Our Experience with a Toyota Mirai.
First a little history on myself, I'm an EVangelist & GreenPreneur. I started my Green Journey by selling a BMW 540i v8 and purchasing a 2010 Toyota Prius with the goal to burn less gas; in 2006 I installed a SunPower 4 kW solar system to power our home. Additionally, we performed many green retrofits such as tankless water heating, dual pane windows, insulation, and for that effort, won the first Green Home Award from the City of Huntington Beach, CA in 2008.
My driving experience with the Toyota Prius was abysmal, coming from performance vehicles like 914-6 Porsche, Nissan 300Z, C5 Corvette, Mercedes SL500, BMW 540i—driving a Prius was far from fun. It was noisy, felt cheap, unsafe, had no power, and the start/stop motor felt like it was going to fall out. So, what did I do? I made it a "game" to try and eke out the most MPG I could by constantly pressing the Battery Button, snail accelerating, and anticipating stop lights way in advance to REGEN as much as possible. More than few times, I upset and got "the finger" while driving and my family often complained about my obsessive-compulsive driving style.
First experience with Fuel Cell Tech
Back in 2009, I read about GM's Project Driveway and how GM was looking for volunteers to test drive, provide weekly reports & blog about one's experience with their Equinox Fuel Cell converted vehicle. As you might imagine, I was very excited about this opportunity, immediately signed up, and after a few months of waiting, went through orientation and was handed the keys. Back then, there were very few H2 fueling stations in Southern California and one of the key criteria for receiving the Fuel Cell test vehicle was you lived close to one of them. Fortunately for me, my round trip commute took me by the UCI H2 station run by Air Products, tucked away far from view to the public. The number of H2 stations, as you will learn, is key to growth and adoption.
To cut this section short, my experience with the GM Fuel Cell Equinox was very favorable. The mid-size SUV Equinox was very nice, really quiet, and extremely fast. I surprised more than a few sports cars as I beat them off the line when flooring the accelerator. The propulsion system was by an electric motor, powered by a battery pack, which was replenished by a Fuel Cell stack. The "exhaust" was H20, I was amazed and took the opportunity to talk about it every chance I got. You could say I was sold by FCEV technology and would be a proponent for many years. Alas, after 6 months, I had to hand the keys back and return to my slow, noisy, and clunky Toyota Prius.
The GM Chevy Volt Arrives
In 2009 I saw the first prototype of the Chevy Volt, Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) and had to have one. EREVs differ from Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), which has two "motors", with the main propulsion being an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), the Volt had a much larger 16 kWh battery and the main propulsion was electric like a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). Chevy advertised that the Volt could go 35 miles on pure battery before the ICE generator would kick on to maintain the battery level for long-range trips. As soon as I could place an order, I did and was one of the first people in CA to get the Gen 1 Volt and dump the Toyota Prius.
Wow, what a difference, Chevy, in my opinion, had solved all the problems I had with the Prius. It was sporty, accelerated like a BEV, was very comfortable with an upgraded interior, and was fun to drive. I was able to get about 48 miles on the battery, and for the duration of the time I used the Volt for commuting, I drove it on battery only!!! The Volt was the first vehicle I owned where there were APIs to get data from the car, and I soon joined Volt Stats to compare my driving with thousands of others. Ironically, there are a lot of obsessive-compulsive people there. In fact, one driver drove the Volt 100% on battery for 10,713 miles!!! Chevy designers anticipated this behavior and actually would force the ICE engine on every once in a while to lube the engine and keep the gas fresh, wow!
Side Note: Do you see the similarity between the GM FCEV Equinox and the Chevy Volt? I didn't until I recently meet Ulrich Eberle, Ph.D. and he showed me this presentation. Both platforms' main propulsion is electric motors supported by a generator. The Equinox had a Fuel Cell stack and the Volt had a small ICE. The more you know!!
OMG I rode in a Tesla Model S 2013
- Yeah I know you're thinking to yourself, when is this guy going to talk about his Toyota Mirai Experience? It's coming soon, I promise!
