Our Narratives determine who we become!

Yesterday I watched a brilliantly choreographed, eloquently expressed by Lata Prada’s Sampradaya’s https://www.facebook.com/SAMPRADAYA-Dance-Creations-284925804640/?hc_ref=SEARCH team of vibrant dancers, a dance drama called Pralaya! at the Museum of History. A story was told from hundreds of years ago (from India) of love and valour, then disrespect, squandering of personal values and then mass destruction. The narrative expressed beautifully of what’s happening yet again today around us. Wisdom exercised??Not much!! What have we learnt? These are gigantic questions…The power is in the hands of decision makers and the world issues will be sorted out by them. “Time” is the ruckus maker, a change maker and will make someone throw the dice, and the dice decides the fate, as it happened many moons ago and as told in the dance drama; for more information on the story this is the link: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mahabharata

How does this relate with us personally? How do we Change the narrative of our lives? Because it's our narrative that determines who we will become.

Seth Godin is an articulate, a ruckus maker as he calls himself and encourages us to change our narrative we live by. Here’s what he says: “A million things happened to you today. The second bite of your lunch. The red light on the third block of your commute...Tomorrow, you'll remember almost none of them.And the concept that you'd remember something that happened to you when you were twelve is ludicrous. What actually happened was this: After it (whatever that thing you remember) happened, you started telling yourself a story about that event. You began to develop a narrative about this turning point, about the relationship with your dad or with school or with cars.

Lots of people have had similar experiences, but none of them are telling themselves quite the same story about it as you are. Over time, the story is rehearsed. Over time, the story becomes completely different from what a videotape would show us, but it doesn't matter, because the rehearsed story is far more vivid than the video ever could be.

And so the story becomes our memory, the story gets rehearsed ever more, and the story becomes the thing we tell ourselves the next time we need to make a choice.”

If your story isn't helping you, work to rehearse a new story instead. Because it's our narrative that determines who we will become.

I support my clients in taking on new narratives, guide them on new ways of being!


Jas Kalra (She/Elle, Her) PCC的更多文章

