Our Holy Master Prophet Muhammad (May peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) PART XVII
Prof. Sharif Khan
RETIRED Professor of Zoology Talimul Islam College, Rabwah, Pakistan
7th year of Hijra
Tabligue beyond Arabian borders
Now that issues with Qureshite were almost settled, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) engaged himself to his real duty ordained by Allāh Almighty, as messenger of peace and tranquility for the world:
[21:108] “And We have not sent thee but as a mercy for all peoples.”
Prophet’s message bore glad tidings and hope for distressed and hopeless humanity:
[34:29] “And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of glad tidings and a Warner for all mankind, but most men know not.”
Now Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) engaged himself in calling people of all nations around to their Creator and Sustainer:
[7:159] “Say, 'O mankind, truly I am a Messenger to you all from Allāh to Whom belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and He causes death. So believe in Allāh and His Messenger, the Ummi Prophet, who believes in Allāh and His words; and follow him that you may be rightly guided.'”
By seventh year of Hijra, Islam had been introduced throughout Arabian Peninsula, now it was ripe time that it spills around to non Arab Governors, Emperors and Kings to invite them to taste the bless.
Preparation of invitation letters
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) decided to write invitation letters to heads of states around Arabia to Islam. Under the advise of companions acquainted with the norms and customs observed in different courts, a silver seal was made with engravings: “Allāh” at top line , “Rasul” in middle, “Muhammad” in third lower most line.
Ali Ibn Abdul Mutlib was the principal scriber of these letters; others sharing this honor were: `Uthman ibn `Affan, `Amr ibn Al-`As, Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, Shurahbil ibn Hasanah, `Abdullah ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh, Al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, Ma'adh ibn Jabal, Zayd ibn Thabit, Hanzalah ibn Al-Rabi`, Ubay ibn Ka'b, Juhaym ibn Al-Salt, and Husayn Al-Numayri."
The contents of the first batch of six letters were almost the same. Following is the English rendering of the text of one addressed to Heraclius, the Roman Emperor:
“In the name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
This letter is from Muhammad the slave of Allāh and his Apostle to Heraclius, the ruler of the Byzantines.
Peace be upon him who follows the right path. Furthermore, I invite you to Islam and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allāh will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation to Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your subjects, I communicate to you Allāh's statement:
“O People of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allāh and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allāh. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims.”
The letters were entrusted to prominent Companions, acquainted with the norms of respective courts:
Names of envoys
To whom addressed
Dihyah ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi (ra)
Heraclius: Emperor of Byzantines Roman Empire
'Abdullah bin Hudhafah (ra)
Chosroes II: Emperor of Persian Empire
'Amr bin Umayyah (ra)
Negus: Emperor of Abyssinia
Hatib' bin Abi Baitah (ra)
Macaques: Ruler of Egypt
Shuja bin Wahab al-Asadi (ra)
Harith Bin Abi Shmir: Governor of Ghassan
Sleet Bin Omro Qarshi
Hauza Bin Ali: Ruler of Yamamah
Of the recipients, those who used their own honest judgment, responded according to the status of the writer. While under influenced of Qureshite and Jewish propaganda, behaved nastily, disregarding the status of the sender.
Heraclius: Received Prophet’s envoy with due respect. When an interpreter read the letter to him, he inquired if there was any caravan from Arabia in the town, since he wanted more information regarding the sender. By chance Abū Sufyan with his caravan was in the town.
He came in the court, was interrogated by Heraclius, which is recorded in history as follows:
Heraclius: “What is the status of the family of this man in your nation?”
Abū Sufyan: “He belongs to a high status respected noble family.”
Heraclius: “Does anybody from his family have ever claimed like him before?”
Abū Sufyan: “No.”
Heraclius: “Did you ever catch him telling a lie?”
Abū Sufyan: “No.”
Heraclius: “Were his forefather’s kings?”
Abū Sufyan: “No.”
Heraclius: “Who are believer in him, men of high status or poor and weak?”
Abū Sufyan: “Poor and weak people.”
Heraclius: “His believers are increasing or decreasing?”
Abū Sufyan: “Increasing.”
Heraclius: “Did any of his followers ever left him saying his religion bad?”
Abū Sufyan: “No.”
