Wednesday, March 23, 2022,??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Dear Mr. Todd Miller: I trust you are in good health and the rest of your office personnel as well, in response to your question ‘What it is that I am seeking from your office? You say you are a little confused Mr. Miller, well it's because I am not seeking anything from your office that your office should have provided. I understand your office has received several calls informing you of the disturbances happening in my neighborhood, some people like to call on the phone that makes for brief conversation others like me like to imprint my word statement for posterity and history.
Frankly, I did not expect an answer from you much less the acting Mayor, that is why I did not stipulate or make any request to your office in one way or another, I am at this moment adding my voice to what is happening in my neighborhood, the district you are supposed to represent, your district my neighborhood, and the loss I suffered to my property due to repeating occurrences of random shooting done by the same party without respect to law & order.
Now Mr. Miller I hope this brief explanation meets with your comprehension, I am just one of the voices from my neighborhood informing the mayor of our ongoing problem.?
Again, thank you.
Kenvil Atkins Lewis the poet