Our Holy Master Prophet Muhammad (May peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) Part VIII
Prof. Sharif Khan
RETIRED Professor of Zoology Talimul Islam College, Rabwah, Pakistan
Tablīgh - spreading the Message
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) never let go any occasion to spread the message of Islām, in and outside of Makkah. He was never disgusted and disheartened by antagonistic reaction of his audiences; nothing deterred him from his duty. Nature took its own course, when one from a tribe accepted Prophet’s call, he would further spread the message. So message percolated far and wide, from heart to heart, wining over conversions. Conversion of Abū Dharr Ghifārī (razi Allah an’hu) triggered his tribe to convert. Muslims migrants to Abyssinia, won conversions there, while Abū Mūsā Ash‘arī carried Islām to far away Yemen in the south.
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) turned his attention to the tribes in the surroundings of Makkah, especially during ?ajj days. He was usually accompanied by Abū Bakr, ‘Alī or Zaid Bin ?ārith. Equally determined were the Quraishites to carry on their mission of hate and mischief. Abū Lahab and Abū Jahl, would follow Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) when he would go to preach, they tried to disrupt meetings by making noise saying, “Do not listen to this man, he has turned away from religion of his forefathers, now he wants to change yours.” When listeners would see that Prophet’s own relatives oppose him, they would often refuse to hear him.
An interesting episode depicts the fear, desperation and restlessness of Quraishites against spread of Islam. Once ?ufail Bin ‘Amr, honored chieftain of tribe Daus, a renowned poet, visited Makkah. Qureshites feared he might fell prey to Islam because of his tenderness of heart. They warned him from the imminent danger, saying, “A miscreant has created commotion and split in Makkah. Had separated son from father, brother from brother, and wife from husband. We fear, because of your literary taste, you may fall in his trap enchanted by his beautiful language, do not listen to him.” It frightened ?ufail because of horrible picture painted. He plugged his ears with cotton, lest he may hear enchanter’s voice and is traped.
Early in the morning, ?ufail went in Ka‘ba, asked people about Mu?ammad (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam), somebody pointed to the Prophet who was praying in a corner. He stood at a distance observing him, liked his changing postures; went slowly closer, though his ears were plugged, still he could hear what Prophet was reciting. He cursed “May my mother loose me, I am sane man, capable of distinguishing right from wrong. There is no harm if I hear what he is saying.” He pulled out the plugs and sat to hear what Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was reciting.
When Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) had finished praying, he followed him at a safe distanced. Picking up courage, in the way, he requested Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) to recite more from what he was reciting in his Prayer. Prophet recited more verses and preached him about oneness of Allāh. ?ufail was impressed, and instantaneously converted to Islām.
While leaving for home, ?ufail told the prophet “O messenger of Allāh! I enjoy high place in my tribe, people eagerly listen to me. Pray for their guidance to Islām through me.” Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prayed for him and allowed him to leave.
Back home, his father and wife, were converted; however, his tribe flatly refused and started opposing him. ?ufail in next visit told Holy Prophet: “O Messenger of Allāh! My tribe has opposed me; their opposition is increasing day by day. Curse them.” Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) raised his hands and prayed, “O my Allāh! Guide people of Daus,” advised him “Go to your tribe and continue preaching softly and compassionately.” Later at the time of Battle of Khaiber, the whole Daus tribe was converted and immigrated to Medina. Renowned companion Abū Huraira was from the tribe.
On a tabligue mission, Prophet visited tribe Banū ‘āmir Bin ?a‘?a‘ah, told them about oneness of Allāh, inviting them to Islam. Buhairah Bin Firās, from the tribe later told his tribe, “By Allāh, if this man comes under my control, I can win over whole of the Arabia.” He asked Holy Prophet, “If you overpower your opponents with our help, will there be a part for us in your kingdom or not?”
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) replied, “Kingdom is in Allāh’s hand, He gives it to whom He pleases.”
Buhairah Bin Firās: “How strange, we fight Arabs, and kingdom falls in others’ hand! Go away, we don’t need you.” Such disheartening remarks would not deter Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) from his mission. Holy Prophet did his best to convey the message, did everything in his power to win over, but all was negated.
How strange, nobody was prepared to listen to the man; whose believers when were given worldly kingdoms, on mere mentioning of their names, would shudder the strongest of them. Strange are the ways of Allāh Almighty!
Tabligue continued even when Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was besieged in the valley. In the beginning tabligue was concentrated particularly to Quraish, later other tribes were included. ?ajj days provided special opportunity for propagation of the message. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) would visit places around Makkah, where pilgrims stayed, like ‘Ukā?, Majannah and Dhul-Majār. He would go from tent to tent introducing Islām to the occupants.