I worked at Neudesic, LLC in Irvine CA, our CEO, Parsa Rohani, bought a Signature Edition Tesla Model S. Parsa was the first person I knew to get a no-compromise BEV. Before Tesla, the best BEV you could get was a Nissan LEAF with a 75-mile range. We all lined up to take a ride in this work of art designed by Tesla's Franz von Holzhausen. It was spacious, looked beautiful, and was QUICK, quicker than a majority of sports cars I have driven or taken rides in.
That day changed my life—my new goal was to own a Tesla, and in 2015, we bought our first one, a Tesla Model S 85D. 85 was the kWh battery size and the "D" was for the dual motor. At the same time, Elon Musk realized that for Tesla's adoption to "take off," a robust charging infrastructure was required so Tesla owners could drive without "Range Anxiety" which hindered the adoption of the Nissan LEAF, other EVs, as well as FCEVs on the market. So the Tesla Super Charger Network was created and freed Tesla Owners in the US, parts of Canada & Mexico, and a majority of the EU, to take long road trips.
After an extensive southwest National Park road trip in 2017, we traded our Tesla Model S for a Model X 100D SUV and have been road tripping ever since. This trip, which combined Tesla SuperChargers, as well as Level 2 (L2) chargers, convinced me we could go anywhere with a Tesla. Follow @ILuvAmp on all Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube for our adventures.
Our Toyota Mirai Experience
The Tesla Super Charger, Electrify America. ChargePoint, EVgo, Blink and other electric charging networks, in addition to a plethora of BEV benefits, is what made BEVs take off and FCEV languish.
In March of 2017, my daughter started a new job, which required her to drive from Huntington Beach to Monrovia, CA. Living by the beach, she didn't want to move to Monrovia. The car she owned didn't get good gas mileage, nor allowed her to drive in the carpool lane as a single occupant driver. So I started researching a car that was environmentally friendly, had CA state & federal incentives, and allowed her to drive in the CA carpool lane. The options were few!!! Just starting out in a new job, a Tesla was too expensive, and in 2017, there wasn't an alternative BEV that could get her back and forth on her 86ish mile trip round trip easily. I could have suggested a PHEV, but wanted her to not burn gas—this is when my research led me to the Toyota Mirai.
Buying a Mirai at Tustin Toyota
One of the few dealerships in Southern California that can sell and service a Mirai, and was semi-close to us, was Tustin Toyota. In retrospect, this should have been my first Red Light. Living in Huntington Beach at the time, we had a Toyota dealership just a few miles from our house, but to test drive a Mirai we had to drive 16 miles to Tustin. We called and made an appointment with "Mirai Specialist," second Red Light. We heard the sales pitch about the Mirai, as well as how the exhaust was just H2O that you could drink if you wanted to. We learned that a lease on a Mirai would be reduced due to the Federal Tax credit of $7,500, we would get a rebate from California of $9,500, we would get two weeks per year of the lease to rent another Toyota for free (for road-trips), and in addition, Toyota was going to give us $15,000 of free H2 fuel!!! "Wow, how can anyone turn this down?" we asked ourselves. In addition, the Mirai Specialist said we would be part of the Mirai Trailblazer Program, sounds cool, right? FYI, if you are counting, this is the third "Red Light." Well, as you probably know by now, we drove away with one that day.
For a few short months, the Mirai was a very nice daily driver. My daughter zipped up and back in the carpool lane of the 605 freeway, all while the fuel was free!! But that positive experience was short-lived.
Our Mirai Migraines
Fast forward to the summer of 2018, when the Hydrogen World collapsed. You might not know, but there have been HUGE H2 shortages since 2018. The headlines read: "The biggest challenge to driving a fuel-cell car is finding fuel," and the drivers of fuel-cell models from Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai, found themselves spending hours, and driving many miles out of their way, to chase down an H2 station that had any.
