Our addiction?

Our addiction?

Your mobile phone, laptop, tablet, are you overusing them?

You wake up, you grab your phone, checking social media, checking your likes, checking how many new followers, any new pics from your 'friends' the people that you know on social media but don't actually know, checking the news and then social media again.

You work long hours in a dead end job, knowing your a small piece in a HUGE machine that only cares about making money. Your phone gets you through the day.

You hate your commute, burying your head in your phone. Hoping no one speaks to you because it's awkward to speak to people on public transport.

It's the Life Trap.

I was having dinner last week, there was a family of 4. Each one of them was on their device, almost completely ignoring each other for most of their meal. Taking pictures of their food to post on social media or making musicallys (not misspelt, google it!)

My friend's 3 year old is given a tablet to play with when she cries. She knows how to swipe and navigate through the apps, did I mention she's 3?

It's now as addictive as gambling, cigarettes & alcohol.

On average you check your phone over 150 times a day, even when there's no notification. How do you feel when you have no reception, or when your battery is about to die?

At home, do you have your phone with you all the time?

Most of the social media companies hire engineers whose only task is to keep you on their platform for as long as possible. I want you to Google 'attention engineers'

I'm not asking you to ignore your phone, I'm asking you to not use it for the first hour when you wake up.

Tomorrow morning when you wake up, how long does it take before you check your phone?



#myphone #lifestylecoach # lifecoaching #socialmedia #socialmediafriends #attentionengineer #socialmediaaddict #blowupmynotifications #letstalk #musically #kevinpmartin #routinecheckup

Challenge accepted to reclaim that first hour of the day!