Heraclius: “Did he ever break his promise?”
Abū Sufyan: “No, however, currently we are having a treaty with him. That so far is holding
good; we do not know about future.”
Heraclius: “Did you ever have a war with him?”
Abū Sufyan: “Yes.”
Heraclius: “How it resulted?”
Abū Sufyan: “Wars are like buckets on a water wheal, victory and defeat alternated between us?”
Heraclius: “What does he teaches?”
Abū Sufyan: “He teaches to worship one God; forbids worshiping others beside Him. He teaches
to pray, give alms to poor and abstain from bad things, fulfill promises. He
forbids cheating in our trusts.”
From Abū’s statements Heraclius concluded: “It appears to me, the claim of this man being a Prophet is true. However, I was half expecting him to appear in our time, and I never expected him to be an Arab. If what he says is correct, then his kingdom one day will spread over our lands.”
Chosroes: The Magianin (fire-worshipper) Persia king, under the influence of anti Muslim propaganda, was infuriated when the contents of Prophet’s letter was read to him. He tore Prophet’s letter saying, “How dare my slave to write to me in such tone!” He turned away the Muslim envoy insolently.
When Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) knew of his insolence, declared: “So shall Allāh shatter his kingdom to pieces.”
Infuriated Chosroes wrote to order Badhan (his governor in Yemen): “Arrest the Arabian prophet, and send him to Ctesiphon, immediately.” Badhan deputed two men to communicate king’s orders to the prophet. They insisted Holy Prophet to accompany them immediately; threatening, otherwise Chosroes would destroy Arabia along with its inhabitants. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) told the envoys to wait until next morning. Next morning Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) called them to tell: “Go and tell your master (the governor), that my Allāh Almighty has killed his god (Chosroes) last night.”
On communication of Holy Prophet’s reply, the governor declared: “If it happens as this man says, then he surely is a prophet of God.”
In few days, the governor received a message from Persia bearing a new seal. It was from new Emperor Shareware saying: “To preserve integrity of country, I have killed my father, his atrocities and wrong doings were disrupting unity of the country. Take oath of allegiance from the people of your country on my name. My father’s orders regarding Arab man are cancelled.”
On receipt of this message, governor Badhan readily converted to Islam.
Macaques: Christian governor of Egypt, received the letter with all due respects. He had short discussion with Muslim envoy carrying it, Hatib' bin Abi Baitah. Declared: “I gather, this Prophet does not teach anything evil, nor forbids from anything good, nor he is a sorcerer or soothsayer. His prophecies have come true.”
He sent for an ivory box, Holy Prophet’s letter safely in it. He ascribed a courteous response to Prophet’s invitatation, expressing highest regards for him (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam). He sent gifts for Holy Prophet, including two girls from a respected family, some clothes and a mule.
Negus: Christian Abyssinian king showed great respect to Prophet’s messenger, held Holy Prophet’s letter to his eyes. Descending from thrown declared: “I bear witness that Muhammad is Allāh’s Messenger.” He secured the letter in an ivory box saying, “I firmly believe that Abyssinians will be blessed until this letter remains preserved in my house.” What he said proved true for over a thousand years, the kingdom of Negus remained inviolate, while all other kingdoms around, were dismembered in due course of time.
Al Mundhir Taimi: chief of Bahrain received Prophet’s letter with reverence. He felt honored; he and several of his courtiers were converted to Islam. He wrote to Prophet requesting for his prayers and guidance how to treat non-Muslims in his jurisdiction. The Prophet wrote back to advise him:
· Arrange to teach Muslims in the ways and practices of Islam.
· Give equal rights to your subjects; protect their lives and property without distinction.
· Do not allow your subjects to have more than four wives.
· Take tax from Jews and Magians (fire worshippers), do not make any other demand from them.
· Give four dirham, and cloths to wear regularly per month to poor who does not have means to sustain them.
Harith Bin Abi Shamir: Roman Governor of Ghassan (Syria) was discourteous to Prophet’s envoy. He insolently threw away Prophet’s letter saying: “Who has the power to snatch my country from me? I myself will fight this claimer of prophet hood.” He ordered his army to prepare to invade Medina. When Heraclius came to know of his intentions, he was advised to calm down.
