Our flag is threadbare.
Jo Dibblee
Founder of Team Humanity Baja and Frock Off Inc. at Humanities Shifters Society
This picture is an accurate depiction of Canada. A once united country that stood for politeness and resilience is tearing apart. There seems to be no regard or accountability for the outcome. And I don't say any of this lightly. Instead, my heart hurts for our country.
I have learned these past two years that we as a society are primarily in two camps - no longer one country. I am sure that both camps feel equally strong and vindicated. And for some righteous indignation is our right.?
I, too, have stood at my pulpit, shocked at those not in the same camp as I am-how could they not be in my camp??
How ridiculous? And such an example of our first world view. When we have so much - maybe too much I believe we move from gratitude to entitlement.?
Perhaps this explains the funding of a convoy and the constant virtirol in both camps.?
Yes, I get having a choice.?
I believe we can disagree and still be Canadians who are compassionate. Sadly, many times, it feels more like a cantankerous divorce, full of rage and hate. Although I do not believe this to be who we are, a byproduct of the times and circumstances-we can all do better, and by all, I include me.???
The fabric of who we are as a country is tearing.?A broken country has no people.
Perhaps most heart-wrenching of all is the continued finding of indigenous children; this, to me, is a hill worth making a stand on and being a voice.?
I am not asking for debate or arguments, and I am tired of the meanness and justification, but just sharing my concern for my country.?
Oh, Canada, I am sorry for my part in this divisiveness.?
We may continue to disagree, but I hope we find our Canadian values again. Although not intended to create chaos, we have plenty of that already; I hope I am not alone in wanting us to find a way back.?