Our lucky stars
I held my breath and my dark eyes widened in a child-like wonder; it was like coming down the stairs on Christmas day and seeing presents stacked in a pile, like going into an ice-cream shop with 100s of flavors. My eyes were peeled to the sky in the only way they knew how; I didn’t want to blink. They tracked a glowing ball of light quickly streaking under the cover of night. It seemed to transform into a shape of its own, crumbling and melting into the dark canvas on which it glided. And then, it was gone. I let out my breath once its last trace had vanished, the image still glowing in my eyes and burned in my mind. It was, without a doubt, the longest shooting star I had ever seen and I had seen quite a few - I always made it a practice to watch the sky until I see one. I wouldn't be satisfied with anything else. My sigh swirled into the chill of the air, like smoke from a cigarette. I shuttered at the nip of the wind, but felt alive wrapped in its freshness. Why didn't I do this every night? I pondered to myself, lost in my thoughts. The night sky was constant, but I didn't take the time to admire its beauty.
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