Our 12 Days of Coaching - Day 2: Who is the gift of coaching for?

Our 12 Days of Coaching - Day 2: Who is the gift of coaching for?

Yesterday we clarified what Strengths Coaching IS and IS NOT in the hope that we could reduce people's fears of the unknown. Now that we have cleared that up,?let's take a look at who on your gifting list could benefit from Strengths Coaching, and why...

Hands up - who has directly experienced any of the following, or knows someone who has?:

  • Imposter Phenomenon
  • Lack of focus
  • Feeling like you are not fulfilling your potential
  • Lack of progress (and accountability for making your plans reality)
  • Wasting time on doing the wrong things
  • Unnecessary workplace stresses
  • Low confidence in your own abilities
  • A lack of motivation
  • Inability to engage a winning mindset
  • A lack of self-awareness/frustration at not understanding our/others' responses in certain situations
  • A desire to improve your leadership capabilities
  • Feeling that your wellbeing could be improved

The list goes on... and I imagine you all raised your hand (or imagined you did) for at least a few of those. Most of them we can all identify with personally, and see in people around us.?In our Learning and Development careers we have seen multiple repeated requests to help with the above, but the fact these issues recur so regularly suggests that the best solutions are not being utilised.??Training which gives models and theories to help with all of these can be useful, though for some this can miss the mark (mainly because people struggle to convert theory into action - watch this space for more from us on how to improve the efficiency of training another time...).?

One simple solution to all of these is to engage with a Strengths Coach who can help you Name, Claim and Aim your natural talents at whatever it is you want to achieve and help you make a plan to get there. Strengths Coaching is:

  • Completely personalised based on your own Strengths profile (Did you know that there is a 1 in 34 million chance that you have the same Top 5 in the same order as someone else? You are amazingly and powerfully unique!)
  • Outcome, solution and action focused - not just a talking shop
  • Equally powerful for everyone regardless of position
  • Applicable to overcoming any challenges you face, focusing on the art of the possible and what CAN be done to make things better
  • All about taking what you naturally do best and helping you do even more of it - the magic combination of being more you, and creating success
  • Tailored to your own development preferences - our coaches know how to engage and motivate you on a individual basis which leads to a personalised set of goals and an action plan that actually WILL make a difference

And last but definitely not least, Strengths coaching results in people reporting a higher quality of life (x3), being more engaged (x6) and more productive (x8) in their work.?

Now who wouldn't want?that?as a gift this Christmas? Get in touch if you are interested in giving the gift of Strengths Coaching to yourself, a friend or someone within your organisation. You can also book via our website. Happy gifting!



