About Our 27 year old Musical/Theatrical Production Company, CLEAR SOUL PRODUCTIONS

About Our 27 year old Musical/Theatrical Production Company,


Excuse me . . . but I'd be most grateful to you, if you'd allow me a short moment here, to tell you a little bit about my most MIND-BLOWING music-biz partner for the last 15 years & ALL TIME! . . . SANDY CARL! . . .

She's better than EVER at the present time! . . . Sandy & I are really excited that we're NOW about to make a MAJOR "come-back" with our "ultra-extravagant" concert presentations at our 2 home-base historic theaters here, ( The Lyric Theatre & Sunrise Theatre,) ! . . .

This is very special to both of us, because, individually, Sandy & I BOTH thought we we're COMPLETELY DONE with even the slightest TRACE of desire, for ANY kind of "official" "companion" "wife"/ "husband" type of "set-up" , many years BEFORE meeting each other in person! . . . It was only coming to realize that the 2 of us we're presenting what our local "audience" here were obviously coming to see as some of the most MEMORABLE concert shows EVER presented at our 2 beautiful HISTORIC VENUES here, that managed to get Sandy & me past the VOW TO LIVE ALONE FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES we both made to our to ourselves, YEARS BEFORE MEETING each other! HA!!! HA!!!!! HA!!!!!!! . . .

HOWEVER . . . as it turned out, poor Sandy had 2 MAJOR long-time health struggles that were just beginning to become a MUCH WORSE THREAT TO HER LIFE than ever, ( we LITERALLY had to SAVE her life in hospitals OVER & OVER again, soon after we agreed to be business partners ) . . . SO, we both had to put our music biz careers WAY BACK on the "back burner", for more than 10 years . . . So, for the last 10 years, I wound up spending nearly ALL of my time with mostly NOTHING BUT NEUROLOGISTS, VARIOUS SORTS OF DOCTORS, HOSPITALS, & LAWYERS on Sandy's behalf, because I CLEARLY KNEW SANDY WAS TRULY WORTH ALL THAT MUCH EFFORT & EVEN MORE AS A GREAT HUMAN BEING! HA!! HA!!! HA!!!!!!! . . . AND we're just NOW feeling like we're "BACK" enough to finally let the public know why we pretty much "disappeared" from the scene Sandy & I created here . . .

And NOW IT LOOKS LIKE NOTHING CAN STOP SANDY & ME FROM TAKING UP FROM WHERE WE LEFT IT 10 years ago, to drive it ALL home for the rest of our FREAKING LIVES! . . . HA!!! HA!!!! HA!!!!!!!! . . .

So Sandy & I DIDN'T DARE breath a single WORD to our amazing global music biz executive network about these extreme PERSONAL PROBLEMS of ours, til NOW! HA!!! HA!!!! . . . BECAUSE SANDY & I BOTH KNEW, THAT BUSINESS-WISE, DISCLOSING OUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS TO THESE FOLKS ANY SOONER THAN NOW, would have resulted in the DEATH of the company we worked SO HARD to create, for SO LONG! . . . If we dared to disclose our personal reality TOO SOON . . . AAAHHHH!!! HA!!!! HA!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!! . . .

But NOW! FINALLY 10 years later! . . . EVEN SANDY seems to have 100 percent CONFIDENCE, that nothing can stop us from THIS point on! . . . THANK YOU! . . .

LOVE! CHEERS! - jeff

Our 27 year old Musical/Theatrical Production Company,



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