Our DTP department points out the most common ordering errors: Part III
Books Factory
Digital printing company || Specialized in books || We shape stories || We judge books by their covers and bindings
We begin another week with more examples of common mistakes that may appear during the ordering stage.
Most of these issues you can fix quickly or take care of earlier. Thanks to that, we all save time and reduce anxiety. Especially during the season, when everyone is concerned about deadlines.?
So, this is the third part of a list made by our DTP department.
Black elements with a saturation of less than 10% of K:
Remember: elements that contain a black colour coverage of less than 10% may be very faint or not visible at all.
Black texts in CMYK colouring instead of 100% of K:
All black text should be colouring in 100% of K (C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:100).
Existence of additional non-CMYK colours:
If your project has additional non-CMYK colours (e.g., Pantone), they will be automatically converted to the CMYK colour space. It may result in a significant colour difference.
White overprint:
White overprinting must be disabled. It is a high risk that white overprinted items will not print.
Significant elements are too close to the edge:
The minimum for maintained margin is 3 mm, but we recommend 5 mm.
Barcode in CMYK colours:
All barcodes should be 100% of K. We encourage you to use our barcode generator. If you use a barcode in a different colour (e.g., green), there is a risk that it will be unreadable by the code reader.
Barcode generator:
These are the last six common problems encountered by our DTP department during the ordering stage. In the upcoming article, we will talk about how efficiently use our cover generator.
Write to us if any issue is of particular interest to you or requires further explanation.
You can find our free cover generator here: