If Our Nation Was a Business, I'll Show You Our Metrics

If Our Nation Was a Business, I'll Show You Our Metrics

What's up LinkedIn Fam,

Today, I'll be writing about something I feel strongly about. It's the way that our government has run our economy for the past 2 years, almost 3 years. I'm going to view it through the lens of running a business.

Action Plan

Beginning of 2020, the "new" leadership of the country has taken their new positions. A health crisis has risen which slows down the economy substantially resulting in the 2020 stock market crash. In order to counteract this, the leadership begins to print trillions of dollars. Feds started at $4 trillion dollars in circulation to now $20 trillion dollars in circulation; a stark increase of $16 trillion dollars.

Trillions of dollars in circulation

The question is... Why?

The feds have full control of the money supply of this country. However, does a minor crash in the market justify a 400% increase in the money supply?

Increase the money supply in the country in order to counteract the 2020 stock market crash. Put more money in the hands of the people (stimulus), lower interest rates to 0%, and encourage spending, while also injecting trillions of dollars into the fed balance sheet.

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4 Trillion has been injected into the balance sheet. For every dollar injected, there was almost an equal dollar increase in stocks. This is known as quantitative easing; artificially injecting money into the market to boost the market. This led to investors hopping on the train and even rallied the retail investors to pour money into the market. Despite how the actual economy was doing; there were supply chain issues, small businesses being shut down, and overall less retail spending. However, despite all that, the markets showed significant increases.

Everyone and their grandmas became investing gurus.

Recap: 2020 crash stock market, print trillions of dollars, lower interest rates to 0%, encourage online spending, quantitative easing, manufactured a 2-year bull run

It's no wonder we hit peak inflation rates of upwards of 9% (June 2022)

My question is what was the purpose of this?

Why set up the environment for excessive spending and hypergrowth?

Why do I question this?

The Effect

In March of 2022, the Feds began to hike up the interest rates in order to combat inflation.

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Sept 21st marks the 3rd consecutive time the Feds raised interest rates by 75 bps. Jerome Powell said in his speech at Jackson Hole "the path to reducing inflation would not be quick or easy, adding that the task, requires using our tools forcefully to bring demand and supply into better balance.” Their goal is to bring down inflation to 2%. Our current inflation rate is 8.3% (September), which means we have a lot of work to do. When the feds say they will forcefully achieve this goal, I will not doubt that they will do whatever it takes to achieve this. The outcome of achieving this goal will not be in consideration, whether it will destroy family households, bring poverty levels higher, or close down even more businesses.

The major problem we are facing right now - Inflation. How did this happen?

At the start of 2020, the average inflation rate was 1.23%

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Recap: 2020 crash stock market, print trillions of dollars, lower interest rates to 0%, encourage online spending, quantitative easing, manufactured a 2-year bull run, inflation went from 1.4% to 9.1% peak rates, Jerome Powell declares to forcefully tame inflation to 2%, 3 consecutive 75 bps rate hikes,

Looking at this from a business lens, the money supply department of this "business" decides to counteract a 2020 recession. They've pushed it well beyond what is necessary, resulting in a major internal struggle which is peak inflation rates. Now they declare they will solve this problem that they've created, creating yet another historical change in one of the fastest interest rate hikes. The trajectory does not look like it will be slowing down. Not until we're back at a 2% inflation rate.

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Major internal changes within this "business" one after another.

How does a business do well?

In a general sense, a business does well by maximizing profits while keeping expenses low. Use the profits to pay employees well and create a great company culture (I'll get to this later)

Analogous to business profits a country's GDP can be seen in that same light. Analogous to business expenses a country's expenses are comparable to a nation's debt. If someone were to run a business, the last thing a company would want to do is spend more than what they make. If they spent more than what they make, the business will inevitably fail. This is the same for personal finance. Spend less than what you make.

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This chart here is the government Debt to GDP ratio. You want to keep the Debt to GDP ratio as close to 100 as possible so that you're not spending more than what you're making. 100 is the break-even point. However, in the past 2 years, the government has spent way more than what they're able to pay off.

What have they spent all our tax-payer money on?

Have the daily lives of every American improved?

What is justifying these expenses?

