Our Hydrogen Ion And Intracellular PH Our Human Quantum Neurodynamics Our PH Buffers And Disease Our Thermodynamic Energy In A Octahedron

Our Hydrogen Ion And Intracellular PH Our Human Quantum Neurodynamics Our PH Buffers And Disease Our Thermodynamic Energy In A Octahedron

Our H+ Is Our Hydrogen Ion, As For, Our Human Membrane Bound "Enzyme", Which, Occurs On Our Secretory Surfaces Of Our Parietal Cells, In Our Human Stomach, As For, Energy That Is Derived From The Hydrolysis Of Our ATP That "Drives" Our Exchange Of Ions Across Our Cell's Membrane That Secretes "Acid" Into Our Gastric Lumen. Our Hydrogen Ion, H+, Is Found In "Aqueous Solutions" Of All Acids. Our H+ Is Our Hydron, As Our, Cationic Form Of Atomic Hydrogen, As For, Our Hydrogen Has One Electron Orbiting A Nucleus Of One Single "Proton", As For, Gathering Mass, Pressure and Heat, It Becomes A Star, As For, Heavier Elements Form As Hydrogen Atoms That Fuse Deep in Their Cores. Our Hydrogen Ion Is Our Nucleus Of A Hydrogen Atom That Is Separated From It's Electron, As For, This Hydrogen Ion Nucleus Can "Connect" To Our Electrons, Atoms And Our Molecules, As For, In Our "Space", Hydrogen Is 1 Atom Per Cubic Centimeter In The Space Between The Spiral Arms Of Stars, As For, 1000 Atoms Per Cubic Centimeters Is Near Our Galactic Core. H+ Is Formed When Acid Is Present In Water, H30+, As Our, H+ Ions Form, As Bonding With H20 Molecules In A Solution To Form Hydronium Ions, As For, Hydrogen Ions Do Not Exist In Aqueous Solutions, Which, Take Their Form, As, Hydronium Ions H30+. Our Hydrogen Is Our Simplest Molecular Ion, As For, This Ion Is Formed By Ionizing H2 Molecules Through "Electron Blasting". There Is A Hydrogen Ion Connection In Cancer Angiogenesis, As For, Our Hydrogen Ion Dynamics Of Our H+ Ion Transport And Our Intracellular "PH", As For, Our Connection To Our Tumor Cells, Schematics Of Our Cancer Cells, As Our, Electrified Molecules That Involve Our Human Body "Potential Of Hydrogen Regulation", As For, Our Human Distribution Of Our "H+ Ion Fluxes". Our H+, Is Our Cationic Form Of Atomic Hydrogen, As Our, "Proton", As Our Cation Of Protium, As Our, Isotope Of Hydrogen, As For, Our Cation H+ Of Our Acids That Consists Of A Hydrogen Atom Whose Electron Has Been Transferred To The Anion Of The Acid, As Our, Hydrogen Activity Of Our "Effective Concentration" Of Hydrogen Ions In Our Solution, As For, Our Human PH, Which, Includes "Thermodynamic Factors", Which, Effect Our PH. There Are Transient Receptor "Cation" Channel Subfamily V (TRPV) That Can Be Overly Expressed In Breast Cancer. Cations Turn Into Free Radicals In Our Body, Which, Oxidize Cells Throughout Our Entire Human System, Which, They Damage Healthy Cells And Increase "Acidity" In Our Human Blood, As For, When Our Cells Are Oxidized, Lactic Acid Levels Rise Excessively And Intensely, As For, Determined, Cancer. Our Cancers Have Specific "Vibrations" And Work With Our Human Body Energy System. Cancer Is A Stagnant Or Blocked Energy. In Cancer, Migration And Adhesion Involves "Repeating", As In, Patterns Of Continuous Modulation Of Our Cell Motility, Shape And Volume, In Which, Ion Channels And Pumps Play Major Roles, As For, Certain Channels May Be Involved In Aberrant Tumor Growth. Ion Channels Control PH Balance. Our Ion Channels Are Found Within Our Cell Membranes, As For, These Are Made Of Crystalline Proteins. There Is Regulation Of Iron Storage In Cancer, As For, Our Cells Including Cancer Cells Store Excess Intracellular Iron In Ferritin, As For, When Needed To Participate In Radical Generating Reactions. Ferritin Is A 24-Subunit "Crystalline" Protein That Can Store Up To 4500 Iron Atoms In A Ferrihydrite Mineral Core. Ferrihydrite Is Our Widespread Hydrous Ferric Oxyhydr"Oxide" (Crystalline) Mineral At Our Earth's Surface, As For, Ferrihydrite Is Unstable In A Ferric Oxyhydroxide Crystalline Structure, As For, There Is Transformation Of Two- Line Ferrihydrite To Goethite And Hematite, As A, Function Of "PH And Temperature". Goethite Is An Iron Bearing Hydroxide (Crystalline) Found In Our Soil. The Ability Of H+ - Ions To Change The Ionization State Of Our Crystalline Proteins Underlies Our PH Sensitivity Of Our Cellular Behavior, As For, Cancer Formation And Mestastasis. Our Abnormal Cell Metabolism Allows Cancer Cells To Produce More Acid, As For, Affecting Our Extracellular PH. Crystalline Salt Contains "H+". In Our Water Molecule, There Are 10 Protons And 10 Electrons, As For, 8 From An Oxygen Atom And 1 From Each Of Two Hydrogen Atoms, As