Our love is worth more than this is
Have you ever bought a home and sold your home of 20+ years? Was the current home one you thought would be your last home? Whether or not you have experienced this, I just have one thing to say: Welcome to my world.
I am working extremely hard to Let go, let God.
In addition to that motto, last night my husband, Bob, and I added this one:
Our love is worth more than this is.
Throughout my professional life I found myself looking for the pony in the pile of s—. Good that I have been practicing this; it’s coming in handy these days.
My new skill is to let go of stuff — since we are downsizing to a place whose size is about half of what we’re currently living in.
Everyone – everyone – has to de-tangle the problems that come up in their swim lane. None of us can, nor should we try to swim in someone else’s swim lane. In fact, if you try to do that, you miss the chance of learning from the other swimmers –their wins and losses.
Remember Michael Phelps, who following the 2012 Olympics, seriously attempted to “throw in the towel”? He famously said,
“I’m done. I’m finished. I’m retired. I’m done. No more.”
Fast forward 4 years. And you know the rest of the story. He is now considered throughout the world as “one of the greatest Olympians of all time.
So what does that have to do with my real story about selling our beloved home and finding something in another city? EVERYTHING.
Every moment of every day should be your best. Tamp down the emotions. Love. Love. Love.