Our Core Value: "Dynamism"
Umur Ahmet Duymaz
Vice President Of International Sales @ Orgadata AG | Sales for TUR, ME, AFR, SA, SEA, CAS
As we delved into the intricacies of selecting keywords for our product brand, one term stood out with exceptional prominence - "Dynamism." This singular word not only resonated profoundly but also revealed its potential to embody the core values of our project like a sturdy pedestal.
"Dynamism" isn't just a feature; it's a powerful idea at the heart of our product. It possesses the remarkable capability to adapt to uncertain values, transforming them into identifiable and malleable aspects. Our product is meticulously constructed with generic features and functions, designed to effortlessly configure various industrial products, whether they share similar characteristics or not.
The symbolic X, Y, and Z values embedded within our product serve diverse roles. They act as descriptors during design, calculators for different products, and identification values that vividly articulate the capabilities, technical aspects, and unique qualities of the developed products. In the context of our daily discussions, these values simplify the process of making determinations, as exemplified by sentences like "While developing this product that appeals to Z audience at X time, Y cost..."
The choice of our product name, "XYZkal," rooted in the potent concept of dynamism, reflects the profound thought and consideration invested in our work. The suffix "kal" is not arbitrary; it succinctly represents "calculation," embodying the product's inherent essence.
So, what does XYZkal do?
It unveils the unknown!
Our product-naming approach, including the common suffix "kal" found in Orgadata 's brand studies, offers a practical solution, even during the preliminary stages of prototype and mockup studies, when the final brand name is yet to be decided.