Our expectations and their impact on life, success, happiness, relationships
Subhashis Banerji
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Expectations fall in two broad categories of Hope [all positives] and Foreboding [ of Despair/Gloom/ Fear-Fright/Hopelessness etc.].
Our expectations from ourselves as well as what others expect from us – plays a very-major and very-profound role – in what our life turns-into as well as who we become [our personality].
Our expectations affect and impacts the following
1. Our likes and dislikes.
2. Changes our perception of reality to make it look distorted to us and this becomes our truth.
3. Influences how we think and behave and perform and also how others behave towards us.
Expectations have the power to make us into successful, happy, contended person OR turn us into bitter, acrimonious, hostile, angry, revengeful, stressed person, who is a loser in every aspect of life.
The genesis of our expectations begins in our growing-up and personality-forming years and happens due to the type of expectations authoritative people [around us at that time] – have of us.
People whom we are in awe of – when they expect positive and extra-ordinary from us and appreciates and encourages us – we outperform ourselves and these can take us to the pinnacle of life.
And equally - when they have low expectations or show total lack of faith in us -we turn into insecure person with our own bouquet of psychological issues.
Our unrealistic expectations [both from ourselves as well as others] are basically our resentments that we are clinging with.
Our expectations from others - can sometimes place uncalled for demands, stress or burdens on other people - this in turn can create a lot of unnecessary stress and discord in our relationships.
Same thing applies to us when others expect something unrealistic from us [who are powerful and we can't refuse them for whatever reasons] and we just have to do whatever is forced on us through these expectations.
When our expectations from others [ originates from our sense of entitlement]– it ruins our and jeopardizes all our major relationships as well as almost all areas of our life AND manages to create all forms of negativities, stress and failures in our life.
Broadly expectations fall in the following six categories
1. Our Expectations from others – these could be our Loved-ones, our Social-circle, our Professional-circle, total strangers, the society itself
2. Our Expectations from situations – as to what we expect our future to turn-into – positive or negative
3. Our Expectations from ourselves – these could be our self-image, our belief in our capabilities and how we visualize us to be doing in different circumstance, situations and with people
4. Our expectations of what others expects from us – we know this because they have mentioned it clearly to us
5. Our expectations of what others expects from us - based on our perceptions, assumptions and pre-suppositions
6. What we expect others to understand us – without our telling them or even without giving them any clue as to what we expect from them – in fact we expect them to read our mind
For Full article please read "How does Our Expectations Affect US" in Success Unlimited Mantra's blog section "from the heart of Subhashis" - In this article you would find the following in details besides above
9 manners how our expectations affect our happiness, peace of mind, relationship and our success and creates disappointments in our life
6 broad categories of expectations
15 ways how we can reduce our chances of disappointment, unhappiness, failures and relationship-woes
14 tips on how to manage expectations in our relationship