HUMAN SOUL – Designed and Empowered to Fulfill the Divine Creative Purpose (revised)?2024[mty]
"OUR YOUTH: Truly Are Our Future" - Mark Young

HUMAN SOUL – Designed and Empowered to Fulfill the Divine Creative Purpose (revised)?2024[mty]

AUTHOR: MARK YOUNG ?markyoung; revised 2024[mty]

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TRANSFORMATIVE #transformativeeffort

TransformativeLifeModeling UniqueSpiritualCore #TLMUSCDesign humandesign transformativelens #transformativechange transformativechangeeffort humanspirit EvaluativeChoices humanpurpose humandesign humancreativeforce commonhumanpurpose humangenerativeforce DivineCreativeForce spirituality criticalchoices howwechoose utilizeallwearegifted success humanspirit DivineSpirit humannature humanasperations createvalue makeadifference

(Please forward, post, share, and link this article if you believe it can be helpful to others in some meaningful way. Mark Young, author, and fellow traveler among all human beings, each uniquely gifted to achieve their highest expectations.)

Perhaps, the highest of human expectations can be achieved by simply respecting the shared nature of all humanity. For the soul of humanity and its greatest desires are contained within the combined nature of all human beings and holds the voice of all human expectations.

******** MAIN ARTICLE********

Achieving our highest expectations requires demands, cherishing the very existence of everyone and everything.

In doing this, the ‘why’ is revealed, of ‘how’ (our best-laid plans) will utilize the ‘what’ of our lives (all that has been gifted to each of us) to achieve the best of all our human endeavors. This would be true of all human choices and actions; and, therefore, contains the seed of the very best of humanity's accomplishments.

Cherishing our common human existence enables everyone to express the diverse nature of our humanity and bring the very best of each person's individual and commonly purposed realities into the world; each person, group, and organization to express their unique take.

(Link to some thoughts on "IS IT TRUE? We Always Make the "BEST" Choice Possible! ?2024[mty ")

‘Telling’, when viewed as the ordering, commanding, or demanding something of another, self-defining what is the ‘innate’ value of another, and when expressed as a key means to control, and influence the behavior or perceived value of another, is a ‘tell’ in itself.

The ‘tell’ is a lack of recognition of the common yet unique nature of another human being. The ‘tell’ is in the disregard of an innate unearned right of our common human existence, basic mutual respect for and dignifying the innate value of another fellow human being.

However, this ‘tell’ is an anti-right, going against the basic innate human right to be respected and dignified; grounded in the very nature of our common humanity.

For this ‘tell’ speaks against the element at the very essence of it;

...the common, basic, unearned ‘right’, as a fellow member of the human race, to be respected and dignified by every other human being.

And yet, at the same time, it is also true, that this ‘right’ contains a seed that exists within every aspect of our common human nature. It is the ability to freely choose to discount and limit the personal innate value contained within our ‘right’ to self-respectindividually or collectivelyinone human being to another.

By our innate human abilities to freely choose and our individually unique intellect, we each can personally self-define and self-select how and when we will use this power; this ability to discriminate and to act as instruments of bigotry in any way, shape, or form that we choose.

We have the innate ‘right’ to choose, utilizing this self defining aspect of our humanity, for good or ill.

In other words, this seed, the innate human ability to freely choose, can warp any agenda and discount another human being, or, expand our world and the great value we perceive and experience within it.

This seed is planted deep within every human being, issuing from our shared human characteristics of free will and intellect. It exists as an innate part of who we all have been created to be; the only beings with free will and the intellect to determine how best to use it.

These two basic uniquely human endowments of free will and intellect empower each of us with a capability that exists only within our own mind’s eye.

This capability enables each of us to utterly disempower or empower, by self-chosen agenda, the innate commonly held human rights of any other person or group of people.

We do this by freely choosing to disregard or view them as part of our human family. This can only result from a personally chosen perspective; one that issues directly from the human innate freedom to choose, always subject to the tandem ability of the human intellect.

Whether self-defined individually or as a commonly purposed group of people, it is our human intellect that is capable of self-justifying the how and why of our choices. Our choices then will drive and direct the use of what has been uniquely gifted to each of us.


How we choose to live out our lives is imminently fateful.

Every human being has this same capability.

Free will and the human intellect are solely human characteristics and what literally makes us equal in our common rights as human beings, in every way.

This capability requires a personal choice. An enactment of our free will before it can ever have the capacity to debase or enhance the commonly held, shared nature of our own or any other person's humanity.

The outcomes of these choices and their consequences rely strictly upon whom we choose to see as worthy, or not, of equal treatment under our personal value system; that which we have chosen to define those whom we will fit within our personally established world of human criteria.

