Invaluable Personal Resources (Mis)Management Insights from 10 Years of MPESA data.

Invaluable Personal Resources (Mis)Management Insights from 10 Years of MPESA data.

Speck in my eye

I had just finished lamenting on one of the social media on how the national and county governments have failed Kenyans particularly during the drought and flood situation of recent months.

I felt pretty good with myself as I shared a case study from Holland where 50% of the country (including Amsterdam and Roterdam) are below sea level, under constant attack from the Northern sea and now global warming all threatening to drown it. Holland as a country has invested trillions of dollars in putting up structures based on past experiences, research and forward thinking that has helped keep the threat of being submerged at bay with some measures not even being tested to their full potential. Over hundreds of years, they have used public resources to put in systems that protect current and subsequent generations -why can't President Uhuru or Gov. Joho, Kidero et al do the same, I quipped.

My Personal 10 Years of MPESA usage Data Bombshell!

Then came the bomb shell. The same hour...Safaricom makes 38.1Million USD in nett profits!                       

I have been struggling with my personal cashflows and have been petitioning God to show me the leaks so that I seal them and opportunities so that I can get more resources to serve in my purpose for His glory and honor. When I received this bombshell, I was with my economist friend and business partner at this world leading research centre where less than 10 years ago he was an intern and now he is the Nairobi Director. Dr. Edwine showed me how to download my mPesa mobile money usage tracker from the Google play store - that's where God revealed the cashflow answer to me.

Now, as I waited patiently as the tracker went through the set up motions, I had a number of like 2 Mil Kes (that I thought was how much I had transacted in my mpesa line). Edwine wanted to bet that it'd be shockingly higher. Then came the second bombshell of the hour, over the past 10 years - I have transacted tens of millions of shillings through my mpesa mobile money line (Not to mention that mPesa has been but a fraction of my transactions during this period).

Seriously, we all needed to stop trying to remove the log in President Uhuru, Governors Joho, Kidero and other public office leaders and concentrate on the speck in our own eyes. Given, they may have leadership gaps, however - clearly we too have some of our own.

As I looked at my top ten transactions of all time and of this year, it became clear to me what was running through King Solomons meant when he said

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

Most importantly, what I could hear God saying is that I have mismanaged His resources...where did the tens of millions go to, what was the impact, where is the return.                       

One of my mentors Dave Mavia once mentioned to me.

"If you what to know someone's true character - just go through their bank statement"

(or in this case mPesa transaction history). Then you'll know what's close to their heart and where their focus or lack of is.

Looking at my history, you can see what I have prioritised in my life over last 10 years and how I have mostly mismanaged the wealth God has bestowed upon me. My life facets (Spiritual, Marriage, Family, Financial, Work, Health Social, Community Engagement, Sharpening the Saw ) should be outside my gate with placards, baying for my immediate resignation and take responsibility for this utter sham.                        

As I drove home, along Ngong road there is this big advert about how PesaLink is going to make our lives easier with instant transactions of upto Kes. 999,999. From my quick math, if I cannot account for tens of millions from a max daily transactional limit of Kes 140,000 then I do not want to find out how I mismanaged hundreds of millions ten years after I signed up with PesaLink. Well, until I first get to the bottom of the foundational problem.

A. What are these resources and how have we mismanaging them?

1. Money

I remember sometime in back going to the leading branded car show rooms in Nairobi and asking for 2 zero mileage vehicles to be packed for me.

Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish...

When we do not have a plan for our money or resources bestowed upon us (money, relationships, time) by God and mechanisms to keep us accountable, we will end up in bondage, idolising the tools we were given to serve and bring glory to Him.

Needless to say, in 2 years - I had to grow up and take responsibility which meant disposing of the vehicles.

2. Opportunities to multiply and bless others

The aim of any activity including jobs and businesses we spend our time on is to build on what we started with, serve others, multiply, yield fruits and give glory and honour to God as well as bless Him for His mercies and goodness that are new each morning.

Seeking Gods blessings and the vision.

One of the vehicles I bought off the showroom was a 10 tonne truck, I had been convinced by a family member who had been convinced by a local businessman that tucking is lucrative. SO, off I went chasing the money, pouring money on the way - telling God to chill as I chase it and that there is a 10% in it for Him. One year later the local businessman with whom we'd built the lucrative business model with committed suicide citing being at his wits ends with the business. A few months later, I sold that business for a dollar. I had the wrong intentions and foundations on this the moment I choose to go at it without Gods blessing.

