Our Greatest Need
Rich Bitterman
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King Solomon wrote three thousand proverbs and one thousand and five songs (1 Kings 1:32). One of five poetry books in the Bible, The Song of Songs, is called this because it is Solomon’s best and most important song.
The Jews had deep respect for this book, many believing it to be the holiest of all writings. An oriental love poem unlike any other book of the Bible. There is great spiritual meaning that mirrors the love of Christ for his people.
The bride reminisces about her courtship days when she met Solomon:
The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s.
“May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine.
“Your oils have a pleasing fragrance,
Your name is like purified oil;
Therefore the maidens love you.
“Draw me after you and let us run together!
The king has brought me into his chambers.”
“We will rejoice in you and be glad;
We will extol your love more than wine.
Rightly do they love you,” (Song of Solomon 1:1–4 NASB).
The bride ponders the attractiveness of her bridegroom.
Kissing in the Bible has a different meaning than what we think of in modern society. To kiss with affection means a pure and deep love for that person.
Like a drinking a wine that brings joy and gladness to her heart. She desires her bridegroom more than anything else.
Perfumes and oils were widely used in the near middle-east. The king owned unique scents. All that Solomon is, to her, is his uniqueness. Who wouldn’t desire him?
Then, she is in the immediate presence of the king and he is worthy. The lesson communicated to the reader is that there is great attractiveness in Christ. This is a King that we all desire union with.
To know Jesus means that you enter the joy of your Master, forever.