Mission to ?ā’if
3 NB 619 AD
?ā’if, a renowned city of the size of Makkah, at about 40 miles in the southeast, was strong hold of Banū Thaqīf tribe, blood relations of Quraishites, however oases between Makkah and ?ā’if were owned by Makkahn chieftains.
The passing of Holy Prophet’s loving wife and supportive uncle Abu Talib was depressing after release from Sheib a Abitalib. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) accompanied by Zaid Bin ?ārith visited ?ā’if on a Tablīgh mission; stayed there for ten days, meeting prominent people. They invariably negated Prophet’s message, rather jeered and threw stones at him. The head of the tribe Principal person of the city, ‘Abd Yālīl, flatly refused to listen to prophet, mockingly remarked, “if you are true, I have no courage to talk to you, and if you are a liar, then there is no use to talk to you.”
Fearing lest youth of the city are impressed by Prophet warned him, “It will be better that you leave from here as soon as possible, since nobody is prepared to listen to you.” He instigated street urchins, who followed Holy Prophet, for about three miles out of the city, taunting, jeering and pelting stones at him. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) bled all over. Whenever Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) rested, the volley of stones would intensify. About three miles from the city, there was a grove belonging to two Makkahn chieftains ‘Utbah and Shaibah. By that time the cruel street urchins were tired, had turned back. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) rested under a tree, and prayed,
“O my Allāh! I complain only to thee of weakness of my strength, weakness of my decision, and powerlessness to defend myself against people. O my Allāh! You are most compassionate, protector of week and helpless, you are my sustainer, I pray to thee to take me under your protection. You are remover of darkness from hearts, and reward with good in this world and hereafter.”
As soon Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) finished praying, the angle of mountains appeared and asked, “Allāh the Almighty has sent me. If you wish, I may move the hills at the sides of ?ā’if and crush its inhabitants in between.”
Holy Prophet: “No, no, don’t do this. I hope Allāh will create out of them the people who will worship one Allāh.”
At that time ‘Utbah and Shaibah were in the grove, witnessing the plight of Holy Prophet. Under family bonds and other considerations, they sent their Christian slave ‘Addās with some grapes arranged in a tray.
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) accepted the gift and asked ‘Addās, “From where you are, what is your religion?”
‘Addās: “I am from Nineveh, am Christian.”
Holy Prophet: “That Nineveh where Allāh’s righteous man Yūnus Bin Matta (Jonah) lived?”
‘Addās: “Yes, but how come you know about Jonah?”
Holy Prophet: “He was my brother; he was apostle of Allāh, as I am.”
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) introduced Islām to him he was impressed he could not control, he went forward to kiss Holy Prophet’s hands. ‘Utbah and Shaibah were making note of the actions of their slave. When ‘Addās returned, they asked him: “What happened to you that you went to kiss hands of that man. Be warned, he will destroy your religion, despite your religion is better than his.”
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) rested there for some time; left for Nakhlah, a town close to Makkah; stayed there for few days, then he reached ?irā hill. Mu?‘im Bin ‘Adi, though a staunch nonbeliever, was noble at heart; took his sons and relatives in arm stayed near Ka‘ba, sent words to Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) to enter the city. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) entered the city, went round the Ka‘ba and was escorted by Mu?‘im Bin ‘Adi to his home.
Ist Night journey Mi‘rāj—glad tidings for the future
27 Rajab 2 NB 8 March 620 AD 27 Rajab 2 BH 8 March 620 AD
The year of grief and the ill treatment at ?ā’if, was depressing and agonizing for Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and Muslims. In these agonizing circumstances there was no comfort and support from Khadījah and Abū ?ālib, however Allāh Almighty spiritually consoled and supported him.
One evening Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was praying in Ka’ba for easing of the situation; at midnight he felt tired, laid down to rest.
He was in a specific state of mind, between sleep and awakening (his eyes were closed, but was conscious), he saw angle Gabriel arriving, he lifted him carried him to the Zamzam fountain; he cut opened his chest, took out heart, washed it with crystal clear water from the fountain; filled the chest with belief and wisdom from a plate before closing it back. Then Gabriel ascended in the sky taking Holy Prophet with him. In the way Holy Prophet met several past prophets: Adam, Jesus, John, Joseph, Aaron, Moses, and Abraham. They exchanged greetings with him, until Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) ascended to a point in heaven where no human had ever treaded before. The Prophet was in the very presence of Allāh, the Almighty! Prophet received great tidings of future victories, and five daily Prayers were ordained.