Private Sector are the Real Kings of Corruption 

We like castigating public officers, however over my 10 years in private sector - I can with authority state that Board and Management run companies are the most corrupt institutions in Kenya. Their Achilles heel - which is the same for most of corporate Kenya is the lack of moral authority amongst it's leaders - which is a big hindrance to our position as a global leader and a generation of emancipators from the mindset of jobs seekers to sustainable innovators and generational wealth creators.

I now drive a car that was manufactured in 1975. This is the same year in which Bill Gates decided that he'll create this company that will make software for this young entrepreneur yet to be born in Kisii County 7 years later with a dream of impacting the community health sector as a driver of development with the innovations around a chain of pharmacies that would help increase access to motivated, qualified healthcare personnel and quality and affordable medical products and services at the community health level. Now, several community health platforms including those ran by Haltons Pharmacy run on this gentlemans platform that has liberated an entire human race and sectors setting us all up for multiple of generations to come from focusing on his vision.

What were my experiences for - Growing leadership

When I was given the vision for Haltons Pharmacy it was clear to me that it was about liberating the mindset of both the human resources in health and the health consumers. I wanted in 40 years when I am old and grey, I too would be discussing of dare devil work like sending humans to the moon on holiday, building cars running on renewable energy, using drones to deliver essential medicines to remote areas, committing resources to new health procedures/innovations that would improve quality of life and not wallowing about access to qualified and quality health workers, products and services.

However, I am extremely enjoying the conscious learnings on building my capacity to grow other leaders

This is better illustrated by the Conscious/Competence Continuum
We all come from: Unconscious/Incompetent (don't know that you need to do something and don't know how to do it) -> Conscious/Incompetent (aware that somethig needs to change - however, don't know how to do it -> Unconscious /Competent (don't know how you are doing it - however, things seem to get done) -> Conscious/Competence (now you know how you are doing it and you know how to do it - essentially, you can now tell others how to do it - you are a Leader).

Post PE Business Life

Despite what I am going to say next - partnerships are the way to go for growth businesses. However, there are a few checks and balances that we need before we get into them (I have seen and experienced the blind spots and can smell them a Kilometer away). Read more: Is Private Equity Money Pure Evil?

Post PE investment, we formed a board and empowered a management team.

For the period post PE investment when I was CEO, I worked with suppliers, employees, partners and clients setting up the model (cost and operational) selling them the vision. Some of them got it and were (dare I say) more passionate than myself about the vision of a paradigm shift in the community health market place - some became lifelong friends.

I remember our negotiations usually ended with both parties feeling that they got a fair deal and the company got value for money (including the employees - who carried more than their fair share of what was expected of them).

Soon, I started facing board room wars from members that had a different view of the role of a founder in building and sustaining a culture of sustainability for a growing company and from cheeky and protected management team members that saw the opportunity to play or is it pay the piper - widening the gaps to the determent of organisations vision and personal gain.

How the cookie crumbled: Culture/Vision Clash

The vision or the model was one of owner managed and scale same to a franchise model operated by empowered and tooled Pharmacists (Haltons Mega) & Pharmaceutical Technologists (Haltons Lite).

I had set up a model for site acquisition and even innovated and invented the fuel convenient store concept ran as a pharmacy together with Vivo Energy for their Shell branded stations. These gains were watered down by quests by some management to get kickbacks in goodwill and rent payments - that made us drop the ball on the Vivo partnership.

I had negotiated rock bottom prices with store fit out contractor in promise of mutual growth as they too were a SME. Only for one of the management team members to poach the contractors employees and move the business to the new company they formed together and of course doubling cost of fitting out a store for the company.

I had seen opportunities to own the data platform - again, one of the management team members swayed the board away from it as the owner who I came to know later refused to factor in a kick back into the purchase price. This senior management member even went further to convince the board to set aside USD. 1M for a new system forgetting that myself, the company and the platform owner had spent time of mostly unbilled man hours to enhance the capacity of the platform to meet the needs of a growth retail business of the 21st century. Here again personal interest won over the right thing from both management and board level.

I sat down numerous hours teaching myself branding 101 and working with the branding and employees on the ground. We crystallized our clients aspirations for dignity and fused it to form our Haltons brand culture (who we are, why and for whom do we exist). That is why as founders we need to stay in our companies for atleast 5 years for that culture and systems that sustain it are evident and bought by all. With those that take over after us being those that have been sold out on the culture and vision. There is room for outsiders, but if they do not know what they are about - they cannot lead the organisation and need to do their 'time' first.

