Our outdoor space is just too awkward to have a covered area !
Neil Tappin
I am a business owner and a Mental health first aider and advocate, with over 30 years of lived experience of Mental wellbeing issues ,creating and supporting people locally through @menfulness and the wider community.
Our outdoor space is just too awkward to have a covered area !
One of the comments we get receive from a lot of people is that they only have a small area that is an awkward shape with downpipes , or gas flues in the way and they can't possibly have a canopy but would really love one....
Our answer is simple Oh yes you can....
We proved this with a recent project that we undertook for a client in Leyburn, North Yorkshire. As you can see from the phots we were able to provide a fantastic solution for them with one of our Victorian style glass canopies where we overcame the obstacles to provide an aesthetically pleasing area with a completely watertight roof area even around the downpipes and raising the gas flue above the roof which is a legal requirement...
Our client was extremely satisfied and we are sure it has been a godsend to them over the last couple of months of lockdown
As well as the above we have other solutions for this for extending your Veranda or Canopy past the house where there isn't a supporting wall. Please contact us for more details or comment below if you would like us to post an article illustrating this.