Our Mission and a great person
#SayNoToTheHungerVirus, 2021

Our Mission and a great person

With our #SayNoToTheHungerVirus initiative, my co-partner Kyagera and I are fighting hunger in Uganda and supporting children there.

On the one hand, we are concerned with the regular, varied and healthy nutrition of the children - you can find my article about healthy eating and how we make it possible here:

In our eyes, that's not enough!

Children shouldn't live on the street! Many of 'our' children do, however. We want to change that and that's why we started building an orphanage in 2020.

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Many volunteers have supported our project - at their head Kyagera, who, in addition to the construction planning and management, also took on the "rough". Without all of our volunteers, this project would not have been feasible for us. Therefore, at this point, our big thanks to you all!

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Our orphanage is slowly but surely taking shape. The shell is in place. The roof is also almost covered. Our children could even have a meal there together - porridge from Madam Grace!

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Next we have to tackle the interior work, the sanitary facilities .... We need beds for the children and blankets. Plus tables and chairs. We still have a lot of work to do, but we are in good spirits. Also because we have supporters by our side, like #JonathanNajman.

Jonathan is co-founder of #foodhabor. You can find him here on LinkIn. He has started a fundraiser for our initiative. He donates - in addition to money, material resources. He supports us with posters that he puts up in his hometown to draw attention to us. And he just does it because, as he says, he thinks our initiative for the children is great. We think it's great that there are people like Jonathan. Great people!

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If you would like to support us too, please share the link in your network. Any kind of support takes us one step further in completing our first orphanage. More are to follow!

Kyagera and I (Thorsten) send a big THANK YOU to all of our supporters!

#SayNoToTheHungerVirus #SayYesToOurFuture #ChildrenAreOurFuture


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