Our Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
Botswana Investment and Trade Centre
Driving Botswana's economic growth through investment promotion and attraction,export promotion & development.
The Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC) recently made donations to identified initiatives in various communities across the country, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, in an effort to improve livelihoods.
The BITC CSR initiative aptly themed 'Society is the Priority', working with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD), has identified several settlements around Botswana to assist with their community-based projects. With the assistance of BITC, the communities of Kareng, Kgomodiatshaba and Kutuku villages received various donations in the form of dining tables, chairs, computers and baking equipment.
Kareng (28th May 2024)
For the village of Kareng, BITC donated school dining tables and chairs to the Kareng Primary School. The handover ceremony was attended by local leaders and representatives from the MLGRD. The students at Kareng Primary School are now able to eat their meals in comfort. Addressing the attendees at the ceremony, BITC Executive Director, Brand Management, Ms. Kutlo Moagi highlighted the significance of education, hygienic surroundings and how providing dining tables supports these aspects. The community leaders expressed gratitude for the donation and praised BITC for its efforts to support the local economy.
Kgomodiatshaba (3rd June 2024)
BITC further donated seven laptops to Kgomodiatshaba Primary School in the Kgatleng District. The event was attended by school officials, local leaders, and representatives from the MLGRD. During the handover, BITC emphasized the importance of private-sector collaboration in community initiatives and highlighted its mission to play a part in improving the quality of life for Batswana. The laptops will provide the Standard 7 students with access to educational resources and online programs as they prepare to transition to Junior Secondary School.
Kutuku (5th June 2024)
To conclude its CSR Initiatives drive, BITC visited the village of Kutuku in the Mabutsane District to hand over baking equipment and a chest freezer to the Kutuku Women Project. The handover ceremony was held at the Village Kgotla and was attended by the Kgosi, the Deputy Council Chair and BITC’s Acting Corporate Affairs and Public Relations Director, Ms. Ponalo Tumelo. In her hand over remarks, Ms. Tumelo highlighted the importance of the project growing as it will add greatly to the village’s local economy. She further urged everyone to contribute in any way possible, whether through volunteering, donating resources, or spreading the word and mostly by buying the produce of the bakery.
BITC prides itself on consistently looking for community-based initiatives that aim to sustainably improve the livelihoods of the people that surround them. Since its existence it has made CSR an integral part of how it operates in the local communities of Botswana. END