Our campaign to share Thomas Coram's story

Our campaign to share Thomas Coram's story

Thomas Coram set the bar high for how children should be treated.

He campaigned for children throughout his life and his vision foreshadowed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Now you can help spread the story of our incredible founder. We have launched a Crowdfunding campaign to create a book of his life and want to send a free copy to every school in the UK so that children feel inspired and empowered by the story of what one man, who was neither wealthy nor well connected, was prepared to do to create better chances for them.

We are aiming to raise £46,000 to produce the book Captain Coram: Champion for Children and to send it to schools in time for National Tell a Story day on 27 October, 2018.

Help us spread the word

Anyone who donates £25 will receive a copy of the book, and the charity is offering two special rewards for those who want to help more. The first 50 supporters to donate £150 will receive a copy of the book personally signed by the author Robin Ollington and the illustrator Albany Wiseman. The first five supporters to donate £1,000 or more will have the chance to have a named dedication on the inside cover of the first print run.

To support the campaign and help to tell Captain Coram's incredible story, please visit our https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/coram/corambook