One of the things I pride the vision of Haltons Pharmacy achieving was how, we raised the profile for community pharmacy practice for pharmaceutical professionals - bringing in career progression, freely training, and empowering. During recruitment I usually told our potential new family members to choose either of 3 visions they should align with as they joined us:

1. Career progression in a reputable growing business where they have a clear unhindered path from store staff to CEO or even country CEO for a neighboring country when we became a multinational,

2. Honing of SME business management skills so that they could start their own pharmacy after 3 years of service and we'll support them so long as we compete on quality - these guys would also form the pool of franchisees to run Haltons Phamracies as a franchise - as the vision was never to fully own the bulk of the outlets (that's when the true impact would be felt nationwide)and

3. A safe place to work, with potential of being a 100 year old company like Kenya Commercial bank (KCB), American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T), Ford Motors or General Electric (GE) with a culture that promoted dignity, teamwork and innovation.

Soon the vision was tweaked to one driven by the mindset of money is the sledge hammer that fixes things. We were going to build a chain of 200 pharmacies fully owned by Haltons. Unfortunately - the structures were still owner managed/incentivised and not management run.

This is what killed me and became my point of departure with the board...when we took employee contribution as tertiary to clients satisfaction, forgetting that empowered and motivated employees in a service industry lead to satisfied clients; some members of the management team from both genders were harassing the employees (a vice that was common in the mom and pop establishments and that I swore to my colleagues will never happen in Haltons Pharmacy). Sad bit was that the Human Resources department was complicit to this amongst many other injustices, for what gain? Maybe it was fear of their jobs or just pure incompetency (jury is still out on that).

This human resources for health is better summarized by Simon Sinek and I believe it holds true for any service industry including the entire of retail where it's the employees that interact with the clients and not necessarily the owners of the business.

There were and still are opportunities to get to know our clients better, anticipating and meeting their needs to better walk with them in their health journey. However management were keen on beefing up the marketing budget so that their family members could be given the job. Leaving customer service as an area of short changing (over promising and under delivering) the clients. 

We had and still have a great opportunity to bring down access points for affordable and quality medicines and services to both our cash and insurance paying clients. Again, this was brought down with selfish interests and a company was formed to keep the savings this partnership with suppliers would have done for us and eventually clients. 

The Internal Auditor was ostracized. Thank God, it did not end the way of the internal auditor from the leading retail chain with a blue logo who was found murdered in his car mind 2015.

All is not Lost though

When we see Kenya retailers struggling the issue is lack of moral leadership and I'd advice an investor against investing until this issue and some fundamentals are aligned or addressed. When I quit my job 2 years before the PE support, I promised that if Haltons does not crack retail, then it cannot be done. I am more convinced at this juncture than ever that Haltons Pharmacy has indeed cracked retail and we have the battle wounds to show for it.

In God’s hands intended evil becomes eventual good.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20)

Clients, partners, competition and employees need to raise and support the Uchumi's, KQ's and Haltons' of this world as they go through painful yet necessary restructuring exercises - for the benefits of their success will transcend generations and sectors.

My heartfelt apology

I have come full circle s a leader and take responsibility for my choices. Particularly to God for believing the magnitude of what I could see, instead of remaining faithful for where He had taken me from and was promising to take the company (employees, partners, investors) and myself to.

The world is the way it is because those who know are sheepish or fearful while those who don't know are bold.

I choose to be intimidated and let myself feel like an impostor in my own company and let outsiders manipulate, scheme and box me into believing that I had lost moral ground or authority to guide the business.

Though my intentions were pure (we are told that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions) - I squarely lost the battle in my mind when I bought the illusion that I had lost my moral authority. It's akin to the 12 spies that Joshua sent out and they came back, the report from 10/12 as captured in

Numbers 13:33
We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."

I take my responsibility for the jobs, businesses, partnerships and the vision that were put in jeopardy. Particularly to the partners that I personally convinced to do pro-bono work or at rock bottom prices, the employees that became better than myself and the clients that believed in the vision even when we faltered.

We serve a God that is a God of second chances and just like Prophet Elijah even as he forgot the great things God had done through and to Him and ran (this guy loved running - read more in the book of 1st Kings) from the wrath of Jezebel into the desert where He asked for God to end his life - yet when his work was done, a chariot was sent to take him back home. God will work something out for His perfect will to be done as the company continues to fund raise and make necessary board, management and structural changes.

