tuesday of this week, and I think it's valid, even in light of the events in DC this week. Yes, there have been some changes, but it's our perception that is incredibly powerful.]
It's finally here! 2021!
As happy as we may be about that, to be honest, were things any different when you woke up on January 1 (well, after you welcomed in the new year at midnight and finally went to bed!)?
Nothing has changed, only our perception has changed.
That's not a bad thing; in fact, it's quite powerful. Our perception changes everything.
Perhaps you feel more energized. Maybe you are filled with more hope. Tangible change is certainly coming, at least with regard to a change in administration in the White House and the availability of COVID vaccines.
That being said, your day-to-day life, your circumstances, and your business may not look any different than they did last week.
That's where your perception comes in. January 1 often brings with it a sense of new beginnings, new purpose, and even renewed energy.
That new-ness - or at least the perception of new-ness - is the power you have over your circumstances, your life, your business.
So, what do you do about it?
Here at The Shuler Group, we are passionate about forward motion. In fact, we just realized that forward motion is what drives everything we do, and it is at the root of our Zone of Genius.
What do I mean by "forward motion"? Simply put, it's getting from Point A to Point B. Simple, right?
Maybe not quite as simple as you might think. :)
First, you have to know what Point A is. Where are you? What is the reality of where you are? What is working? What isn't?
Secondly, you have to know what Point B is. Where do you want to be? What does that look like? How do you know if you've gotten there?
Forward motion is everything you do and put in place to get from Point A to Point B.
THAT is the perception you can bring to change everything... There may be things we can't change (COVID, social distancing, wearing masks, working remotely, continued political unrest and divisiveness), but we can change our perception and focus on moving forward, as well as focusing on the things we CAN change.
You have control over your perception, your attitude, and your choices. When you align that perception, attitude, and resulting actions with a passion and focus on forward motion, you will get to Point B much faster.
Dawn Shuler is the CEO and Founder of The Shuler Group. As a certified Strengths Performance Trainer, Dawn helps organizations gain a competitive edge by acquiring better leadership, systems and processes, and management skills.