Our Country Remains Firm...
Miguel A. Pinzon, PhD MBA MSc. Economics
Ambassador--The Kingdom of Hawai'i. Chancellor--Sacro Throne of the Amerindians & Afro-descendants. Royal Rep.-- Kutai Mulawarman. Advisor--South African Royalties (SARDF)...
Our country remains firm due to hard-working citizens, honest CEOs, institutions, ethical political-economic, and social leaders. And we live to do anything to protect our democracy, and what our country has represented since our Constitution proclamation. However, some of our ideals have been thwarted, and our democracy will steadily disappear if politicians continue taking their responsibilities as a false commitment. It is a fact that politicians' policies and laws benefit the powerful, subsequently themselves. The swamp will never be drained! This promise was deceiving and unscrupulous. "The Wall," argument was used to create division and loss of income by many businesses in the southern border. Meanwhile, John, Conny, and Maria's families—the heart of our country has continued with low wages. The tax break for millions of Americans still remains minimal to have better lives vs. other sectors of society receiving large tax breaks and benefiting from the programs established by Congress supposedly to make our country greater but have only enriched a few. Where did we go wrong? Where are our values, ideals, and commitment to our society heading? Where do we stand today? Are we taking our country into a greater division due to our various ethnic, religious or gender backgrounds? Are we still thinking that white and chauvinist supremacy will continue to govern over the majority? Are we going to accept more deceitful promises... or we'll stand strong and united to protect our ideals? The American flag, our heroes, our history, and we, stand for freedom and the pursuit of happiness... How much longer are we going to tolerate false promises and rhetoric without holding anyone accountable? Those who misuse power or the law for personal gain will never change! We, the voters, have the power to change that!