Our Life ~ It Is Reflecting Something …
2 Timothy 4:14-15 ~ Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message.?
Abba Father good morning ~ Paul sends out a strong message of extreme urgency. Importance of living alert. Staying connected to the engageable teachings within the living bible. The Lord Our God’s living word is holiness; heavenly truthfulness from Geneses 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Living prepared for everyday life is crucial for our life. Critical throughout this very day. One moment at a time. It will take intentional effort, active participation, disciplined dedication on our behalf; all moment by moment to rebuke satan’s relentless attacks of ungodliness. If the ways of this world brought accusations, mocking’s, twisted-facts, lies, persecution against Our Lord Christ Jesus. Our life can live absolutely-sure. Worldly hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties will actively come into our life as our life lives boldly, courageously, fearlessly firm for the heavenly truthfulness of the life-changing gospel. The way. The life. The promises intimately alive within Our Lord Christ Jesus. The ways of this world will attempt to cause our life to respond in unloving ways; instant-rage, bitter-anger, argumentive-conflict. Causing a separation between our life and intimacy within The Lord Our God. Our Lord Christ Jesus taught our life how to live. Showing the world how it looks. Reminding our life to live everyday living alert. Responding to all of life with engaging agape love, caring compassion, freeing forgiveness. Never forget. Heavenly compassion is the way to a broken heart, a consumed mind, a weary soul. Our actions will have purpose throughout life. Is our life drawing others closer to The Lord Our God. Walking beside them, with amazing encouragement? Remember. It was not easy for Our Lord Christ Jesus to encounter all the worldly mocking’s, persecutions, trials, painful crucifixion, and the suffering cross. It will not be easy for our life to extend this same agape love. This same agape forgiveness. This same agape compassion to this same world as our life lives firmly for the living truth within; Our Savior ~ Our Lord Christ Jesus. The living bible intimately breathes protective promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. Fully engageable undeniable faithfulness from heaven above: living affirmation, comforting compassion, soothing agape love, and amazing life-changing forgiveness; all engageable within The Lord Our God who is actively loving this whole world, All of life. Our life personally, unconditionally, intimately. Everyone has a personal choice, a personal decision, a personal way of life to choose within this very day. Every moment of our life is breathing purpose, sustainable worth, thriving passion. Take some time to reflect. Where is our life spending our time?? How is our life dispensing our energy? What is consuming our resources? If not extremely careful. Cautiously alert. The ways of this world will become Alexander the metalworker doing a great deal of harm to our life. It is critical to be living alert. Willingly reading, holding, embracing the living bible will open our heart, our mind, our soul to realize there is more to this life. Our life will intimately engage within lives of heavenly faith that were living sure of what they hoped for and certain of what they did not see. Lives, families transformed within heavenly faith believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Real lives clinging to the heavenly truthfulness within the living bible, real lives praying continuously, real lives fellowshipping openly. Real lives worshiping within their heart, their mind, their soul knowing the best was actively coming. Our life: our heart, our mind, our soul can intimately taste, personally know, and actively live within the heavenly goodness thriving abundantly within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. All fully-engageable within this very moment. Our life can live purposefully transformed within a renewing, refreshing, redeeming, restorational life of living faith. Heavenly faith knowing the best is actively coming. Our life living alert remembering. Our choices count. Our decisions matter. Our way of life is our choosing. Our life can live following the ways of this world living deceived within satan’s ungodliness; being led away into a life of untruthfulness, hopelessness and consuming darkness. Or our life can willingly live intimately believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Engaging heavenly truthfulness transforming life’s worldly darkness. Heaven above purposefully breathing living hope overcoming worldly hopelessness, agape love embracing worldly rejections, sacrificial forgiveness releasing worldly sinfulness, everlasting life in heaven intimately becoming our livable life. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. My friend choose very wisely. Life is lived at its very best within The Lord Our God’s powerful life-changing undeserved grace intimately breathing everlasting life in heaven. Heaven above engaging within our life’s brokenness through the sacrificial life of Our Lord Christ Jesus. Our life living within the protective guidance within the mightily dwelling Holy Spirit. This my friend is fully engageable. Do-able within boldness, achieve-able within courageousness, livable within fearlessness. Reflect if you must with utmost urgency. This life, it counts. Everlasting life in heaven is actively real, actively alive, actively engaging within our everyday life my friend.?
Father ~ Thank you for loving my life unconditionally, compassionately, faithfully. Always intimately walking by my side. Encouraging my life to live within boldness. Lifting me up to live within courageousness. Believing in my life to live within fearlessness moment by moment. Abba Father ~ Protectively help my life live within boldness, courageousness, fearlessness. Teaching my life how to live purposefully engaging within Your Only Son ~ Our Savior ~ My Best Friend ~ Our Lord Christ Jesus. Showing my life how to live engaging within this amazing free-gift of everlasting life in heaven. This precious treasure for this whole world. This life-changing free-gift of undeserved grace. Leading my life to live within the protective promise of everlasting life in heaven thriving abundantly within you forever and ever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner
Trade Programs Coordinator @ BAT | Builds Relationships
8 个月God is Good!!!
8 个月Hallelujah GOD is forever on the throne. Amen!