Well, it was so bad, my daughter would head to or leave work and almost immediately start the hunt for H2. Remember, she would travel the 605, from Huntington Beach (HB) to Monrovia. As you can see, there are zero H2 stations on her direct route, even today, 1/2021. The Yellow stations are in the "planning" stage with the "Expect to open" date empty. I partially blame the Tustin Toyota Mirai Specialist for not taking the time to ask us what her typical daily route would be or knowledgeable about the planned stations. She typically would drive to Costa Mesa (south of HB—two lowest green stations on this map, the Fountain Valley station is new, to fuel, but what you will find as you head to a station with any fuel, many other FCEV drivers are doing the same thing. Costa Mesa, empty; head to Irvine, empty; head north to Long Beach, empty; then head to Torrance. This takes tons of personal time and stress, fearing you will be stranded without fuel. Many of these times, due to H2 station tank pressure, you couldn't fill your own tank either. Talk about "Range Anxiety", ugh!
After suffering these continuous shortages, we started asking Toyota Financial to cancel the remainder of our lease, NOT A FULL REFUND (emphasis added), and take back the Mirai—this request fell on deaf ears. The dealer wouldn't take the vehicle back, Toyota Executive Office said they couldn't do anything, and they told us our only recourse was to pursue Lemon Law.
Lemon Law: "If your new car is spending more time at the repair shop than it spends with you, you might have a lemon on your hands. Thankfully, the California lemon law is in place to protect consumers facing a sour deal."
The failure of the H2 fueling infrastructure does not fall into that category. After months of waiting for the Toyota Financial "Lemon Law" inquiry, slowed down by COVID, we were denied. Displeased with the lack of empathy by Toyota Financial, I started posting negative tweets on Twitter, which prompted a call from Melody Simmons from Toyota Executive office. She informed me that my only recourse was to pursue Lemon Law again (which I knew would be denied again—which it was), but went ahead with her suggestion. Ironically, below Melody's name, it states "Customer First," which couldn't be further from the truth!
During this nightmare, my daughter needed a reliable mode of transportation, so she leased a Hyundai gas SUV! You are probably asking, "What happened to the Mirai?" Well, it has been sitting in our garage. This is all while we continue to make lease payments, it is registered as non-operational, and us having to pay minimal insurance to satisfy the lease requirements, and the 12-volt battery is now dead.
By the end of December 2020, the total number of FCEV sold, over the last 9 years, only totals 8,931. Most other automakers have eschewed FCEV in favor of electric vehicles (EV).
As you can tell, back in 2009 I was all in on FCEV, but in the past 12 years, in the United States at least, there has been very little infrastructure build-out. This is the "nail in the coffin" for all the R&D that Honda, Toyota, Hunyadi, GM, BMW, MBZ, and others have invested.?
Elon Musk's ingenuity and forethought to invest in a robust "fueling" network, as well as making no compromise BEVs changed the industry. Now that we are in 2021, many will call this the year BEVs became commonplace and accepted by the masses.
It's my opinion, at this point for consumer vehicles, FCEV numbers don't add up financially.?Update2/10/21 Herbert Diess, CEO of VW Group, declares FCEV are dead and sales are non-existent!
This article does not address the other sore point of Hydrogen Production, i.e. "Brown Hydrogen".?Most hydrogen today is made by burning Nat Gas and shipped by Diesel Trucks to the fueling stations.?Yeah I know, "Green Hydrogen" is so promising, but the cost to build out a production facility is astronomical. Putting up Solar with Battery storage can be done in months vs. years.?The KISS principle leads us to the lowest TCO solution which is Solar/Wind & Battery Storage.?
May 15th, 2021 was one of the best days of my life, I finally was able to dump the Mirai off at Tustin Toyota, and my lease finally over!!!
June 19th, 2021 Toyota wants a disposition fee and here is the experience -->
Texas Big Freeze the week of Feb. 15th, 2021 causes massive H2 shortage in So California,?1.5 hour wait times at University of Irvine H2 station.
