Our Day with Natie Ferreira at the Advanced Grow Workshop

Our Day with Natie Ferreira at the Advanced Grow Workshop

Etienne van Zyl (our Drug Policy Anthropologist) and Charl Henning (our Victim Support Superhero) recently attended the Advanced Grow Workshop with our proud affiliates Cheeba Africa in partnership with Tamatie. Happening one Saturday every month either at Tamatie Farm in the Cape or at The Jazzfarm near Johannesburg, this course is a powerful booster to any Cannasseur’s knowledge-base.

Presented by Cheeba Africa in partnership with Tamatie, you may know the host Natie Ferreira, from our affiliates Dagga Farmacy and Qure, the workshop covers various aspects of growing Cannabis at any scale. Natie is widely known as both an advocate for the Plant as well as for his incredibly diverse understanding of how to grow it in various environments. His years of experience through relentless trial and error means he provides anyone attending his workshops a fresh insight into Cannabis and its secrets, too.

The Workshop

Starting the day at about 10 am with coffee and rusks, the group got to know each other a bit before Natie presented on the basics concerning taxonomy and the differences between Adult Use and Industrial Cannabis, the latter which is commonly associated with low THC content, despite this not being an accurate marker.

After covering the basics around cultivation parameters and various cultivation approaches – outdoor / tunnel / indoor – the group moved onto the more advanced agronomics (agricultural economics) of cultivation. This allowed them to explore how to select strains (chemovars) fit for particular purposes as well as how to scale a grow operation – home grow or large-scale.

Gustav Trichard also made an appearance to talk on the various aspects and intricacies of autoflowering Plants.

The group enjoyed some delicious soup and bread over their lunch break before visiting the mother and clone rooms. They then headed to a nutrient station to discover more about the different methods to feed nutrients to plants over their growth cycle. This part of the workshop also discusses how to select and mix fertilisers. The various kinds of pests that affect Cannabis Cultivation as well as how to deal with them also forms part of this segment.

The day ended with a final Q&A session, allowing the attendees to sate their curiosity before returning home to apply their new skills.

The Takeaway

Etienne shares his thoughts with us on the day, explaining that “Natie is an extremely knowledgeable cultivator with years of experience. The workshop gives an overview of a range of different cultivation contexts and approaches fit for home cultivation to full scale commercial farming of Cannabis. Workshop attendance gives you access to further interactions with Natie’s knowledge-base.”

As a Cannasseur and a total newbie-grower, Charl definitely feels that he learnt a great deal about this Advanced Grow Workshop, expressing a deep appreciation for how generous Natie is with his knowledge and experience. What stood out to Charl is that Natie is up-to-date about the legislative grey area we are still in and makes a point to share what he knows with those attending.

So, there you have it folks – the Advanced Grow Workshop by our very own Natie Tamatie is must for anyone looking to grow their skills and celebrate our favourite Plant!

The Next One

The next Advanced Grow Workshop is set for Saturday 2 September 2023 at The Jazzfarm. The day-long workshop (10 am – 4 pm) costs R2 500 per person. Our Affiliates, members of The Green Network and The Jazzfarm Social Club can get in touch for a 20% discount!

Be sure to get in touch with us via email to get your discount code.

You can learn more about the Advanced Grow Workshop here:


We strongly recommend looking at Cheeba Africa’s other courses if you would like to learn more about Cannabis Cultivation as a whole.

Please, keep supporting those who support re-legalisation of our favourite Plant.

If you are a Dagga Private Club or Business in or supportive of Dagga, become an Affiliate today – your generous donations help us to cultivate Fields of Green for ALL!


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