Our decisions on public approval
Raghavendra Singh
| Android| Java| Kotlin| RX Java| Dagger| Room!MVVM | Junit| Navigation Graph|
We have been through phases in life where we were concerned about what other people think about us for either doing something or not doing something, I can say that our life is governed by public approval, we live like victims, crushed under the opinions of society.It is a symbol of great strength to just be who we are and do what feels right and comfortable to us. But often we base our decisions on public approval. We even do certain things that don’t align with our priority, values or capacity.
Follow these steps to be your way, without a need for people’s approval –
- Know yourself, accept yourself and appreciate yourself, then your happiness will not be dependent on approval from others.
- Create your own definitions of right and wrongs, values and principles. Your priorities, choices, decisions, habits need to align with them.
- Losing people’s approval when you decide to do something which is right, doesn’t make you wrong. Your peers might own an expensive phone, but you need not be embarrassed about buying a lesser expensive model.
- If you do anything just to please people, you may do the act but create thoughts of stress, anxiety and unwillingness.
Train your mind to live life on your terms and ignore social pressures. Stop worrying about public approval and be authentic. Let’s revise this affirmation everyday -
I am a powerful being … I choose what is right for me … for people around me … I have my own definitions of right and wrong … peer pressure … public opinion … does not touch me … every decision I take … is my choice … people may approve of me … may not approve of me … I do not seek approval … I do not need appreciation … I choose what is right for me.