Our microwaves and our desire to go faster and faster - even and most importantly with food....
Luciana Johnson
Business Development Executive/Detail Process Oriented/Certified Professional Translator & Public Notary/Data Analyst Expert/ Cybersecurity Researcher enthusiast ?????
IF we only knew?? "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates radiation-emitting products such as microwave ovens,?advises against standing directly in front of or up against the oven while it is operating. This will avoid harm from any possible leaks." Huh - Well, the use of microwaves for me was always so counter intuitive, why would we use something that breaks our food molecules so fast, don't cook it evenly and alters profoundly the chemistry of the food we eat? Therefore causing damage to the food itself and to the body and we still consider it as ''food'' and think we would still have the natural and proper nutrition from the original food?
People certainly don't feel the damaging effects of it all overnight, however there is a compound effect due to all of this on the health of human population.
As a jungle girl, who used to run around bare foot at my family's farm and eat real food from the trees we had and from the crops we would plant, and seeing my ''old people'' living up to 78 -90 years old with full mental capacity, walking around health and strong day in and day out; it is so sad nowadays to see how generations are being blind and nutritionally damaged in all ways.
Let's not do that to our kids, they should not pay for our ignorance. And I am not against technology or anything , but a bit of common sense and learning how to understand and read our natural bodies would save us all a lot of headaches later on in life. Live Well, live better, live slooowly :) and enjoy life and health !!
Feel free to check this out if you want more awareness and ways to overcome tis need to go go go faster in life even with your own food: