Our Mind is a pattern-matching machine.
Our Mind is a pattern-matching machine.
It can find patterns when everything is going wrong in life and it can also find patterns when everything in life will go right.
This is the key!
Remember the day when you felt the most productive before hitting the bed, you felt so good that you have accomplished so much in a day, but the next day... back to ordinary days, for many such Productive days are rare, but yet we all have experienced such days.
Remember your most productive days and find patterns,
How to find patterns?
By asking the Right set of Questions, just like police inquire people to find patterns related to incident they want to inquire, e.g.
When you have to find patterns from the most productive days or from most unproductive days, your inquiry questions can start from questions like;
At what time I woke up,
What I did after that,
What kind of work was I doing,
How was the environment and surrounding on that day?
What I did the last night so that I got a super energetic morning for that?
And by asking such questions about those days, your brain will find a pattern from the most productive day of yours.
No more need to rely on youtube videos on How to be more productive, Just you and your experiences, that's why they say the knowledge is already there but just a need of self-effort to uncover that knowledge.
similarly, The most time waste day will also have some patterns,
If you are facing a hard time recalling the patterns of most productive days, Recall the patterns of most Unproductive days(*which happens many times) and just don't repeat those patterns.
Our mind can be the best assistant if we enable it!
What kind of questions does your brain going to ask to find patterns?
P.S. Hope you appreciated this article, see you soon with a new one./\