The vision for Better Care. Better Health will be achieved in our lifetime - might not necessarily be by me directly - however, I will raise an army of leaders in healthcare and equip them both in mind and physically to liberate the healthcare space.

3. Relationships - Children

One of the biggest and greatest resources that God bestows upon us is children. These souls God puts into our custody for us to nurture and grow them into their full potential as God had intended for them - to His glory and Homer.

There is a popular African idiom that goes - children are like weeds, they'll just grow inspite and despite. Again this word from God applies here as well

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish...

Blue Whale Syndrome

I am reading this story of a young man that decided to end his life prematurely with a family gun and interesting enough I empathize with both the family and the departed boy.

A few days ago there was this alert doing rounds in whatsapp to parents on a new game that glorifies suicide to our young people.

Before I could even get the gist of the story I quickly empathised with the departed soul.

I look at children nowadays with the insta-everything that promises heaven and delivers hell in small addictive and mind eating doses. From selfies with the 'love' of your life that the world used to see on your social media and now you have been dumped and you and the rest of the world have to contend with the front row seat as your love of your life moves on with new posts with her new found love of their life and you can feel the pity stares piercing through your heavy heart.                       

Or the fact that problems seem more amplified nowadays due to pressures that the information we have and the fact that we do not have a relationship with a matured person who has gone through what you are going through in order to encourage you that it's not the end of the world or that there is nothing new under the sun as one wise man.

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

Growing up I remember those pressures (at least we did not have all these social media groups that all our fiends belong to hence piling the pressure). I remember in had promised my good friend Howard that we'll make it for that years end of year beach party and that I'll come with a car. Of course the car in question was my dad's family car. It was no Range Rover SE but it meant that we were not taking a mat home.

Of course my dad did not agree - due to the usual risks of young people driving under the influence of alcohol and their foolishness. Even with my huffing and puffing the guy refused to budge. Now I was in a pickle - what would my friends think of me if I show up without a car, and these parents keep teaching me about sharing and refusing to share with me the family car. Well, it may have not tipped the scale in me ending my life....nevertheless it stressed me. Finally, the my dad agreed to chauffeur me to pick up my friends, drop us and give me money to get home safely.

These are examples of several instances that my parents cultivated the culture of seeking to understand my point of view to help me get to real solutions that we could all live with. This is the best way to model behaviour change, by teaching from actions and not just theory. We keep complaining that our children nowadays have no sense of this or that...have we tried to model the better with and to them?                       

What's the vision for our children?

I however do empathize with the parents. This week was parents teacher meeting for parents that want to continue in same school for their children for class 1 to 8 from nursery. Why I like and take my children to Logos Christian School is because I resonate with their structure of getting the foundation right in the early years, right enough to be comfortable in their identity in who God made them, why and how to use that in face of opportunities and challenges in life where they are called out to be leaders - who stand on values against whatever tide.                       

So, parents equally like the school and the children. However all this values training comes at a cost. It takes time to mould and especially if it's only taught at school (no strengthening at home as we're all busy in the rat race). So, one parent raises this concern and challenges the school to do more so that their children s school can be seen in the newspaper and they can get a better chance at employment.

I quickly note that we all (parents and teachers need values clarification on why we are at Logos - which literally translates into ). If we wanted good grades, why not just take our children to some other good grades school, has anyone stopped to trace the students that leave logos and see how they fair on despite the not so good grades (to me this is overrated anyway - as an employer I'd rather employees character, teachable spirit and attitude over grades any day )

B. What am I (and can we) doing about it?

1. Giving all Honor and Glory to God

Understanding that I have a Father that owns a cattle in a thousand hills. He alone give me my identity, wealth and purpose that I may serve others and Him for His honor and glory.

So, I now pray for me (and us) to have discipline in:

- Spending time with Him, talking and listening, walking in obedience, and desiring to know and love Him with our whole being.

- Fellowship and growing with fellow believers

- Living out Offensive Faith in our actions and Honor to Him along with other likeminded individuals that get it (iron sharpens iron).

2. I am now a Whistlecrier

First because,

Through one man Sin came to the world. Through one man and it was rendered innate.

I may only be one man, but may my experience save another man from 10 years of wandering in the marketplace wilderness - battling wasted opportunities, mismanagement and chasing the wind.

I was greatly humbled and honoured when I was giving a talk to a group of 20 investor ready companies in a Business boot camp when something I had shared on my lessons from selling early and wished I had not looked at my current realities, overwhelmed and failed the vision and ended up squandering the money on cars.

