By Ken Simmons
Figures show that more than ever before people have forgotten about God. To them, He plays no role in their lives, and to atheists, He simply doesn’t exist. And agnostics are those who don’t know and don’t care, they simply consider Him to be nothing more than a figurehead lurking somewhere out there in the darkness.
In an earlier article entitled “Everything From Nothing” I explained that God simply spoke and He created not only space and time, but He went on to create the entire universe with all of its estimated *100 billion galaxies and trillions of stars. It is also this writer’s considered opinion that this God not only knows *how many hairs are on your head, and on the heads of some 7.88 billion other people on Earth, it is quite likely He could tell us how many atoms are on Earth, on our galaxy, and on the billions of galaxies that make up the universe. This is the purest definition of an “all-knowing God.” (See Matthew 10:30-31)
In my title, I hinted that God can be forgetful. Before you start throwing rotten tomatoes at me, please consider this -- many of us, myself included, would like for Him to forget all of our screw-ups.
For those who have read my true life story, “The Prodigal Diaries,” you learned that although I had been **“sent” to Florida in the 1970s to begin a great work, a work that was literally defined by signs and wonders, with thousands saved, and drug addicts and drug dealers having their lives dramatically turned around through faith in Jesus, you also read in my book that for a period of some 15 years, I ran from God . . . I had become a backslider. You’ll have to read the book to learn how and why I slid backwards before returning to the Father heart of God.
Therefore, following that return to God, I once began to cry out to the Lord, reminding Him of my long list of ugly past sins, when I heard Him whisper, “I don’t remember.” Not sure if I was actually hearing Him, or if it was merely my imagination, I continued with my litany of trying to remind Him about what a rotten sinner I’d been. That was when I heard Him once again whisper, this time a bit louder, “I don’t remember.”
It was during that time of my trying to make Him “remember” just how guilty I was, that I began to “remember” the scriptures that say He would “remember” our sins no more, and He would cast them into the sea of forgetfulness.” (See Micah 7:14, Psalm 103:12, Hebrews 8:12, etc.)
In that light God had chosen to be forgetful.
*According to Space.com
**Matthew 10:30-31
***The Bible describes an apostle as one having been “sent” by God to fulfill His purposes. ?