For, Our Water Molecule Is Neutral. Our Parietal Cells, In Our Stomach, Are Our Epithelial Cells That Secrete Hydrochloric Acid And Intrinsic Factor, As Our, "Glycoprotein", Crystallin, As For, These Cells Are Located In Our Gastric Glands In The Lining Of Our Fundus In The "Cardia" Of Our Connection Of Our Esophagus And Our Human Stomach. In Our Human Stomach, Hydrochloric Acid Dissolves Metals And Forms Oxidized Metal Chlorides And Hydrogen Gas, As For Reacts With Calcium Carbonate Forming Dissolved Chlorides, As For, Sodium Chloride Has A Crystal Structure, As Our, Faced Centered Cubic Lattice. Our Sodium Chloride Is Our Salt, As Our, Vital Compound That Facilitates Our Absorption And Transport Of Our Nutrients, Maintains Our Blood Pressure And Our Fluid Balance. Chloride Is Found In Our Blood Plasma, As For, It Is An Anion In Our Extracellular Fluid, As To, Enter Into Our Cells To Interact With Our Potassium. 98% Of Our Body's Potassium Is In Our Cells. There Are 19 Electrons In Orbitals Around Our Nucleus Of Our Potassium Atom. Agents Known Or Believed To Be Carcinogenic Decrease The Concentration Of Potassium And Increase The Concentration Of Sodium In Cells. Potassium That Is Released From Dead Tumor Cells "Inhibits" Our Immune Activity, As For, Potassium Inside Tumors, As For, Autoantibodies Cause Autoimmune Destruction Of Our Stomachs Parietal Cells, As For, "Atrophic Gastritis". Our Stomach Digests Food, As For, Our Gastric Acid, Which, Is Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Chloride And Potassium Chloride, As For, Our PH Value. Our PH Of 1 Is Highly Toxic To Our Blood And Tissues, As For Diabetes And Cancer. Our PH Governs Our Protein Crystallization Process, As For, This Effects Our Conformation Activity, "Electrostatic Interactions" And Our Solubility Of Our Proteins In Our Solution, As For, Our Human Potential Of Hydrogen Is Our Determination Of Our Crystalline Proteins. Our Transporter Proteins Are Sensitive To Our PH. There Is The Ability Of H+ Ions To Change The Ionization State Of Proteins, As For, There Is PH Sensitivity Of Our Human Cellular Behavior, As, Our Human Sensitivity Of Our Proteins To Our Potential Of Hydrogen Has Extreme Bearing On Our Cells, As For, Crystalline Proteins Act As Our "Buffer" As Their Function Changes If Their Ionized State Is "Altered" By The Binding Or Release Of "H+" Ions. In Diabetic Ketoacidosis, There Is Yielding Of Hydrogen Ions, As For, "Metabolic Acidosis", As, Blood Gas Reveals Reduced PH With Reduced Biocarbonate Concentrations, Which, Is Salt Of The Biocarbonate Ion, As Our, Sodium Bicarbonate, Baking Soda. Our Crystal Structure Of Sodium Bicarbonate Is "Octahedrons", As For, Crystalline Substances Assume Different Shapes, As Our, Different Crystal Faces, As, Their Surfaces, As Our, Structured Vital Human Body Minerals. Our Human Body And It's Dis-eases Is Our Connection Of Oscillating Solid And Liquid Crystals That Form Our Human Energy Pattern, As For, Our Cells Need Energy, As For, Blocked Energy, As Our, Cancers And Diseases Lead To Our Cell's Death, As For, Our Organs And Energy Systems, As For, Our "Bioenergy" Creates And Sustains Life. Our Nanoparticles Have Faces Of Crystal Cubo-Octahedron, As For, Different Crystal Faces Will Be More Or Less "Stable", Which, Depends On Their "Surface Bonding". Thermodynamically, Our Crystals, Unless There Is Enough Thermal Energy In A System To Measure Up A Kinetic Barrier, It Is Likely That The Process With The Lower Kinetic Barrier, As Lower Activation Will Dominate. In Our Higher Brain Potentiality, Is Our Thermodynamic Stability Of Our Chemical System, As For, There Are 100,000 Chemical Reactions Occurring In Our Brain Every Second, As Our, Electrical Wave Signals, As For, Our Chemical Thermodynamic Equilibrium, In Which, Our Glutamate Activates Our Neuronal Excitation, As Our, Metabolic Precursor Of Our Neurotransmitter GABA, Enzyme Glutamate Decarboxylase, As For, Our Supra Granular Layers And Networks Form Between Our Cortical Sites, As Our, Higher Cognitive Functions Are Established By Our Linking Of Our Motor, Sensory And All Other Associated Areas, As For, Receiving Sensory Inputs From Our High Order Sensory Systems, As For, In Our Supra Granular Layer Thickness Our DNA Controls The Timing Of Our Cortical Structure, As Our, Combination Of Coding Cells, As Our, Neural Binding That Involves Our Complex Coordination Of Diverse Neural Circuits, As For, Our Human Quantum-Neurodynamics. Thank-you.


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