This is how we are able to self-select / self-define who we are capable of viewing as equally deserving, or not, of our basic common ‘right’ to innate unearned human respect and dignity, one to another.

All is directly dependent upon whom we choose to include, or not, in this self-defined world of what makes a person human.

When we choose which lens we will uselimiting or enhancingby personal choice of any person or group from within our ‘mind view’ of who ‘qualifies’ as human, we can immediately limit or celebrate our concept of whom we owe the same respect and common decency as we deem ourselves to be worthy; that is if a person or group meets our self-selected criteria of whom or what is part of, a member of, our commonly shared humanity.

To make our ‘best’ decisions possible, it is critical to recognize, and be aware of, the responsibility that comes directly from accepting the full reality of our free will and intellect.

When we deselect certain segments of our human family as not worthy and unequal, we self-define another by limiting the value of another, when determining who is worthy of our respect, one human being to another.


This is how we can shape and cull the very criteria by which we will hold ourselves accountable to these self-defined perspectives; when viewed as meeting our personally defined profile of acceptability; those whom we choose to see as worthy, or not, of our responsibility to treat, gift, endow upon another our personal best.

Our capacity to selectively choose enables any person to pick and choose those who are viewed as worthy and those believed to have the ‘right’ to deny them their humanity and all that goes with it.

We are all created able to design our own set of criteria by which we gauge another to be human, by the very same traits as any otherfree will and intellect.

The ‘right’ to freely relate to others as equals or personal targets is a solely human characteristic. We can define who are treated as fellow human beings, respecting and dignifying this status in our eyes or spewing our venom of self-righteous bigotry, racism, or any other dehumanizing self-determined attitudes or behaviors.

This is how we can justify those who are valued and those who will receive less-than-human judgments and actions.


We are made capable of this justifying ability by simply including or choosing to ignore a person's or group's "membership" in some self-defined version of what it is to be a valued human being.

How we self-define whom we choose to include, allowin us to dismiss whomever we wish as worthy of a personally endowed common human respect and dignity


Yet there is an additional threat to our society as a whole when we self-define and dismiss the value of another.

Our very personal, freely chosen, attitudes and perspectives can spread a cancer.

A cancer of self-defined prejudices that influence the creative process of a collective social structure. A self-identified collective that can begin to see itself as one with an "inalienable right" to declare "personal or selected group perspectives as the only right or valued ones"; a collective capable of influencing a world view, among all people, a distorted view.

A view of personal responsibilityindividually and collectivelyonly to one's own. A responsibility able to morph into a collective self-view absolved of any responsibility for actions taken when viewing an external group of others as less than human, unworthy, and without equal rights.

This self-determined "right" to self-select / self-define, further encourages others to create their world definition of what is human and what is not.

In essence, every individual or group of human beings holds some responsibility for fostering, building upon, and spreading a very real capacity to self-righteously act in any racist, bigoted, or dehumanizing way they want.

However, when human beings allow themselves to accept, remain true to, and uphold this commonly held, innate, basic human rightmutual respect and dignity for one anotherit becomes a clarifying power capable of contrasting itself with all other self-selected views.

This unique means of contrasting the true nature of humanity can only be accomplished by consistently living out, in myriad ways, the contrasting mirror of humanity's common, innate, basic, human right to mutual respect and dignity.

The very nature of upholding this contrasting mirror exposes the devaluing nature of all other self-selected, self-defined views of what it is to be human.

This power to contrast establishes a clear basis for exposing the untoward impact of all other individual or collective "mind-eye views"attempting to redefine the innate value of a specific subset of humanity.

This expository clarifying power is made possible when comparing one person's or group's distorted views. Views that can inflict upon others all manner of distorted and perverse[1] versions of the commonly held innate nature of all humanity.

This sole contrasting power—the capability of upholding the basic human right to respect, and dignityis the only power able to:

inoculate the intrinsic value of every human being against any destructive outcomes that may come from the exercise of free will and intellectthe very nature of our common humanity.

False distorted views of what it is to be human only become visible when able to expose this distorted dehumanization of other human beings; those who have been targeted by a self-determined definition of humanity.

Every distorted view carries with it an exclusively unique false sense of insulation; its own falsely exempting inoculation from the consequences of any actions aligned with that specific distorted view.

This basic human right of respect and dignity, one human being to another, commands the recognition and acceptance of the same for all humanity.

Modeling this basic common human right accordingly is what holds the universal perverse tendencies of human nature in check, for the good of all.


Respect is what enables us all to hold before us the value that has been created uniquely within every human being.

The forced attempt at controlling another by self-selecting a personal definition of what it is to be human is innately contradictory to what we cherish within the very innate nature of our humanity; what we expect to be held up to ourselves by every other human being.