The vision supported Holy Prophet encouraging and comforted him. The vision is known as Mi‘rāj (ascendence in heaven) is described in the Holy Qur’ān:
[53:9] “Then the Prophet drew near to Allāh; then Allāh leaned down towards him.
[53:10] So that He became, as it were, one chord to two bows, or closer still.
[53:11] Then Allāh revealed to His servant that which He revealed.
[53:12] The heart of the Prophet lied not in seeing what he saw?
[53:13] Will you, then, dispute with him about what he saw?
[53:14] And, certainly, he saw him a second time;
[53:15] Near the farthest lote tree;
[53:16] Near which is the Garden of Eternal abode.
[53:17] This was when that, which covers, covered the lote-tree.
[53:18] The eye deviated not, nor did it wander.
[53:19] Surely, he saw the greatest of the Signs of his Lord.”
Second night journey Isrā’
11th NB 8 September 626 AD
In the 11th year of prophethood before migration to Medina, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was sleeping during night in his cousin Ummi Hānī’s (rz) home. He was taken on a spiritual journey “Isra” from Ka‘ba to Aq?ā mosque in Jerusalem. There he met past prophets, led them in prayer. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) received tidings of great future victories. He was in back in Ka‘ba, when he woke up. The vision is mentioned in Holy Qur’ān as follow:
[17:2] “Glory be to Him Who carried His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Distant Mosque, the environs of which We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our Signs. Surely, He alone is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”
While journey to Aq?ā mosque gave great tidings of future victories, his followers will overpower anti-Islāmic forces in Makkah and around.
When Makkahns came to know about this miraculous journey, they never believed, even some Muslims were shaken in their faith, since they could not understand how prophet cound have travelled to Jerusalem and returned to Makkah within one night. However, true believers like Abū Bakr (razi Allah an’hu) were strengthened in their belief, didn’t even flinched in belief of truth of the journeys, so Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) gave him the title “a?-?iddīq” (the truthful one).
Migrations - Islam in Africa
(Rajab 5th nabvi)
In Prophet’s time, there were three empires around Arabia: Sassanid Iranian Empire in the east, Byzantine Roman Empire in the northwest, and African Abyssinian Empire in the southwest. Sassanids were fire-worshippers, Romans were idol-worshipers while Abyssinians were mostly Christian.
As prosecution intensified, Holy Prophet, pointed to southwest, advising Muslims to migrate to ?abshah (Abyssinian) saying, “Ruler of ?abshah, Najāshi, is a kind and just ruler, nobody is persecuted in his kingdom for his religion” . First batch of eleven men and four women prepared to migrate to ?abshah, keeping their preparations secret, mostly done in the darkness of night.
As soon the party reached coastal port Sha‘ībah, on the Red Sea, luckily a ship was ready to leave for ?abshah. When Quraishites learnt of their flight, they sent a party to bring them back. When pursuers reached the coast, the emigrants had long embarked.
The emigrants heaved a sigh of relief when they reached safe haven in ?abshah. However, news of their peaceful life put the Quraishites on hot plate, they could not digest it. An envoy consisting ‘Amr Bin Al-‘ās and ‘Abdullāh Bin Rabī‘ah was sent in Najāshī’s court to seek extradition of the migrants. They carried valuable gifts for the king and courtiers. Courtiers wee bribed with gifts to have early audience with the king.
‘Amr Bin Al-‘ās presented his case: “O King, may you live long! A band of fugatives from Makkah has taken refuge in your peaceful country. They left religion of their ancestor by inventing a new religion of their own, which is against our and your beliefs. Have created restlessness in our country. They now have escaped into your country to create disturbance. We request you to banish them, and hand them over to us so that we may punish them.”
Bribed courtiers readily approved Quraishite’s claim. However, Najāshī, a noble and sagacious ruler, sensed enmity; replied, “The people from your land are under my protection, I cannot decide until I hear them.”
Muslim immigrants were summoned in the court.
Najāshī: “What is the matter between you and the Quraishites? Tell me what new religion you have invented?”
Ja‘far Bin Abī ?ālib spoke: “O King! We were ignorant people. We worshiped idols, ate from dead animals. Our actions were infamous and bad. We had no respect for the rights of relatives and neighbors. We we were quarrel mongers, looking for mischief; never helped poor and orphans, rather exploited them, eating from their belongings as if were our. We were in pitiable condition morally as well as civilly, until Allāh took mercy on us, sent His messenger, whom from beginning of his life we knew as noble, trustworthy and honest. He taught us to worship one God, abstain from idol worship, speak truth, be honest and pay respect to relatives and neighbors. He forbade us to commit adultery, doing and thinking evil, telling lie, eating from wealth of orphans, snatching belongings of others. He forbade us from unlawful killings. He taught us to worship one God, pay dues to his creation. We followed him, believed in his words. Despite these good changes in our character and deeds, our peoples turned against us. They put us in great hardships, killed and tortured us to prevent from professing our religion. At last we are compelled to leave our country, take shelter under you. O King! We expect that we will not be persecuted in your reign and territory, and you will deal us with justice.”
