Our monstrous 138-hour 2019 playlist : ADOBE … Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc IN FRENCH. Unleash your creativity in those softwares!
#tutorial #french #Adobe #InDesign #Photoshop #Illustrator #AdobePhotoshop #AdobeIllustrator #AdobeIndesign #tutos #tutorials #training
Cet article en fran?ais / this article in french : https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/notre-playlist-adobe-monstrueuse-de-138-heures-pour-vous-dambermont/
Cet article en anglais / this article in english : https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/our-monstrous-138-hour-2019-playlist-adobe-photoshop-etc-dambermont/?published=t
Last revised: 2019-March-12
138 hours of Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and InDesign, IN FRENCH. Here is what you need to learn with our learning method based on explicit learning and which also uses the principle of the flipped classroom: learn Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign...
Also available by following this link...
Or this one, easier to remember...
These videos are used by learners during the flipped classroom phases. They give you a taste of the experience of computer graphics taught with what we call "the American method", which in our computer graphics training refers to a type of training with, on the one hand, the principle of accompanied explicit teaching, in learning phases that are totally transparent as to the pedagogical, technical and professional objectives and the paths to achieve them, and, on the other hand, the principle of the flipped classroom with mass audio-visual learning at home as a support: it is a question of giving the learner home support in such a quantity that it clearly exceeds his or her learning abilities. ... This forces the learner to act like a true professional: he cannot do otherwise than to sort through all the resources at his disposal, intelligently, according to his career plan, according to his personal strategy: in other words, he must build his own training.
These home media, in such a quantity that it clearly exceeds the learning capacities of the person being trained, is already what large educational groups are doing: they transmit online the knowledge of experts, in mass, whether it is technical knowledge, knowledge relating to marketing, culture, etc. They do this through video training programs, organized as virtual libraries. One example is LinkedIn Learning, which works in this way. What these large groups do can also complement what is offered in OpenInfographie training, since not all subjects are covered by OpenInfographie, as computer graphics is so vast.
Would you like to follow one or more OpenInfographie courses "in person", in a room with other people?
Our "real" training: it is the explicit accompanied teaching, and the flipped classroom with more than complete videos at home, or in a co-working space. Training courses are being prepared for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands, Morocco, Senegal and Belgium. We are always looking for well-organized training structures with which to collaborate in the long term, which have a pleasant working environment, and which are not aimed at bringing learners into "ClubMed" training courses that drag on and that will not ultimately give them the tools to integrate properly into the working world.
OpenInfographie training courses are far from perfect, they do not cover the whole spectrum of what computer graphics is. Indeed, many professions are labelled under the term "computer graphics designer". However, our training courses have the merit of not considering the learner as a simple source of income that should be spared, from which the reality of the labour market should be hidden, a learner-customer from whom a maximum amount of money should be extracted by being constantly "borderline" as to the most elementary honesty about his real chances of making the dreams come true, his chances of making them come true under normal conditions, that is to say without sacrificing his health and his family life. Transparency regarding jobs and working conditions is essential.
About the author …
Author: Thierry Dambermont ... Print & Interactive Publications, ELearning, Talent Developer, Workplace Efficiency, International Cooperation..: E-Learning product developer with Adobe Captivate and other similar LMS products - Interactive magazine developer-trainer with Adobe and other Digital Publishing solutions - Trainer in Computer Graphics, Corporate Communications & Visual Identities (French/English) - Speaker in color management (with ICC profiles) and digital image processing - Trainer in Computer Graphics & Color Management (Color Management) for the F.S.E. European Social Fund - Specialist in digitisation of studio photos for several advertising agencies and prepress agencies - Specialist in audio-visual learning since 1994 - Designer of an action plan to raise awareness of the benefits of exchanging practices - Creator of a platform to allow exchange in French about the LMS Adobe Captivate - Creator of an experimental design measuring the effectiveness of interactive video interfaces - Pedagogical Coordinator at the HEAJ's Graphic and Computer Techniques Department.
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