Our Little Mother Nature Has Good News...
Clematis ~ grown and photo by Alison Winslow Downey

Our Little Mother Nature Has Good News...

Felt like I was in the presence of the goddess herself with my 3 year old niece yesterday.?

She was so happy and fun! She even made grocery shopping a joy ride.? And I don’t know about you but I’ve never been so happy to see people’s faces again.? And not wear a suffocating mask ~ we’ve moved from dungeons to Damascus.???

More on that in a little bit.? Other big news...and I’m going to jump around a bit in time. Forgive me, I’m a little ADD and see if you can follow ;)??

Went to the bank yesterday to look into refinancing.? The same sweet lady that authorized my credit card 2 years ago (for way more than I should have been qualified for, although my credit score is very good) was there to help my husband and me.? She was still wearing a mask.???

“We’re vaccinated.” I said smiling to her looking through the plexi glass across the counter.???

She drew down her mask smiling back bashfully then replaced her mask over her nose and mouth.??

Then my husband approached the counter a few seconds after. I race around. He’s much more cautious.???

Earlier that day our 13 year old, savvy, niece? coined my husband and me Yin and Yang out in her grandparent’s garage.????

“You’re so sweet and gentle and he’s so rough and gruff.? Perfect balance.”? She said, eyeing me up tilting her head.? She’s taller than me now.??

“We take turns.”? I told her.? Matching her suspicious, mischievous smirk.??

But she is correct about the initial response to our appearance. ? I was first to reach the bank counter.? And I was greeted warmly.? Then my husband walked up slowly next to me.? The tellers recoiled a little bit.??

“I’m with her.”? my husband said protectively.? My grizzly bear.??

We were there to put our profits from the rental house sale in Montana into a savings account. We’ve been paying 5.5 % on our home in West Hartland, CT and now we have the opportunity to pay 2.375 % for a 15 year fixed rate.??

AND we were able to pay off all the bills yesterday. Covid’s been mean, no doubt but our difficulties were for other reasons.?

?“The insurance company is going to send us hate mail.” Gabe said smoking on the porch with me watching the chickens dig for grubs last night.? We had both quit smoking for 7 years until he broke his leg in 2 places last January.??

“They’re probably used to us paying late by now.? But it’s not like we’re costing them anything except paperwork.” ? I said.??

“I know.” He said laughing.??

~ ~ ~ ~ ~?

It was interesting to learn other takes on the past couple years and the pandemic that started in March while visiting friends in Montana.? That was last week during the house sale and couch surfing. “Let’s see, where am I this morning?” I’d ask myself looking around the living room.????

N.D. said she liked having her kids with her all the time.? They home schooled and traveled in an R.V.?

C.D. had one of her businesses close down but now she and her husband are opening up a new store in Hawaii in a location she likes better!?

J.R. working in the public school system had a harder time.? My mom suggested everyone stay back a year.? Really...what’s the hurry?? I repeated first grade. Mrs. Moore couldn’t get me off the playground the first year round.? I paid attention the second time around.? But the word “all” still bugged me. Should have been spelled “ol” in my opinion.??

~ ~ ~ ~ ~?

Now in the quiet town of West Hartland, CT where I live with my husband, two Greater Swiss Mountain dogs and 4 chickens, nothing really changed during the lockdown. Except the church went to zoom meetings.? Which I didn’t mind because then I felt justified in not listening to a minister that kind of brings me down.? Instead we watched Joel Osteen on T.V. ? I could listen, fry up the bacon and prepare the french toast with fresh eggs from the barn all at the same time.?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~?

In my 48 years and many adventures, strangely I was off the grid from Covid.? Oh it’s starting to rain.??

“The grass is always green here.” My neighbor Ed, says.? And “It’s all God’s Plan.”?

Now it’s starting to pour.? And the chipmunk is hiding under the rose bush.?????

But as I watched the sparrow perch on the fence this morning, winking at me and the hummingbird buzzing overhead. ? The purple clematis in full bloom...creeping like Medusa on the corner of the fence, I prayed and remembered “Where God closes a door, He opens a window.”??

Deprivation breeds appreciation.??


When I was looking after my 3 year old niece in the big orange barn at my in-laws yesterday, she said,?

“Come sit.”? Patting the dark wood bench of the picnic table.? She continued, “Let’s be patient and wait for the people to arrive and have a party.”???

She had her unicorn glitter headband on her darling wild, black, curly crown.???

We were surrounded by the machines, race cars, a trailer that she wanted to lock me in while we played hide and seek.? The dogs kept giving me away.??

So I sat and she painted my nails red.? She even added three red dots to my left pinky finger for added emphasis.??

“I love you! I love you! I love you!” She sang, all puffed up.??

Our little mother nature sporting a sparkly unicorn crown.???





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