Our office Backyard series 2: Bob the Builders
Thicket Tales
Experiential educational start-up that facilitates learning curriculum from nature.
By Sai
After a few days of open plays ... our boys upgraded the day itself ... they were in the mood to build something.
Stage 1: Brainstorming
As they gathered, the boys contemplated their next project. "What can we build today?" Child 1 proposed, suggesting grand ideas like a palace or an apartment.
"But it's very hot," remarked Child 2. "How about a swimming pool?"
Sai, "Can we build something big for us?"
Child 1 pondered, "No... What if there's a pool for someone small? Like birds?"
And so, the idea took flight. But not without some skepticism. "Why would birds need a swimming pool?" questioned Sai.
Child 2 clarified, "I mean water to drink... and bathe too!"
Sai chuckled, "Will they drink and bathe in the same water?"
"Of course," affirmed Child 3. "And we'll clean it often, don't worry akka."
Stage 2: Materials Wanted
With the plan in place, attention turned to materials. Bricks, sand, and water were deemed essential. "Can we use the bricks lying here?" inquired Child 3.
"Hmm, okay," Sai consented. And so, the construction began.
For the next 20 minutes, the boys meticulously arranged bricks and prepared plastering material. But a crucial oversight emerged: there was no outlet for water!
Sai chuckled, "Boys, how will you clean it? There's no outlet."
Annoyed, the boys responded, "Akka, why didn't you tell us before we started building?"
Sai laughed, "What's the fun in being fully figured out? Isn't the plaster still wet?"
"I've got an idea!" exclaimed Child 3. "We'll use sticks to make a hole at this corner."
Child 2 suggested, "No, the other corner, so there's space for water to get out."
"But how will water stay if there's a hole?" questioned Child 1.
Sai chuckled, "Very true. I was about to ask that."
"Relax, akka," reassured Child 2. "We'll put a cloth to close it."
Stage 3: Let's See!
The next few days were spent painting and rubbing paint and was finally decided to leave it bare brick exposed.
Now all we have to do is wait for the next series and birds and squirrels to use our pool