The effect of this forced attempt at controlling others is as if the desires of another's or collective's self-determining intellect and freedom of will do not matter, and have no meaning or value in common with anyone else or thing.

This ptelling", perverse nature within us, exists by personal choice. And it only tends to shut down rather than celebrate what is uniquely different about any given human individual or group.

When this shutting down results in a self-selected distorted view of the innate value of others, it minimizes the perception of others and any resultant value, blessings, and creative outcomes that could have been otherwise.


Since only human beings have the intrinsic abilities of free will and the intellect to guide our choices, then all beings with these innate capabilities must be considered human in common with all others.

These are defining qualities that set humankind apart from all of creation. They exist within every human being, held innately within each person’s individuality, the infinitely unique combinations of human qualities.

They cannot be discounted or minimized in any way.

This is how we must view others as innately human or not.

There are no other qualities that are required.

When we infringe on another and their right to freely exercise their choices according to a given person's intellect, we are responsible to and must be held accountable for any personal actions that may impact them, no matter their outcomes, whether blessings or all manner of destructive forces.

We cannot randomly choose to discount or limit in any way another person who is endowed with the freedom to choose according to the intellect with which they also have been endowed.

This is the ultimate test upon which our humanity rests.

This determination of our humanity can be perceived without regard to a s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l nature. These are concrete, undeniable elements of our human nature. They require no belief system or faith in a God that cannot be seen or proven to exist, whether viewed as endowed by a Creator or otherwise.

The freedom to choose and the human intellect are qualities that only require human observation to detect and validate the humanity of another (litmus test).

These two innate qualities of our commonly held human nature, are outwardly visible, and observable by all.

A humanly designed method to recognize the humanity of another is not required. This innate part of who we are as individual members of the human family is shared, in common, with all humanity.

These two qualitiescreated within every human beinghave been freely given, unearned.

Therefore, any personal self-selected, self-defined valuation of another human being is not a valid means to qualify one person's treatment of another. We all have this innately equally endowed "right" within our common universal existence.

Any self-selected, self-defined valuation of another human being, not sufficient to treat another as less than, unequal to, or without the common human right to mutual respect and dignity.


When relating to our common existencehuman and all elseit is important to recognize opportunities that do not force another.

Instead, what has been hard-won learning by our own life experiencesour personal life storiesmust be celebrated to protect, guide, model, and incite the true valued nature of all else.

In other words, sharing our personal life stories must be equally honored and respected as those of all others. Our common humanity demands it of one another as an

Every human being, without exception, is Divinely endowed with free will and the intellect to determine how best to use it.

The true power of our experiences can only be fully celebrated when the power, meaning, and value within another person's story is also viewed as important, and respected, as we do our own.

It is every person's sense of what is "right" and "just" that sets our judgment of others' perspectives—when compared to our own—as to what may be "right" and "just".

In reality, no human being has a perfect handle on what may be "right" and "just".

Over time, every human social structure has constructed—each to their design—the means to judge others within their structure and those outside of theirs. Each sees others' criteria as more or less "right" and "just" compared to their own.

It is this reality of imperfection that makes it so important that we carry it with us in our attempts to judge others' stories; when hearing, sharing, learning, teaching, acting upon, and healing the impact of not only living them out but also how we utilize them in our judgment of self and the world.

DIVERSITY - an absolute pillar within the structural nature of all creation

Diversity could be viewed as one of the pillars that is part of the structural nature of all creation.

Diversity provides an opportunity to celebrate the unique nature within ourselves, others, and the world around usall of creation.

We can only revel in the beauty of each other's diverse nature when we can celebrate the Divine providential [2] individuality of allthat which is innately unique within every person and all else.

To succeed in achieving our highest expectations, takes patience, respect, empathy, and a desire to help others achieve their successesall that is contained within the uniquely designed nature of every individual human being and expressed through our personal stories.


Life is difficult to be sure. All are less than perfect.

But how we choose to be in association with others, of our own free will, either aligns us to achieve our “best” or inhibits our opportunities for mutual success.

This freedom to choose is key to our capacity for shaping our relationships with one another, within our common humanity, and all of creation.

Our “best” can only be achieved by exercising our equally endowed, innate freedom to choose.

These basic human characteristics have been gifted to all of humanity; permitting us to recognize and value our personly owned gifts, the gifts of others, and ultimately the One Who has gifted them; always in a healthy healing relationship with others along the way.

Our ‘best’ requires dignifying what is ‘best’ within the whole human family. What is ‘demanded’, no, ‘commanded’ of us, one human being to another, is to be respected by all others as an equally shared, basic human right.

For it is not a one-way street.


