The Our Fund Foundation’s 2023 LGBTQ+ Health & Wellness Fund
Awarded Almost $540,000 in Grants
The Our Fund Foundation’s 2023 LGBTQ+ Health & Wellness Fund Grant Recipients

The Our Fund Foundation’s 2023 LGBTQ+ Health & Wellness Fund Awarded Almost $540,000 in Grants

16 South Florida LGBTQ+ specific programs and initiatives receive financial support ?

?Wilton Manors (October 17, 2023) – A total of $539,700 in grants was awarded through The Our Fund Foundation's 2023 LGBTQ+ Health and Wellness Fund and collaborative efforts with both individual and foundation partners in the community.?These grants will support innovative LGBTQ+ specific programs and initiatives in Broward and Miami-Dade counties and were distributed among 16 deserving nonprofits during a reception at Our Fund’s headquarters in Wilton Manors on Monday, October 16.


“With Florida’s anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-equality laws continuing to inflict harm on our community, it’s more imperative than ever for us to provide responsive, relevant, and impactful grantmaking,” said David Jobin, president & CEO of The Our Fund Foundation. “We thank our generous supporters and are grateful to provide much-needed financial assistance for these hardworking nonprofits that address unique LGBTQ+ health risks and disparities.”


The Our Fund Foundation’s 2023 Health & Wellness Fund grant recipients include:


Alliance for LGBTQ Youth - Comprehensive Mental Health Support

Providing LGBTQ youth? with free, comprehensive mental health and care coordination services that nurture and empower them, their families, and our community.


AQUA Foundation for Women- TransCon 2023

A one-day conference by and for transgender and nonbinary individuals focused on facilitating access to and education around issues impacting transgender and nonbinary individuals.


Black LGBTQ Liberation - BLINC 360

A health and wellness initiative centering BIPOC LGBTQ+ leaders and community members in panel discussions and workshops.


Chainless Change - Peers Optimistically Working to End Recidivism (POWER)

An innovative initiative that leverages the strengths and resilience of justice-involved individuals, pairing them with dedicated peer specialists who have triumphed over their own experiences with arrest and incarceration.


The Humanity Project - Humanity Club & Antibullying Through the Arts: Preventing LGBTQ Youth Abuse

Expanding the nationally acclaimed antibullying program to support LGBTQ students in Florida public schools.


Jewish Community Services of South Florida - Lambda Living???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lambda Living provides a variety of support services for LGBTQIA+ seniors in Miami-Dade County.


Lambda Miami-Dade

Funding to offset the cost of providing and maintaining a safe place for 12 step recovery for the LGBTQ+ community.


Maven Leadership Collective - More Than A Footnote

Anti-stress initiative for community leaders on the frontlines of preserving democracy or operating in toxic organizational culture.


Poverello - Program Support

General operating support for mission-aligned projects and social services tailored to assist LGBTQ+ individuals in need.


Pridelines - Pridelines Project Intersection

Expansion of HIV/STI screening, follow-up counseling, referral and linkage to care services provided by mobile health services.


PRISM - Content Creation Task Force

Creating data-informed, evidence-based, and culturally competent web, social media, and print content around sexual health that is relevant and easily understood by youth in South Florida.


SunServe - The Gay Men’s Project: An Exploration of Aging, Sex Intimacy

Creating a safe space where participants can explore feelings, build skills, and strengthen community through small and large group workshops.


The Rapha Center - Semi-Annual Health Mission Symposium

Health symposium providing education and testing information regarding HIV and STIs.


Sunshine Cathedral - Food Sharing

Food sharing and distribution with the goal of reducing food insecurity among the HIV affected community.


TransSOCIAL- Trans Emergency Relief Fund

Providing support services and assisting transgender residents in accessing gender-affirming care.


University of Miami - Helping South Florida’s Transgender Women Address Mental Health, Violence and Sexual Health Risks

A one-year study to address mental health, violence and sexual health risks among transgender women in South Florida.


YES Institute - Youth and Family Resilience Initiative??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Providing effective tools and strategic resources for family relationships where there is a difficulty with acceptance and adjustment for youth and parents who are struggling with LGBTQ identity.

The funds and individuals who supported The Our Fund Foundation 2023 Health and Wellness fund this cycle include:??


The Our Fund Foundation Funds:

DC Allen and Ken Flick No Gay Hate Fund

Chris Ambs & Scott Clearwater Charitable Trust

Bill Beaton and Ted Emery Charitable Fund

Scott L. Bennett Charitable Fund

The Doll/McNally Fund??????????

Lawrence R. Hyer Donor Advised Fund

Leo Peralta Peak Purpose Fund

John Pritchard's Make Change Matter Fund

Stanley Roller Charitable Fund

The Sherzum Fund????

The Tuesday's Angels Fund



Don Estes

Dick Schwarz and Tom Massey

John Michael Squarok

Sue Wilder


Additional generous support to The Our Fund Foundation's Health & Wellness grantee agencies was provided by The Warten Foundation through a collaborative partnership of the two Foundations.


About The Our Fund Foundation

Established in 2011, The Our Fund Foundation has grown into the third largest LGBTQ+ foundation in the nation. As South Florida’s only LGBTQ+ community foundation, The Our Fund Foundation promotes philanthropy, manages enduring investments and conducts meaningful grant-making to improve the lives of LGBTQ people in South Florida. For more information or to make a donation of any size, please contact The Our Fund Foundation at or call 954-565-1090.


