Our Customs, Practices, Traditions and Culture- Change is Alive- It's All Being Returned To Us- By Dan Harkey
Dan Harkey
Educator and Private Money Real Estate Lending Consultant | 30,000 + connections
Our culture of language, borders, rule of law, right of privacy, family, private property rights, individual accountability, self-sufficiency, and Constitutional rights are all being restored. This restoration instills a sense of pride and optimism in our collective future. Our customs, practices, traditions, and culture were eliminated and replaced with forms of top-down authoritarian centralized government, of which the people were not part. The constitutional right of “the pursuit of happiness” had all but been eliminated by the despots in charge. The rulers were elites who held absolute power and authority and operated cruelly and oppressively.
Change can be gradual or immediate, whether restoring cultural values and rights or any other transformation. It can be caused by the compulsion of an authority, like the overthought of a government, a religious sect, a geopolitical rivalry, or a political upheaval, like what has occurred with Donald Trump's election. Understanding this can help us navigate the complexities of change with patience and resilience.
His trajectory resulted from the significant, violent dominance of the outgoing party that formed a centralized authoritarian government. His election was a mandate of the people that the government failed miserably to represent them but, indeed, represented itself and the Oligarchs who paid for play and access. The voters overwhelmingly rejected the system that ensured that the majority of benefits in society flowed to the top and the bottom warfare class. The welfare class acts as beneficial parasites because they have purchasing power through unearned redistributions of money and are a reliable manipulated voting block.
The people are sick of being “pawns in the rigged system.” There was widespread dissatisfaction by the silent majority, who were forced to remain quiet for fear of retribution and persecution. The people were driven into debt serfdom and treated as valuable idiots through mainstream and corporate media manipulations. There was contemptuous disregard for the people as a block that needed to be controlled, and they had no independent thought but to comply with the manufactured narrative.
As we return to our country and live in our Constitutional Republic, created by and for the people, we can confidently say, “Happy Days Are Here Again.” This return of our cultural values and rights, resulting from the people's collective action and resilience, fills us with hope for a brighter future.
Thank You
Dan Harkey
Educator & Private Money Lending Consultant
949 533 8315 [email protected]