Hauza Bin Ali: ruler of Yamamah, was insolent and haughty person. He mocked Muslim envoy, demanded his share from the kingdom of the Holy Prophet. When Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) knews of his remarks, said, “Messenger ship is from Allāh, it cannot be shared or divided. If he asks it from me, I am not at all prepared to give him even a single unripe date.”
When Hauza died Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) remarked: “Shortly after my demise, a false prophet will arise from Yamamah. He will soon be killed.” According to Prophet’s prediction, Musalmah kazzab proclaimed himself a prophet, and was killed during Abū Bakr’s (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu) khalafat.
In addition several invitagtions letters were sent to rulers and chieftains of smaller domains at different times. Except few, most of them were converted to Islam.
Ghuzwa Khaibar
(Muharram-Safar 7 H; August 628 A.D).
Apparent Qureshite problem settled by the Hudaibia Accord, now Muslims were no longer prepared to tolerate any source of threat to peace and tranquility around Medina anymore. With settlement of notorious intrigue monger Jewish tribes Banu Nadir and Qurayza in Khaibar (about 95 miles from Medina off to Syria), Khaibar played hub for intrigues and troubles in the region. Despite repeated warnings and punishment by Muslims, they continued in haughtiness and defiance. Now the time was ripe for the Muslims to destroy the troble spot once for all.
Salam Bin Al-Haqiq, head of Jews in Khaibar, had continuously been planning and sponsoring uprisings in the surroundings of Medina to tease Muslims. To bridle him, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) designated a brave Ansari Abdullah Bin Atteeq, who killed him; the move deterred to scattere away the force he had been gathering. He was succeeded by Aseer Bin Zaram, equally trouble monger person, who started for a big war, the scattered forces gathered under his command. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) invited him for negotiations, on his way to Medina he was killed in a skirmish. The incident added fuel to the hate fire Jews were already fanning.
From ancient times Khaibar had been Jews stronghold, they had built complex tiers of small and large forts within main Khaibar fort. Within it were eight smaller forts; within eight there were several smaller ones and so on; some were built at cliffs. The Jews population is accordingly divided!
In actuality these forts were store houses of food, water, stockpiles of wealth, different types of war gear: bows, arrows, spears, swords, helmets and coats of arm etc. Huge special machines “majneek,” (catapult-like machines to hurl large pieces of rocks, hot iron pieces and fire-balls at the enemy from inside forts; “Dabbaba,” tent-like iron sheet combinations, protected under which fighter could advance against arrows and spears (a prototype of armored tank!)
These enormous stockpiles made Jews confident of their invincibility adding to their insolence and haughtiness, challenging Muslims to teach them a lesson in combat. Moreover, their army counted over 10,000 strong, was under command of a famous fighter Marhab, considered equal to 1000 men in strength!
Abdullah Bin Abi Sallul, the hypocrate in Medina, Jew’s spy (within Muslim ranks) was in constant contact with them communicating every bit of information regarding preparations in Medina. In the wake of his reports Jews vigilantly reviewed their defenses and their army started exercising.
Holy Prophet embarks for Khaibar
With an army of 1,400, and 200 cavelery, Holy Prophet, instead of travelling by the beaten tract, took unfamiliar torturous road circumvalate Khaibar, emerging beyond Khaibar blocking link road between Khabair and Syria, so that Jews may not escape. When Ghatfan Jew’s allies came to help they turned back finding Muslim blockade.
Reaching in the outskirts of Khaibar, camping site was selected.
Individual forts in Khaibar complex presented successive resistence pockets, Muslims were obliged to fight one by one to conquer one by one.
Fort Na’ am
It was the strongest fort, because of its strategic position, was first in line of defence. It was also the headquarter of Jew’s commamder in chielf Marhab.
When forces faced each other, Marhab changelled for fight. From Muslim side Aamar (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu) accepted, who was martyred. Then Ali Bin Abi Talib accepted his chanllenge, and slew him, his brother Yasar was killed by Zubair (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu).
In general fight broke, several known Jews fell, frustrated Jew slipped in next Fort Sa’ab, and Muslims occupied the fort Na’am.
Fort Sa’ab
Second strong fort, Habab Bin Manzar Ansari lead Muslim attacked. After three days seig it fell to Muslims. Large quantities of stored food, stock piles of fighting gear, majneeqs and Dobabas, were taken care of. Jews slipped into Fort Zubair and fortified.
