Our Best Performing Content Strategy
I wanted to share the best performing content strategy we developed over the past few months … which believe it or not is Evergreen content. That means you can keep using this same content again and again and again.
I WISH I knew this ahead of time, as this is just gold dust! Let’s dive straight in.
The content strategy is called KEY DATES. Now what does that mean?
Key dates are moments of accomplishment, failures or key learnings that have occurred on your entrepreneurial journey. This is some of the best engaging content that we have at the moment.
Here’s how to do it:
#1. Think about all Personal accomplishments you’ve had in your life with key dates
For example for myself:
#2. Think about all Business accomplishments you've had in your life with key dates
#3. Think of all personal learning opportunities
#4. Think of all business learning opportunities
#5. Think of all internal accomplishments or insights you’ve had in your life
Combine all these 5 and create a list of these dates in a spreadsheet. You can then develop content around these key learnings and insights for outstanding content that not only has a story, but also a business or personal lesson that others can learn from
You can keep reusing this year after year, but if you hit gold you can always recycle quarter on quarter with a throw back or 263 days ago I …
This keeps your content fresh and allows you to produce content that really resonates with your audience. I hope this helps you absolutely crush it with your content!
Ben Ivey