Our grandma told us an episode that took place there during the WW1:
Madeleine Bianchi-Maurer
Freelancer Photographer / Registered Global Nikon Professional Member
The owner of a parrot hung it in its cage out to the window. As soon as someone passed through on the street below, the parrot began to crow: VIVE LA SUISSE! EN BAS LE BOCHES! (Long live Switzerland! Down with the Krauts!). One day, a Boche was passing through the street. And the parrot crowed again: VIVE LA SUISSE! EN BAS LE BOCHES! Whereupon the Boche ran straight to the Embassy of the Boche Empire. To complain there about his insult by the parrot! - GRANDMA’S HILARIOUS STORY ABOUT A NAUGHTY SWISS PARROT!"
#Grandma #Parrot #Lausanne #WW1 #SwissGovernment #Boche #Krauts #GermanEmpire #SwissCitizens #Kowtow #WishyWashyPolitics #Cartoon #MadeleineBianchi #EricMaurer #SkatetrixSportCompany