One of the participants was greatly moved in his spirit giving a testimony of how that was timely of me to share as they too were in that instance where the pressures of raising a young family with a a business that promises future returns - yet there are current mountains to climb like not having a car (I believe that is why God took me to give that talk)

Secondly because I want to sharpen my thoughts and practice and get better as I am still in the business of better shepherding Gods resources. Plus I do not want the fate of empty vessels below to befall me because I let my guard down - let me focus on making sure the content inside me and flowing out of me keeps away the foolishness of my youth.

Luke 11:24-26
 â€œWhen an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”

3. Knowing my identity as a Son of God Chosen and set apart by and for Him

“God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9).

I have a Father who is mine and my family's provider and I making this clear to my spouse and children through my way of life. We pray for offensive faith to dream, take it before Him, wait for His word and claim it through actions that glorify Him.

This is what I'd like my children and their cohort to grow up knowing and trusting.

They should also understand that as their parents: we are human and our role at a bare minimum is to provide: Basic life skills, leadership and foundational (operation system) capacity so that they do not only have job seeking and consumerism as only option available to them. They can be problem solvers and solution providers.

Are we building a future for our children or for our geriatric selves?

As I overcome this mindset and put on a new one of reliance on God and humbling myself to being a student of godly advice. I am running my business ventures and family with real and tangible results for the first time in my life . My business ventures are now move fruitful than ever no matter how small they are. I believe God is backing me up as my mind set is changing. Yours can to. De-hustle!

My mentor Dave Mavia reminds me of how we speak spirit of defeat into our children's or even our own lives. We have made business the second most feared/misunderstood vocation second to politics. In this spaces, we leave those who don't know or have enough passion to drive that space.

We aid and abet this narrative by even our daily salutations.

Picture this scene that plays itself millions of times across the country and I think Africa.

A jobless youth or individual in-between jobs meets you and you ask them , "Where are you nowadays?"

Their answer will determine the course for the conversation:

If they say they are pursuing their passion and on the verge of a breakthrough - you quickly excuse yourself as you can either feel a pyramid scheme or request for support coming your way. If they say, I am doing interviews with one of the big multinationals to get back into the rat race, you will stick on and encourage them with that safe line of thought.

Or this other scene, "How is business nowadays?"

Even if your business or life is great - we reply in the negative. "Things are thick etc", for fear of being asked for support. I remember I too have done the same, but it once really hit me when I asked someone who seemed to be doing well and I was bewildered - if they are struggling - is there hope then in even continuing down the path I am going down.

Mostly because we say such things, but do not offer perspective or open up for meaningful critique - which if indeed the negative state is true, the ensuing discussion can help us get out of the hole or help the other party with encouragement. 

We need to encourage each other with honest and genuine conversations and speak life into their situations. The future is one filled with plenty of work and scanty jobs...let's break this self defeating narrative and mould. 

I remember making a pitch to one of my business partners who ran one of the top tier real estate firms in Kenya (again, favours I'd call from guys that I had grown close with at the helm of Haltons Pharmacy - these are good, as we live in a networked world - however, keep it simple and transparent - even declare the help you are getting from partners as when info gets out, your employees/colleagues will think you are mixing business with pleasure and end up putting your moral authority or leadership at jeopardy - people do as they think we are doing or are doing and not as we say).

I explained to him that a group of us were putting twenty 2 bedroom apartments in Syokimau and that I needed his help to presell as we did not have all the cash for finish the project.

A year later, we finished the project in time and with minimal pre-sales (not unusual for first time project). I met him the other day and he opened up that, he did not believe we could pull it off and felt that I was setting him up for a problem if I did not, so he went quiet and for all that period we did not speak - if he'd opened up - he felt that it would have bruised me or made him look like a naysayer and our relationship would turn sour.

I however hold a different view from my own experiences, better to slay the dragons today than to wait for them to muscle up.

4. Change the thought leaders landscape in Kenya

I am looking to work with like minded individuals or corporates to change the landscape in Kenya to fill it with authentic real life narratives and journeys over the next 2 years. No more get rich quick or die trying schemes being only menu available to our youth. I have started with Business incubators, and I am looking for more especially: struggling companies that want to make head from tail or the investors looking to invest in businesses (if you do not want that investment to go down the drain or sour - let's work together to strengthen our entrepreneurs equipping them with a support structure that brings their true God given identity and purpose as well as that of the business for better outcomes for the society and glory and honor to God).

Who are our Future Leaders looking up to? 

