Your Roles—A Shine Masterclass

Your Roles—A Shine Masterclass

We host monthly Masterclasses for our Alumni, and last month, we explored all the roles we play within our family and company system. There are outer roles like Marketing Manager, CFO, or EA, while at home, you will be the mother, breadwinner, cleaner, bill payer, chauffeur, travel organiser, etc. It is important to understand how many roles you play, especially when your inner saboteur tells you that you are not doing enough.

Inner roles maintain the emotional functioning of your relationship and often have your personal values behind them. Examples are the initiator of change, conflict or sex, devil’s advocate questioning decisions or being the nurturer and caretaker.

In organisations, there are the disturbers who signal a need for change, or the peacemakers who smooth things over when the going gets tough. We tend to take on emotional roles because the dynamic of the team or relationship needs it but if they are not natural to us then they tend to suck the life out of us! Try to list down all the inner roles you play and check if they are serving your purpose.

We also explored our secret roles, the parts of ourselves that we tend to hide: the shy or jealous self, the rebel or diva, the inner child who does not want to grow up, or the sensual goddess who never comes out to play.

?It’s fascinating.

Our monthly Masterclasses are free and open to join, exploring a new area and topic.

Reach out to learn more and to enquire about the schedule.

Anna Baréz-Brown


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