Impressed by the discourse, King Najāshī: “Well, read to me the message which is revealed to you.”
Ja‘far recited melodiously following verses from Chapter Al-Maryam:
[19:1] “In the name of Allāh, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[19:2] Kāf Hā Yā ‘Ain ?ād.
[19:3] This is an account of the mercy of thy Lord shown to His servant Zachariah,
[19:4] When he called upon his Lord in a low voice.
[19:5] He said, ‘My Lord, my bones have indeed become feeble and my head is all aflame with hoariness but never, my Lord, have I been unblessed in my prayer to Thee;
[19:6] ‘And I fear my relations after me, and my wife is barren. So grant me from Thyself a successor,
[19:7] ‘To be my heir and the heir of the blessings of the House of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, well-pleasing to Thee.’
[19:8] Allāh said, ‘O Zachariah, We give thee glad tidings of a son whose name shall be Yahya. We have not called any one before him by that name.’
[19:9] He said, ‘My Lord, how shall I have a son when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme limit of old age?’
[19:10] The angel bearing the revelation said, ‘So shall it be.’ But thy Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, and indeed I created thee before, when thou wast nothing.’”
As Ja‘far was reciting, tears flooded Najāshī’s eyes, he remained bowed in reverence.
Regaining composure declared chokingly, “By Allāh, these verses and verses from our lord Jesus, appear to stem from a common source of light.”
He returned the presents and told Quraishite envoy, “Go away. I shall not send these people with you.”
Cunning Quraishite envoys were not to be disappointed so easily. In the evening, they collided with court priests. Next morning ‘Amr again got access in the court and tried to touch Najāshī’s faith, “Sire, do you know what they believe about Prophet Jesus?”
The king sent for Muslims, it naturally worried them; perhaps ‘Amr may succeed this time, since Muslims do not believe Jesus to be the son of God.
Najāshī: “What is your belief about Lord Jesus?”
Ja‘far: “O King! We believe Jesus a man, not son of Allāh, but a divine prophet, born by Allāh’s words revealed to Maryam.”
King bent down, picked a piece of straw. Showing it to the courtiers declared: “By Allāh, what you have said about Lord Jesus, I do not consider him greater than this piece of straw from it.” Court priests protested against king’s remarks, King ignored them; Quraishite envoy left empty handed in dismay.
Notorious Quraishite have constantly been hatching and concocting false rumors to put Muslims in trouble. They floated yet another nastiest of their rumors that Prophet had patched differences with Quraishites, therefore, it is no longer needed for the immigrants to stay in ?abshah, far away from their motherland. Some immigrants fell in the trap, headed home. However, in the way came to know Quraishite trick, few turned back, while others secretly entered Makkah in the darkness of night in protection of relatives. Muslims continued migrating to Habsha, where they numbered above hundred, including eighteen women.
Of them few returned to Makkah before Prophet migrated to Yathrib; while almost all, when Muslims wee returning after the fall of Khaibar.
Abū Bakr (razi Allah an’hu)’s plight
Abū Bakr, a noble hearted man, tired of Quraishite’s day-to-day intrigues, decided to migrate somewhere he could worship his Allāh freely. He left Makkah, traveled southward; in the way met Ibn Al-Daghinah, chieftain of tribe Qārah:
Ibn Al-Daghinah: “Abū Bakr! Where are you heading to?”
Abū Bakr: “My people do not allow me to practice my religion freely, I have decided to go somewhere in the vast world, where I can worship my Sustainer freely.”
Ibn Al-Daghinah: “Man like you should not leave Makkah, nor people should banish him… Come, turn back in my protection, and practice your religion as you like. Ibn Al-Daghinah chastised Quraishites saying, “You are banishing a person like Abū Bakr of noble qualities from your city!”
Abū Bakr (razi Allah an’hu) built a small mosque in the courtyard of his house, where he would pray and recite Holy Qur’ān loudly. Since he was very soft hearted, tears would flow from his eyes, as he would recite. Women and children in the neighborhood stood impressed hearing the recitation, soon it was the talk of the town, Qureshites could not bear it, and asked Ibn Al-Daghinah to prevent Abū Bakr from reciting in loud voice. Abū Bakr refused to discontinue his norm, and told Ibn Al-Daghinah if he fears pull himself out of his protection. After that Quraishites unleashed every kind of hardships on Abū Bakr (razi Allah an’hu) but he stood firmly as a solid rock.