Fort Zubair
It was comparatively safe fort, built at hill top, a torturous difficult passage led to it. Muslims laid seige for three days, since there was no storage of water, people in dead of the night would descend to carry water up in the fort. Knowing this Muslims controlled water sources, forcing the Jews to came out. There was intense fight, with large causaulties on both sides, the fort fell to Muslims.
Fort Abi
Jews fortified, after challenge fights, before Jews could fortified themselves, Muslims entered the fort. There was tough fight, during in the fort, Jews started slipping into the next fort.
Fort Nazar
This fort was also known for its formidability, located at hill top, Jews were confident that Muslims will not be able to over run it, so they had kept their women and children in its safety. It was the last fort in the front line of Jew’s defences.
Jews put up strong resistence. The fight was mostly fought by pelting stones and arrows. Untill Muslims succeded to break an opening in the rampart by using the Majneeq. Jews gradually slipped away, leaving their women and children at the mercy of Muslims
Fort Salam
Jews from all fallen forts gathered in this fort, it belonged to Abu A-Haqiq of Banu Nazir tribe. The fugatives thoroughly fortified themselves. Muslim laid siege, which was prolonged to 14 days, until Muslims brought Magneeqs, seeing magneeques, they sensed immediate danger, were forced to come at negotiations table.
Peace accord
1. All Jews fighters in the fort were pardoned.
2. All women and childrens pardoned, none will be enslaved.
3. All Jew belongings (orchards, lands, gold, silver, horses, cattle, and fighting gear was confiscated.
4. The jews will be banished from Kaibar.
5. Since Muslims lacked manpower, Jews were allowed to utilize the land at paymen of half of its yeiled to Muslims.
6. The fifth part of the agreement is not permanent, when ever Muslims wanted Jews will be banished from Khaibar.
Causalties: (Table 1). Muslims 17, Jews 93.
Question of settlement with rest of Jews in Arabia
Jews of Fidak: It was a Jew settlement close to Khaibar, after the fall of Khaibar, the Jews sent their representative to meet Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam), to sign a peace treaty. Holy Prophet accepted their conditions, allowing them to live under Muslim controle, paying tax.
Jews of Valley of Al-Qur’a
On the return passage from Khaibar, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) headed for Jew’s stronghold at Wadi Al-Qur’a and some Atab tribes. They started raining arrows at Muslims. Muslims to combat them arranged their lines, in duel fight, Zubair (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu) killed successively two Jew opponents. While other was disposed off by Ali (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu), in this way 11 Jews were killed in sucession. Next day Jews surrounded, Muslims stayed in the valley for two days, Jew’s belongings were confiscated, however, their fields and date plam groves were left with them conditionally that they will share half of the proceeds with Muslims.
Jews of Taema
Jews of Taema took lesson from what happened in Khaibar, Fadak, and Al-Qra Valley, sent their representative to submit to Muslims. The were entertained and permitted to live in Taema, cultivate and harvest under Muslim rule, sharing half of the produce with Muslims.
An overview of Muslim’s stratigy to deal with Jews
In addition to Khaibar Fort (main jews stronghold), there were several smaller Jew settlements in the Arabian Penninsula. For several years Jews had playing in the hands of Qureshites to disrupt peace in Medina. Muslims were keeping a close watch on geo-political changes occurring in the Penninsula. Hudabia Accord settled the Qureshite question, however, question of Jews needed to be redressed, the sooner the best; Muslims knew only a desisive war could settle the problem, and now it was the ripe time.
The Muslim’s stratigy was to keep secret the movements of the forces, to capture the enemy in surprise. Jews, according to their intelligence reports knew Muslims were going to attack Khaibar, they were expecting them to take straight beaten tract. While Muslims knowing Ghaftans would rush to help Jews; to avoid fight at two fronts, they took torturous difficult route that emerged at Khaibar-Syria route, blocked Ghatfans, who rushed back to safety. Muslim’s move demoralized Jews as well as Ghaftans, who were now left to fight Muslims without each other’s help.