When I used to site search for Haltons, I met this landlord with a prime property at Ridgeways. So, we sat down as we got to know each other (one of my strong points is in relationships) as he told me of his aspirations and fears - I couldn't help but state that he had made the wrong partner, they had chosen a well respected (well at that time) retail chain leader who lead a chain with a red logo as their anchor tenant. The leader had dictated that they not give out spaces for certain businesses like pharmacies and clothes shops as he would provide them (well I do not know if his board knew that he was making of such demands from their partners - even if they knew maybe they were complacent or were sold a cock and bull story of how it would diversify revenue) - while in real sense the guy was angling for deals, I think from goodwill and marked up rents from tenants from these highly attractive business lines etc

For a very long time, such leaders have been shaping our aspirations as Kenyans - even as the glaring gaps in their stories that do not add up blind us. This is the time to claw that back, we need real, honest and inspiring stories that add up. Time for us with these real stories to stand up and be bold - these cock and bull guys have had a field day for far too long. We are emancipators!

5. Working on my Legacy Project

I will be successful in my life if I can identify individuals whom I have saved years of walking in the wilderness from my testimony, trainings and teachings. Mostly the young business leaders with potential to be the captains of industry. Particularly those that have to juggle family and business - I have found that having my wife as the go to person for godly advice is one of the best and most valuable resource God has bestowed upon me.

If I can save someone from loss of opportunity, debt and failure in their family and business life that will be success to me.

I wish I had this opportunity was availed to many of us when starting out - however no better time than now.

For in-depth discussion on Why retail models in Kenya are failing or unsustainable - watch out for the book or critique below.

C. The Long and the Short

So, at the end of it all - if we want to stem mismanagement from our nation and take up our rightful God given role as Emancipators and not mere consumers and victims. We start with the foundation:

1. we start from checking our Bank and mPesa (mobile money) statements for the last 10 years - get bewildered on our priorities.

2. Get an accountability partner

3. Confront and confess the mites that we have enabled to eat our resources (you may need to come clean to your family and God)

4. Get some basic vision and principles right for next 5 years and make particle activities to come out of debt, and grow the resources (time, money, relationships) in glory and honor of He who owns a cattle in a thousand hills and has bequeathed us these resources to steward.

All the best.

This is indeed going to be fun. If you can critique, share your comments or spread the word if convicted. Sharing is caring. Together we can create a movement - of Emancipators.

Just because Status quo is too dated and we can hand over to next generation far much better than we were handed down and currently experience.

Some Definitions:

Whistle blower: is a person who informs on a person or group engaged in an illicit activity. Most often to get the society or organization a picture of when the rain started beating them and the magnitude of the ensuing flood.

Battle Crier: is an individual that makes battle cries or rallying cries to our the enemy, or their position in order to intimidate and expose them as his battalion, is alerted, primed and ready to take over the ground as the enemy retreats or is confused from the exposure and is easily overan.                       

Whistle Crier: When we fuse a Whistleblower and a Battlecrier we get an individual who has been to the front lines, experienced firsthand the enemy's tact, strength and weaknesses as well as his battalions gaps and strengths. This battle hardened individual then raises the alarm in order to create a movement back home of individuals who are fed up of status quo, and have seen how the enemy has over ran them in the past and how exposed they are now for them to join forces and overan the enemy.

May this materiel achieve it's God intended purpose: is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
Ndinawe Johnmark

Pharmacist at EMERGENCY ONG Onlus

5 å¹´

This is invaluable wisdom. I thank God that I have gained this knowledge when I am still a young man. This post is so incredible. Thanks, Dr. Louis somoni Machogu. I must say that you are a great man. I'm inspired.

Dr. Christine Otieno

Leadership | Business Development | Digitally Curious | Supply Chain & Operations Specialist

7 å¹´

Amazing, amazing article. The latter glory will be greater than the former.

David namu

President at Rupcco Pharma Limited

7 å¹´

You've said it all Dr. I am deeply inspired. Talk of shared destiny

Alphonse King'ori

Sales Force Effectiveness| Commercial Excellence| Business analytics

7 å¹´

Hi Dr. Louis. Thanks for these valuable nuggets. I recently found myself at similar cross roads and this is a great insight to me as I embrace God's direction to navigate my way back on the right track.

Steve Musembi

Empathy-Driven UX Researcher | Creating Better Digital Experiences

7 å¹´

Excellent read Dr. Louis Somoni Machogu. If we can purposeful and focused, truly our "Promised Land " is reachable.


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