Our entrepreneurship program transitioned 50 young refugee tailors into local internships, increasing their technical proficiency and creativity.
Resilience Action International
Resilience Action International is a refugee-led NGO opening in Kakuma, Kenya. Vocational Education, Entrepreneurship.
In 2024, our entrepreneurship program has successfully transitioned 50 young refugee tailors into internship after a rigorous 6-month classroom training followed by a 3-month apprenticeship in the community. During their apprenticeship, interns work alongside seasoned tailors with years of business and technical experience. This comprehensive approach has led to a documented success rate of 60% of certified students starting their own businesses with support from our small business program that provides capital support to refugee start-ups. This initiative not only fosters individual growth but also significantly contributes to the overall economic development and resilience of the refugee community in Kakuma.
Empowered Educators: local teachers and refugee trainers are now more informed and equipped to address critical digital issues affecting displaced teenagers in Kakuma.
Thanks to the invaluable digital resources and community data literacy exhibits, 25 local educators can effectively teach teenagers to recognize and avoid disinformation, reducing the spread of false information within the refugee community. This initiative is set to have a profound impact on the community, as these educators can integrate data literacy into their teaching, fostering critical thinking skills among students, which is crucial for navigating the digital world. Their newfound knowledge will foster a more informed and resilient community, paving the way for a responsible and empowered digital culture in the young generation of youths and adolescents in Kakuma.
We secured a new partnership with WUSC set to improve the financial independence and economic upliftment of 120 women through digital livelihoods.
We are excited to announce our collaboration with the World University Service of Canada (WUSC - EUMC) to empower young women and girls from Turkana communities in rural Kakuma through their Learning through Education and Access to Employment Pathways (LEAP) program. Starting this August, we will offer a comprehensive 3-month training program at St. Clare of Assisi Training Institute (SCATI), including essential digital skills, mentorship, coaching, and job placements for aspiring digital entrepreneurs, along with mental wellness support. This initiative is set to make a lasting impact by enhancing the socio-economic contributions of young women while fostering a more inclusive digital economy in Turkana West region.
Our Champion team's advocacy and awareness campaigns continue to transform refugee and host community attitudes towards adolescent Comprehensive Sex education (CSE) & Youth Reproductive Health Rights through local Radio
Cases of teenage pregnancies among girls aged 15-19 in Turkana County are 19 percent which is above the 15 percent recorded countrywide, according to the latest Kenya Demographic and Health Survey. The radio talk show we hosted at REF FM, mid-July, in Kalobeyei brought together Polycarp Muchesia, a local pharmacist with expertise in contraceptives, family planning, and reproductive health; Monica Anyieth, the RAI Program Coordinator; and Amot, a Community Health Champion representing youth views on reproductive health. The discussion focused on several key objectives related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) such as contraceptives, family planning, comprehensive sex education, and local stories of lived examples from refugees. By addressing these critical issues, we aim to lead the local host and refugee communities to be more open to discussions around safe sex and reproductive rights.
Interview with Mr. Odhieng Akway Sheds Light on Recent Attacks Impacting Safety and Security in Kakuma and Kalobeyei over a month.
On behalf of Resilience Action International, I, Nira Ismael, conversed with Mr Odhieng Akway, the Chairman of Kalobeyei Village 2 and the acting overall Chairman of Kalobeyei to get insights into the conflict, its effect on the lives of the community, and how best peaceful conflict resolution can be achieved.
?Q1. Can you describe the initial events that led to the onset of the conflict?
A:?On June 20th, 2024, during the World Refugee Day celebrations in Village 2, a disagreement erupted between two boys from the Nuer and Anuak communities. It was a back-and-forth argument. One claimed the other took his headscarf and the other claimed it was his in the first place. This unfortunately broke into a fight and one of the Anuak boys was injured and they retaliated by throwing stones at the other group.? What I thought was the end of the disagreement escalated and on the 24th of June 2024, a Nuer leader was attacked and injured on his way to a shop. Fortunately, he was rushed to the clinic.??
Q2. How did you personally experience the beginning of the conflict?
A: After the leader was injured, on 28th June 2024, the conflict got out of hand. That night I remember...
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Donor and Partnership Appreciation Segment ????
Heartfelt Thanks to Segal Family Foundation?
We extend our deepest gratitude to the Segal Family Foundation for their unwavering support of Resilience Action International. Your generosity has been instrumental in advancing our programs and strengthening our organizational capacity, enabling us to make a profound impact on the lives of displaced youths and communities in Kakuma. As our partnership comes to a close, we look back with immense appreciation for your commitment and belief in our mission. Your contributions have truly empowered us to create lasting change. Thank you, Segal Family Foundation, for being a steadfast partner in our journey. We will always cherish the invaluable support you have provided.
It's more than digital literacy, it's knowing your personal information is safe and secured. #DataLiteracy
Resilience Action International, situated within the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, is a local, youth-led grassroots NGO. Our organization focuses on empowering refugee youths through livelihood skills training, vocational education, and reproductive health initiatives. Established in 2010, our unwavering mission is to equip displaced youth with skills and tools to achieve greater economic potential.
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