Our happiness is like a deferred payment plan

Our happiness is like a deferred payment plan

We will be happy on our birthday or when we pass our exam, or maybe when we get a job, or when we get married, when our first child is born or on his first birthday, or when we get a bonus, when we buy a house, or when the EMI's are paid, or when we travel to our favourite destination.

We are letting events or other people to control or manipulate ourselves. Are we tuned to celebrate and be happy only on happening of certain events? What about other days?

Why happiness has to defer?

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be... Abraham Lincoln

"Happiness does not need an ending

we love happy endings

why should it end?

events are certain

beginning & an end

a little grief, dwarfs

great happiness

failures get highlighted

a red circle around it

but when was happiness?

we talk more about

our problems

why not talk about our joy?

make a habit to be happy,

why happiness need an ending?


Taken from my anthology of poems "All you need is a little more"

An anthology of poems on simplicity of life | Available on Amazon ?

The best collection of 30 most popular and amazing poems published until 2022. A magnificent well designed book along with inspiring quotes from the author on life and nature.
