Our commitment to excellent teaching
Reach Academy Feltham
Reach Academy Feltham educates pupils from ages 2-19 so that they can go on to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity.
We know that a great teacher is the single biggest factor in determining excellent pupil outcomes. We invest heavily in thinking about what great teaching and learning look like and how we support our teachers to get better everyday.
As we continue to promote our job vacancies, we want to let you know what we're committing to, when it comes to our growing team of teachers.
Our Aims
Our Guiding Principles
At Reach we have 6 guiding principles that we believe facilitate consistent, excellent learning. Each guiding principle is broken down into habits to support teachers in isolating and practising areas of their teaching so they can continue to get better every week throughout their career.??
If you are excited about the opportunity to join our growing team of teaching staff, visit our vacancies site: https://www.reachacademyfeltham.com/vacancies