Are Our Children any Safer?

As I write this, it is the end of February, 2018. I looked over four different news feeds and, for the most part, they all show the same things. Legislation, a lot of other events, the regular scandal updates. But, nothing that has made our kids any safer today.

That's a problem. Our children deserve better. Teachers and educators, coaches and custodians deserve better. The families that suffered loss deserve better. So, your asking, who is he going to blame for this?

No one.

At least, in the way we hold people or even organizations responsible effectively. This has become a cultural mindset. The idea the "they" can fix it. Those people, organizations, governments, educators, police, media can fix the problem before us. The thought that "they" can save another life.

"They" can't.

Let's be clear, all of the groups I listed above do WANT to do something to help, to change and to prevent. The problem is this, all they can be today is reactionary. Which, at this point is all any of us can do. Unless...

How To Keep Our Children and Educators Alive

We switch the expectation from "them" to "us". The we in this conversation have the power to change the outcome today. We are the only ones, right now, who can.

What can we do?

  • Talk. To our kids, their teachers, coaches, friends, other parents and each other. Find out if there is a problem. Is someone being bullied? Is someone a bully? Have there been any threats? Toward who?
  • Acknowledge. Affirm what you find out. Have more conversations and get to the truth of it (there is spin and agendas in every story, let's be clear). Do the authorities need to be contacted? Parents or guardians, friends, the individual? Does someone simply need help? Ask. Then, get the help. Follow up. Resources abound in this country, it is communication that breaks down.
  • Plan. There are inevitably some things you may never find out about. Some threats can miss your proactive intentions. Infrastructure change takes time and lots of money. We don't have time, for the next event could be at our door. Do your children and educators know their options? Understanding escape routes, how to secure a door (door wedges are cheap, and can even be made)? Where to run? Do they understand how to create distractions, threaten an attacker, and possibly that even fighting might be an option? Where to meet if they do have to run? Ways to communicate with all the authorities, first responders and EMS? There are lots of variable to talk about, but it is better to plan and know some possibilities.
Hope is not a plan
  • Act. Action begins with a mindset. Survival can be taught, promoted and instilled. Practice doing things, blocking doors, escaping, dialing 911 (don't really dial this, use a blank phone please). Talk about options and then see what DOING these things looks like and feels like.

The responsibility today lies in our own hands. Change may or may not come from "them". We must show them the way. Together. Let's keep those we love alive, to the very best of our ability.

We want you all to go home at the end of your day.


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