Read more on the broken dream of FCEV and H2 production
Six months into 2021 and total FCEV sales barely broke 10k total for 9 years. Between March '21 and April, sales dropped by 50%, with only 1,430 FCEV sold YTD. https://fuelcellsworks.com/news/california-fcev-sales-fceb-hydrogen-station-data-as-of-may-1-2021/
Running on Empty: There's a Lot to Like about Hydrogen If You Can Find It by Steve Cole Smith 4/4/2021. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, but in California, it can be maddeningly hard to find when you need it to fuel vehicles like the Toyota Mirai. www.caranddriver.com/features/a36003212/hydrogen-mirai-california-shortage/
Spring 2021 H2 shortage in CA is in full bloom. Check this out: California Fuel Cell Partnership Update: Retail Hydrogen Station Network Status in California??As of 30 March 2021?https://cafcp.org/sites/default/files/Hydrogen-Distribution-and-Supply.pdf
Mirai FCEV vs Model 3 BEV 12/12/2018 Paul Martin I'm quite confident that hydrogen is a dead end for cars. My reasons aren't personal- they're thermodynamic, and rather difficult to argue with. They're presented here, in detail, with references https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/mirai-fcev-vs-model-3-bev-paul-martin/
The Hydrogen Hoax 2/5/21 by?Charles Morris: Who’s behind the current wave of hype about hydrogen? #BigOil Hydrogen fuel cells are controversial—several automakers, including?Daimler,?Honda,?GM?and?Volkswagen, have abandoned the technology, while?Toyota?continues to pursue it. Hydrogen opponents cite its inefficiency relative to batteries, and question the wisdom of building a complex and costly new infrastructure. More: https://chargedevs.com/newswire/whos-behind-the-current-wave-of-hype-about-hydrogen/
US: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Sales Collapsed In 2020: Sales of the?hydrogen fuel cell?cars never were particularly high in the?U.S., reminding us of a pilot project at best. Since the peak in 2018 (barely higher than 2017), the FCV?"market"?is shrinking. After a 12% decline in 2019, the volume more than halved in 2020 to less than a thousand units sold. https://insideevs.com/news/482386/us-hydrogen-fuel-cell-car-sales-2020/
Hydrogen is Big Oil's Last Grand Scam Alex Grant "Major fossil fuel companies have been asking governments around the world for Covid-19 stimulus funding to invest in hydrogen technology production."?"The success of lithium-ion batteries and EVs shows that hydrogen is not needed in many places where it was previously proposed, with batteries being deployed in both trucks and small aircraft, long contemplated as sure-fire market segments for hydrogen." Full article: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hydrogen-big-oils-last-grand-scam-alex-grant/
Forbes James Morris: Why Are We Still Talking About Hydrogen? According to a?frequently cited study by Transport & Environment, the process of electrolyzing hydrogen already loses 30% of the energy from the process of splitting the H2 from the O. You then have another 26% loss of the remaining energy from transporting the hydrogen to the fuel station, meaning you’ve already lost a total of 48% of the energy before any hydrogen makes it into a vehicle. "Even though Toyota has a?new Mirai due this year, its sales prospects don’t look that rosy. The most vibrant market for FCEVs is California, and?sales volumes have been shrinking there. These were down 12% in 2019 and 55% in 2020." https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmorris/2021/02/06/why-are-we-still-talking-about-hydrogen
Sierra Club: "The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car: A Bumpy Ride to a Cleaner Future It’s a hundred degrees in Hollywood on the first Saturday of October. With 11 miles left on our tank and a 35-mile trip ahead of us to get back home, my wife and I pull our Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell car into a busy ARCO at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Wilton Place. Beyond the gas pumps, on a sliver of asphalt abutting an alleyway, we find what we’re looking for: a True Zero hydrogen station, with its distinctive blue-and-white awning arcing into the hot sky.?
Two cars are ahead of us, one parked atop a painted blue rectangle that reads “True Zero Fueling Only.” There’s only one pump at this station, so we must wait in line to refuel. But that’s fine. We are used to waiting.?
