Our Invisible Reality
Patty Block
Helping Women Experts Leap into Your Third Act | Building BlockbustHER Businesses | Discover your Exit Readiness Index?: she-exits.com | What Is Next For Your Business?
“There is an invisible world out there, and we are living in it.” – Bill Viola, Contemporary video and installation artist?
The trees are swaying but the bright red cardinals seem content. I can see them nestled in the crook of a tree in the nature preserve behind my home. I feel like the luckiest person on Earth every time I look outside, enjoying a sea of green, yellow and orange leaves in the trees – with that spark of red right in the middle.
I drink in the sights, sounds, and smells of the plants and roaming wildlife. But even with all that richness, I know there are just as many things I can’t sense…
Today’s BlockbustHER BrainteasHER:
Much like our living world, where there’s an entire invisible reality – from bacteria to thoughts – the same is true for our business world. What are the unseen aspects in business that challenge you? Is it keeping a secret, tuning into others, or understanding the nuance of what someone said?
Here’s the Twist . . .
I imagine for that beautiful cardinal, if he can’t see, smell, hear, feel, or taste something, it doesn’t exist. There likely are no secrets or nuances for him.
Meanwhile, humans live in a world filled with mystery and invisible challenges. Those challenges intrigue me and I feel like each one is a unique adventure:
Now What?
Are you stuck in your Second Act?
Have you built a profitable and valuable business but instead of feeling like there's something missing, you’re feeling like there's something more?
If you’ve built an accounting firm, a law firm, a financial services firm, a psychology practice, or a specialty consulting firm that is generating $1 million to $10 million in annual revenue, you are in a prime market.
Larger firms and companies are growing by buying other firms. This has long been the case, but we’re seeing a higher rate than ever.
In a tragic twist, I see too many women who actually lose their company instead of exiting on their own terms. The exit process is filled with pitfalls and complex issues – especially for women.
I’ve built my business as an advocate, and I specialize in helping women founders transition to their Third Act – when you’re ready to do the work you’ve always longed to do.
As your advocate, by definition, I’m looking out for your best interests. I am not taking a brokerage fee, commission, or equity. I am not motivated by how quickly the exit moves or the final dollar amounts. I want what you want – and will help you get it.
In my experience, women don't retire; they transition into a new stage of purpose and impact. Whether you are 40 or 60, the idea of retirement may not appeal to you. Just because you can retire doesn’t mean you’ll want to.
Are you ready to untangle your invisible challenges?
That requires a new way of thinking, new skills, a simple and elegant design, and an advocate by your side. Contact me to learn more.?
How exit-ready are you? Find out at:?https://she-exits.com/
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