Our Family Lines August newsletter 2022
Share Your Experiences
We Can All Write
Just like everyone can sing, everyone can write. As writers, we have a unique opportunity to share our experiences and our hearts.
There are three essential affirmations that I use when I’m writing. (I adapted U.S. writer Pat Schneider’s affirmations.)
1. Everyone has a strong, unique voice.
2. Everyone is born with creative genius, and
3. Writing is an art form that belongs to all people, regardless of economic class or educational level.
Start Writing Your Story
No matter where you are, start writing. Put your fingers on your keyboard or pick up a pen. Even if you only have five minutes, put some words down on the page.
Do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.
It’s not easy to carve out time but find those few minutes. You can always spare a moment to brush your teeth or eat a cookie so why not add five minutes to write!
Writing about our lives gives us a way to connect with ourselves and others.
Memoir Prompt
What is your favourite song?
What memories does “your” song spark?
Write a story about one of those memories.
Follow the Storry
Need a little push to start your memoir?
I’ll coach you to finish your stories.