After a few minutes of no movement, I notice that the lead car has not yet begun to fuel. In fact, the nozzle isn’t even attached to the vehicle. We shift in our seats, rubbernecking to see what the holdup is. I check the station’s status on h2-ca.com—a site developed by fuel cell driver Doug Dumitru to monitor “not only stations that have fuel but whether they are likely to still have fuel when you get there.” H2-ca.com reveals that in the 30 minutes it took us to drive from Claremont, a Los Angeles suburb, to Hollywood, the station has for some unnoted reason gone from online, with enough fuel to fill the tanks of at least 25 cars, to offline."??
“Did you check before we left the house?” my wife asks.?? https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/hydrogen-fuel-cell-car-bumpy-ride-cleaner-future
Edmunds - Driving the 2021 Toyota Mirai: A Lovely, but Lonely, Push for Hydrogen The 2021 Toyota Mirai is an electric car for a small audience. Stations that supply its hydrogen fuel are limited in number and largely unavailable outside of California's urban centers. https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/driving-the-2021-toyota-mirai-a-lovely-but-lonely-push-for-hydrogen.html
Akio Toyoda big mistake: Toyota Explains Why RAV4 EV Is Dead - Declares Hydrogen Is The Future https://insideevs.com/news/321791/toyota-explains-why-rav4-ev-is-dead-declares-hydrogen-is-the-future/
Fractured Futures – Steve Jurvetson @ Tesla, discusses the infamous meeting with Toyota leader Akio Toyoda in 2014, before our lively dinner with Elon. https://twitter.com/FutureJurvetson/status/1341914096539561984
July 2018 Hydrogen Shortage Hits Hard: Toyota Mirai Owners Urged To Top Up Frequently https://insideevs.com/news/338465/hydrogen-shortage-hits-hard-toyota-mirai-owners-urged-to-top-up-frequently/
Sept 2018 Air Products confirms another Hydrogen shortage for the SoCal area on the way https://tiremeetsroad.com/2018/09/13/air-products-confirms-another-hydrogen-shortage-for-the-socal-area-on-the-way/
June 2019 Hydrogen Gas Explosion And Fire At Air Products And Chemicals, Inc. In Santa Clara https://www.svvoice.com/hydrogen-gas-explosion-and-fire-at-air-products-and-chemicals-inc-in-santa-clara/
Jan. 2020 California’s ‘hydrogen highway’ never happened. Could 2020 change that? https://calmatters.org/environment/2020/01/why-california-hydrogen-cars-2020/
July 2020 GM Not Planning Hydrogen Powered Consumer Vehicles For The Time Being https://gmauthority.com/blog/2020/07/gm-not-planning-hydrogen-powered-consumer-vehicles-for-the-time-being/
Nov. 2020 Air Products confirms possible 3 week hydrogen shortage for Northern California H2 car drivers https://tiremeetsroad.com/2020/11/15/air-products-confirms-possible-3-week-hydrogen-shortage-for-northern-california-h2-car-drivers/
Tesla Specialist at Unplugged Performance
4 个月Toyota sales plummet https://www.carscoops.com/2024/10/toyota-sales-plunge-21-in-september-marking-fourth-straight-month-of-decline/
Tesla Specialist at Unplugged Performance
5 个月Ukraine ???? found the best use case for the Toyota Motor Corporation #foolcell #Mirai ??????
Managing Director at AD Consulting & Engineering Ltd - Energy Security and Storage Training Creator for the Energy Institute, UK. Independent Consultant
7 个月Kirk Nason ???? thank you for writing and sharing a very informative article. I see no future for hydrogen cars.
Tesla Specialist at Unplugged Performance
1 年Breaking news: Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations The ultra slow death ?? of #foolcell continues! #h2 #mirai #fcev More reason to buy a Tesla, especially with the price reduction and low TCO!
Tesla Specialist at Unplugged Performance
1 年I Considered A Super-Cheap Hydrogen-Powered Toyota. Here's Why I Steered Clear https://insideevs.com/features/701062/toyota-mirai-buying-hydrogen-cost/