Jumping back to the initial state I made about how does a business do well? I briefly mentioned that a business will use the profits to pay employees well and create a great company culture. Let's begin with what culture is. I believe culture starts with core values that a business and everyone within the company live by. It's a top-down 360 approach. It starts with the leadership, they live and breathe the very principles of those core values, while everyone in the company strives every day to embody those principles.

This begs to question, what is American culture?

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To be honest, I don't even know anymore... I'm a 23 year old, young entrepreneur trying to achieve my dreams and help my family achieve our American Dream. I grew up very frugally, raised by a single immigrant mother who climbed herself out of poverty to barely get us into college. I was told as a young child that America is a place of freedom. The land of the free. Where EVERYONE despite differences in ethnic cultures, skin color, languages, and whatever background you've had; America is the place we can unite under a single flag. Since a young kid, there has not been much unity and the tension between left and right is about to snap. There is no left and right, there are only Americans in my eyes. End of the day, most of us are all good humans and should love and respect one another despite our differences. I believe America is the place where if you work your ass off, and strive to become personally excellent, you can achieve whatever you want. That is the American dream. Work hard, start a family, and have your next generations live a better life than you did.

I am writing this because I've seen all the numbers unfolding. I've sat in silence, seeing the action plan they've put together to counteract the 2020 market crash with irresponsible actions one after another.

Here is a recap from start to now. 2020 crash stock market, print trillions of dollars, lower interest rates to 0%, encourage online spending, quantitative easing, manufactured a 2-year bull run, inflation went from 1.4% to 9.1% peak rates, Jerome Powell declares to forcefully tame inflation to 2%, 3 consecutive 75 bps rate hikes, quantitative tightening, the government exceeds 30 trillion dollars in debt, horrible debt:GDP ratio

We started with a strong economy, yet our economy has swung to extremes I have never seen before. Now, they face the task of "fixing" all of this, and the solution, in my opinion, will be a long and drawn-out process that will leave millions of Americans hurting.

I question myself, what was the main goal in the first place?

If the main goal was the save the US economy from the 2020 stock market crash; they're doing a pisspoor job.

If the main goal was the opposite; they're doing a fantastic job.

I honestly have no idea what to do, as someone in finance, I like numbers and I love our country. However, I see the economy crumbling. Honestly, a bit scared to post this, but all the more reason to do so. For others who aren't in finance or business, it is my obligation to share my perspective of what's going on so more people can understand the reality.

Would love to hear your thoughts!


What we can do to solve this problem TOGETHER and PEACEFULLY

Todd Davies

Looking for new role

2 年

Great post Gary. “They” are doing this on purpose and doing a “great job”. Check out ESG if you haven’t already. It’s the plan to destroy America under the guise of saving the planet and having more social consciousness. This will consolidate power and take us to socialism and beyond. The banks and big companies are now involved and are getting social credit scores. Don’t you dare invest in the wrong company or your score will go down. And then you won’t get that loan. No conspiracy theory as it’s framework has been on the white house.org.

Matthew Kilkenny

AI Ethics Advisor ? LinkedIn AI top Voice ? Uniting Humanity Ecumenically ? Advocate for Ethics in Tech ? Talks about the Future of Work and AI ?

2 年

Excellent read and great analysis. There has been more money ?? printed into the universe by the fed in the last two presidencies' than In the whole of human history. Its is a colloslal number and now the USA ???? Had GDP debt at 300% the biggest in the world ?? But the $ still soars on the stock markets whilst GDP and the Euro crash....go figure that one out? If you read my posts you will see how passionate I am about the working classes: the system does not favour hard workers; it does Entrepreneurs esp in the USA. However, Most workers are on the wrong side of the cash flow quadrant #RobertKiyosaki. And they will never get to the right side without financial literacy. This is the polarisation! Moreover, there has never been such a transfer of wealth as we are seeing now. The question is who is going to leverage this wealth yet again: the 1% or the 99%? We offer many solutions for the 99% to get a piece of the action this time around without needing a $1millon in the bank ?? And a lot of that transfer will happen from the Block chain and web3. I spoke to another Brillaint 22 Yr old today and showed her how to leverage web3 to learn and earn and the entry cost t? Zero ! let's have a chat Gary Guan


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