Our new Chief Minister
Jeevan Deshpande
Director -Vasudhaiv Engineering Pvt Ltd (Ex. GM Mahindra&Mahindra Ltd)
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 7th July 2022
Eknath Shinde ji our current Chief Minister hails from the Jawali taluka of our Satara district, Maharashtra and is successor to very popular personality of Mr Dighe's legacy of Shivsena.
Many of us have observed the personality of Eknath ji through on television, newspapers and other medias during last few days.
Though it is too early to say about him, I may say that in our management jargon, the employers prefer their employees with certain traits like his or her thinking, behavioural pattern equally or bit more than academics. In political scenario for such highest position, CM’s supporters in Shivsena and aligning Political party BJP have certainly observed him as a quality asset and as a complimentary skill and hence he attained this uppermost chair as CM of Maharashtra.
Our Prime minister Narendra Modiji in his one of the speech said “Emotional bonding is essential for your overall development. It helps in forging relationships. Intelligence without an emotional connect is worthless.”
?With whatever small learnings from various media’s, I had about CM is that he possesses ?excellent people connect, superb organising skills as a ?committed person and having Emotional intelligence as an important trait.Such skills or traits of personality not only benefits this aligning parties, but it is going to speed up career graph of new formed government and will shape up good future path for ?Maharashtra.
Needless to say, that this government have very an experienced, intelligent, well organised, skilled and strong hand as Deputy Chief Minster Mr. Devendra Fadanvis Ji and very powerful support of BJP at state and centre.
Many of us in Maharashtra will observe new Chief Minister as to a) How they are streamlining and preparing entire team of ministry to face many situations coming on their ?way ?b) How they both are going to boost confidence in newly aligned party? C)More importantly people of Maharashtra will keenly keep eye on the progress of government towards their expressed goal and prioritises
At this point we give our best wishes to our Chief minister Mr Eknath Ji and we may call as “Bhau of Common man “of this land.
-Your results will be easily seen in your actions on this “celestial land of Shivaji Maharaj, Savarkar and others .
-Your genuineness, emotional intelligence and people concern is your forte “
This small write up is towards our New Chief minister?