Abū Bakr (razi Allah an’hu) sought permission of migration, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) advised him to wait, till Allāh permits.
Flood-gates are opened
Islām spreads in the north
If one chooses to remain in darkness in bright daylight, he may do so by shutting his eyes; but cannot command light to stop lighting the world around. It exactly was the case with Quraishites, rays of Islām flooded Makkah and its surroundings, but the so-called elders chose to remain in darkness. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and Muslims prayed and supplicated to hasten promised victory of Islām:
[110:3] “And thou seest men entering the religion of Allāh in troops.”
As time passed signs appeared at the horizon that victory of Islām was drawing nearer.
Historic background of Yathrib
Before we march further with Islām, let us look in the north of Makkah. The first main landmark, that comes in our view is the oasis city of Yathrib (24.28? N, 39.36? E), in west of ?ijāz, in western Saudi Arabia.
Originally, the Yathrib was inhabited by three Jewish tribes, Banū Qainuqa‘, Banū Qurai?ah and Banū Na?īr. Later Arab tribes Banū Aus and Banū Khazraj emigrated from Yemen. The immigrants served Jews for some time, later revolted and became independent, eventually snatched control of the city. Later, due to Jew’s intrigues Banū Aus and Banū Khazraj turned hostile to each other, fought a long war extended over 120 years. Banū Na?īr and Banū Qurai?ah sided with Aus, while Banū Qainuqa‘ with Khazraj. This bloodiest long war is known as Battle of Bu‘āth, ended inconclusively since no able bodied person was left on both sides! Abdullāh Ibn Ubayy Salūl, a Khazraj chief, refused to take part in the battle, it earned him reputation of equity and peacefulness, consequently started eyeing kingship of Yathrib.
The Jews were superior in knowledge and wealth, which impressed Arabs; so much so that an issueless Arab would pledge to give his first born to Jews. Aus and Khazraj got some knowledge of Jewish revealed books. They knew that Jews were waiting for a prophet. Often they would boast, “It is the time of the promised prophet. As soon he comes, we will join him to destroy idol worshippers, and drive them out of Makkah. The promised prophet would establish a large kingdom, and we will become stronger by believing in him.”
A window in the north
During pilgrim days, in the 11th year of prophet hood, while Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) on tablique mission, was going around the camps of pilgrims. At ‘Aqabah hill, some distance from Makkah, he met a group of six men from Banū Khazraj from Yathrib. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) asked them, “Can you please give me some time to talk to you?”
Men from Yathrib: “Yes, yes. What do you want to say?”
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) sat among them and conveyed message of Islām, recited verses from Holy Qur’ān, invited them to join him.
They consulted each other, “He is likely to be the same prophet, whom Jews are waiting for. It is a good chance for us; we must hurry to accept him, lest Jews take advantage.” They learnt more about Islām from Prophet and readily converted to Islām. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) gave them text of the Holy Qur’ān so far revealed. Before leaving for home, they told Holy Prophet, “Our intertribal quarrels have weakened us. Enmities have separated us from each other. We will spread message of Islām in Yathrib as soon we get there. Perhaps Islām may act as binding force to join us together.”
Back home, they preached Islām, because of their efforts, soon Islām was the talk of the town.
The author wishes to acknowledge that he has taken basic ideas for the present work from the books, Life of Muhammad, and Hamāra āqā.
Ahmad, Mirza Bashir, 1996. Seerat Khatamannabiyyeen. Islam International Pub. Ltd.
Islamabad, Tilford, U.K.
Ahmad, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud, 1998 ed. Life of Muhammad. Islam International
Publications Ltd. Tilford, Surray, UK.
Khan, Muhammad Sharif, 2006. Our Master Prophet (saw)
2006. Part I. Al Nahal, 17 (3):8-38.
2007. Part II 18 (1-2): 1-47.
2010. Part III A Issue 1: 18-25.
Part III B Issue 2: 14-41.
Skeikh, Muhammad Ismael Pani Patti. Hamāra āqā. Nazarat Isha‘at, Sadar Anjuman
Ahmadiyya, Rabwah, Pakistan.
6 年MAshaAllah ! Your beautifully put together article touched my humble soul. MAy Allah bless you for this sincere portrayal of the early days of ISLAM and the Divine blessings of Allah upon our Lord and Master Hazrat Muhammad ( saw )!!????????????