To tackle Jews problem Muslims devised stratigy according to the position and importance of the forts in Khaibar complex. So that Jew’s strength which was about thrice the size of Muslims, was scattered. Thus forts fell one after another, with minimum effort and loss of life on Muslim side.
Before reaching Khaibar Muslims cleared smaller ressistence pockets falling in the way. For several days Muslims laid saige of Khaibar. Until Ali Ibn Abū Talib (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu) was designated by Holy Prophet to lead the attack; that day the main fort fell by the evening. Jews in the fort were at the mercy of Muslims. Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) overlooking their excesses agreed to have a peace deal with them. Main points of the agreement were:
i. Jew with their families would move somewhere else far away from Medina.
ii. They will leave their properties and belongings behind.
iii. Whosoever hide whereabouts of a property, site of storage of food and wealth, and make wrong statement, will pay the penalty by his life.
Attempt on the life of Prophet
How wrathfull was Jewish mind-set towards Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam), is depicted by their several attempts to assassinate him; once they schemed to crush him under a heavy stone, while he was visiting Khaibar fort some times ago. With the fall of Khaibar Jew’s were desperate, now their womens took over.
After Khaibar agreement had been signed, a cunning Jewish woman Zaynab bint al-Harith, the wife of Salam b. Mishkam came. She pretended to congratulate companions at their victory. She meekly expressed desire to feast the Prophet, and asked from what part of lamb’s body Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) relishes. She was told, from lamb’s fore limb. Soon after, she came with a tray of roasted meat. By chance at that moment Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was entering into his tent, returing from evening prayer. He found the women standing at the door, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) asked “Is there anything that I can do for you, woman?” she replied meekly “Yes, yes, Abū’l Qasim, you can accept a present from me.” The Prophet told a Companion to take whatever she had brought.
When Prophet and the Companions sat for the meal, the tray of roasted meat was laid before them. Holy Prophet and a companion Bishr Ibn Al-Bara (ra?iyallāhu ‘anhu) took a morsel from it. As other companions stretched their hands to partake from it, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stopped them saying: “I think the meat is poisoned.” Soon Bishr’s condition grew serious and he succumbed to the deadly poison.
Prophet sent for the women and asked her: “Did you poison the meat?”
Women: “How you ever knew.”
Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) held a piece of the roast and said: “The taste told me.”
The women: “Yes, I poisoned it.”
Holy Prophet: “What made you to do so?”
The woman: “My nation is at war with you, several of my relatives have been killed, I decided to poison you, believing if you were an imposter you will be killed, our problems will be solved. If you are true Prophet, Allāh will save you.”
Holy Prophet forgave her; despite she was liable to receive death penalty, because of killing an innocent person and cheating.
Embarking for Umra
(Dhi Qa'd; February, 629 A.D.)
Exactly after a year of signing of Hudabia Pact, Holy Prophet (?allallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam) embarked for Umra in the company of 2,000 Companions. Before entering Makkah, arms were deposited in a safe custody, only sheathed swords were carried.
Entring Makkah was an occasion of happiness. Muslims, were returning in their beloved city, after seven long years. Everybody rushed to worship in Ka’ba. Their sobs and prayers hummed the atmosphere in the streets of Makkah, as they walked chanting prayers, thanking Allāh Almighty for fulfilling His promise. Roof tops and every precipitous place, was covered with over looking wonder stricken Makkahns: men, women and children. Two thousand Muslims in white Ihrams, moved about in the city with dignity and honor, was a strange sight for the on loockers.
Every Muslim chanted verses from Holy Quran, thanking Allah Almighty:
[17:81] “And say, 'O my Lord, make my entry a good entry and make me go forth a good going forth. And grant me from thyself a helping power.'”
During three days of stay, several Makkahns joined Islam, prominent of them were Khalid Bin Waleed (a general, who shook very foundation of Roman Empire), and Aamar bin Al-As (the conqueror of Egypt).
Ahmad, Mirza Bashir, 1996. Seerat Khatamannabiyyeen. Islam International Pub. Ltd.
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Ahmad, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud, 1998 ed. Life of Muhammad. Islam International
Publications Ltd. Tilford, Surray, UK.
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Skeikh, Muhammad Ismael Pani Patti. Hamāra āqā. Nazarat Isha‘at, Sadar Anjuman
Ahmadiyya, Rabwah, Pakistan.