The current state of each human being is fragile, at best, within this temporal world existence. It can be so easily minimized, if not destroyed, within this shared, yet commonly experienced, time-limited world.

Power must yield to empowerment; viewing ourselves as greater than another must yield to seeking the beauty in one another, and dignifying the commonly shared nature of free will and intellect.
This is how we all have been created to uniquely express the qualities that bridge our divides.


We all express the nature of the One Who is greater than any of us. Only out of our arrogance do we reject this Divine aspect, our very source, essence; endowed equally and commonly as innate to our human nature.

All is not well within this limited temporal world, our commonly experienced reality. It is imperfect when viewed together with our ‘original’, all-powerful, unlimited state of existence; in the very beginning, the original state of all things and beings, the beginning of all creation.

This incomparable difference between the original infinite and the current time-bound nature exposes a recognition of a common, yet limited, current nature and state of human existence. This temporal world's existence continually contrasts the original state of whom we each have been and continue to be, always and forever continuously endowed.

When the power of our commonly held human existencethough currently profoundly limitedis used wisely and with respect toward one another, there exists a hope of turning this world into one in which all can live and learn, and grow by freely chosen, mutually discerned, appreciated, and commonly respected expectations one to another.

Just in case this is seen as, "pie in the sky", it is important to remember that this is what all of us wish to be cherished about ourselves, in common with each other, and what is expected by others from every other individual human being.

There is a long way to go in achieving this.

And it will certainly not be achieved by disregarding all that has been equally and uniquely, gifted to all.

For it is through our shared nature that we are fully empowered to demand the innate respect held within our common humanity.
And, in doing this, we allow our shared humanity to achieve its greatest expectations.
To accept our shared nature is to recognize and accept our right to common human respect and dignity toward one another, always an expected outcome of mutual inheritance.


Any other respect that we seekwithin this temporal world existencemust be earned by life choices toward one's self, one another, and all creation.

However, if we do not respect the nature of all humanity and the rights innate within, whatever choices we make will not align with the ir expected “best” outcomes of any given set of circumstances.

This is the way of the Love within which all humanity and creation exists, and from which all things have been created. This is true of all creation; even that which is not created human; yet, nevertheless, is also created of the same essence and due the same innate respect.

There are always choices.


the quality of the choices that are made within the lifetime of every human being is fateful and carries great weight in consequence.

Our individual choices and their ultimate consequences are left to those who follow whatever legacy we each leave behind, that speak to and deliver up the world in which we all inherit one from another.

This combined innately inherited responsibility is rooted within the very structure of all creation.

The association among every being or thing is a basic pillar within this structure. The innate structural essence of our relational existence is commonly a built-in part of all beings and things;

...the interdependent association of all to all else.
The highest expectations of humanity cannot be won by disregarding the sanctity held deeply within every person and thing.

The ‘why’ of every choice, of every human being that has ever existed, has everything to do with the ‘how’ that has directed the course of human existence.

—[Additional thoughts on the significance of the whys of our lives can be accessed HERE : "Our Destiny Is Powerfully Influenced by the Why of What We Choose" 2024[mty]

In turn, the courses we have set within each current moment determine the power to ‘best’ utilize, within each human life, all that we have been gifted.

The "why" of every choice drives how we use what we have been gifted, and the how by which we will live out our existence.

These choices ultimately influence the outcomes charting the course we all will continue to travel, in our best use of all that we have and will be gifted.

When the innate respect that is due one human being to another is not respected to its full value by another person or self-selected group and is made in willful disregard to the sanctity of all that exists...
...the greatest expectations of what could have been, fail for all, one fateful choice at a time.


[1]: (Google Dictionary) adjective: perverse - (of a person or their actions) showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often despite the consequences. e.g., "Kate's perverse decision not to cooperate"; "he is being deliberately perverse" (which goes directly to personal choice).

[2]: (Google Dictionary) noun: providence; the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power. "they found their trust in divine providence to be a source of comfort"



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Sapphire ?? Eagle? ??

Scalability & Elasticity: High Performance Lead Auditor

2 年

“Tell,” the preamble that you have shared of your interpretation is very compelling. the definition, the description, the reveal, revelation and uncovering of such a baseline proposition… An illuminating article that travels across so many pathways of the human condition. Mark Young your capability is panoramic; if you can see so many directional flows that one can choose.

Zahmoul El Mays

Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES

2 年


Mark Young

DEVELOPER / AUTHOR at TLM / USC DESIGN ?1995[mty] - Since 1995 #marktyoung

2 年

#marktyoung thank you all! any feedback would be appreciated. blessings always, M BRIJESH RAITHATTHA, Peddanna EZEKIEL ullaji, Eldho Kuriakose, Rimsha Ali, Zahmoul El Mays


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