Our expectations are everything
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
Do you remember the last time you were in an argument with someone? Do you when something didn't go your way even though you gave your best? Can you think about the time when someone was annoying you?
In life, there will always be moments when we cannot control everything around us. If that happens we can get into negative emotions or have an emotional reaction that could be regretful in the long run.
The only way to deal with such challenges is to be clear about what we want. Setting boundaries and clear expectations about what we want and like is essential for a peaceful life.
We have to be explicit about what we are feeling and what we expect from others. For example: At work, if someone is cynical all the time, it may be a good idea to let them know how you feel. With friends, if you don't like the jokes made to you, you can be explicit about how you feel.
Sometimes, people cannot connect with our mental and emotional state, and we must tell them early on to remain optimistic. Our emotional wellbeing is our responsibility, and we have to understand that no one can read our minds.
Letting people know our boundaries builds confidence and courage. Letting people know our expectations creates respect and shows that you care about your relationships.
Setting clear expectations forms a way of life that helps us remain focused and peaceful.
Self-Reflection Tips