

THE OTHER ME: The Private Music of Paul McCartney

By Donald Brackett

        Be prepared to be shocked. Paul McCartney considered as an avant-garde musician? As usual, truth is stranger than fiction, and certainly more interesting than myth. Thrillington, recorded in 1971, was merely the second of several secret identities which McCartney cleverly used to further his creative ambitions while still delivering the bright and shiny goods we have all come to identify with his illustrious name. The first was the world famous Sergeant Pepper, the second was Percy, the third was the relatively unknown and recent Fireman: all are reflections of the complicated artistic world of this highly innovative and experimental musician.

    But he’s even far more innovative than you might imagine, given that most of his most adventurous work has been done either in secret or has been held back for a variety of reasons, both legal and commercial.

     The time is thus long overdue for a fresh and critical reassessment of the avant side of McCartney and his solo music, along with an in depth appreciation for the almost unknown creatively daring side to this profoundly successful popular musician.

   The reassessment of McCartney also has the parallel side effect of reconsidering Lennon, and determining just who was the cutting edge composer and cultural risk-taker between them. There is really no contest. Both were geniuses but only one of them was and is truly comfortable being a genius, and that was Paul.

     McCartney has been unfairly labeled a commercial sell-out over the years due to the scintillating perfection of his admittedly perfect pop songs, and this has occurred at the expense of his other secret side, the side that was a far more accomplished experimental artist than his late addled partner could ever hope to be.

    In fact, John Lennon’s own famous tape loop experiments in musique concrete (“Revolution #9” from The Bealtes White Album, for instance) were both pale solipsistic imitations of McCartney’s much more confident excursions, with which he prepared a context for the source material from the BBC library that Lennon would later toy with after staying up too late one year. Someone had too much to think last night.

     Indeed, many of their innovations together, such as the rushing tape reversals on “Rain”, the wonky guitars on “Taxman”, even the loops on “Tomorrow Never Knows”, and of course the Pepper excursions, to name but a few, were all generated by the open confidence of McCartney and not by the notorious insecurities of his brilliant but disturbed partner. It was McCartney who firmly believed that taking chances was part of his job description, even as a Beatle, and definitely since then, even though much of his most interesting work was overlooked by a huge public for his more appetizing feel-good material that he himself helped create.

       Lennon spent most of his precious time attempting to catch up to and surpass his partner’s obvious penchant for pushing the artistic envelope, with his Ono alliance being only the most blatant attempt to do so. Few people Lennon encountered would ever catch a glimpse the soft soul crushed under that hard shell of his. Two people who did both feel it and fully appreciate it would later become his first songwriting partner and his second wife. It gives the term love-triangle a whole new meaning.

     Like so many others, I too fell for the myth that Lennon was the experimental half of the legendary partnership, and indeed many of his songs were on the edge of a certain sonic border, but his was a personal and social radicalism, and one that became entangled in the same sad web as all his other precious gifts.

     Yet surprisingly to some, myself included at first, it was McCartney who had the deep prior knowledge of serious new contemporary music required to even dream of incorporating it into his rock or pop music, let alone explore its outer limits authentically, as he did in his later orchestral compositions.

     It was McCartney who knew and loved the new music compositions of John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen, a sonic landscape that no other Beatle even wanted to briefly visit. In fact, George’s typically cheeky response was, “I avant garde a clue!”

     It appears there are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who believe the world is divided into two kinds of people, and the kind that don’t. But often, whether we like it or not, those two inevitably find each other. McCartney was half of one kind of person, Lennon was half of another kind. And then, each of them had their secrets sides. One was just more obvious about it than the other.

     His best known recent innovations definitely need to be re-examined in the context of his astonishing collaborations within The Beatles format. Rock’n’roll, that remarkably American invention, was already inherently dissonant and, along with jazz and blues, represents what could be seen as an artistic rejection of classicism. But McCartney, by reinventing its traditions, would push rock to an exquisite limit that transformed it forever. He then went on to explore the much less commercial realms far outside those early traditions.

     While Lennon was the revolutionary person, McCartney was the revolutionary artist, and since he was relatively healthy and hugely happy with his genius instead of being fixated, potentially in the closet and as misanthropic as John appeared to be, he therefore thrived. Yet ironically they also each had two fully developed but split-sides of themselves, one side of which they submerged and sublimated in order to collaborate with their partner in that swift magic they were capable of creating, but only together.

       Sometimes I wonder which is the real world and which is the imagined one in these songs. But more importantly, both kinds of songs are only made possible through the agency of the other partner, even if one or the other is officially considered the nominal author of the song itself.

      This essay is all about that secret side. It’s a side celebrated in certain albums, and hidden away in others, so therefore it is through the ongoing recorded body of work that we can best trace these secret tendencies. The creative arc both begins and ends with Carnival of Light, a composition which The Beatles refused to let him release under their group name when he created it in 1967, so experimental was it, even to their own somewhat advanced ears.

      In the end, it was almost as if the grand masterwork of George Martin’s final production for the majestic Abbey Road album was just all too polished and sophisticated for his tastes as the re-iterator of Rock’s roots, so McCartney allowed all the rough edges of his conception to be memorialized in the music itself on his first three solo efforts from 1970 to 1973. In retrospect, this was very Jack White-like. The mid-career maturity phase is ironically also one of mid-life crisis, reflected in the abstract edges and slightly punk-edgy urges of McCartney 2, in 1980. His label would not let him release McCartney 2 as he designed it, a demanding double record of considerable scope and scale, because the second disc was utterly experimental, and they explained that "this was not the Paul that people want to hear..." and surprisingly he caved in.

     He does like to please. But a big part of him also likes to let his musical mind go wandering, where it will go. Yet look where his mind goes if he lets it, or if we let him. No one knew who or what The Fireman was back in 1993 when McCartney used one of his favorite motifs, donning the mask of an alter-ego within which he can go further than he could by himself, or perhaps more importantly, as himself, in order to collaborate with a gifted young producer-wizard and reinvent himself as a dance-mix master. For Paul it must just be another form of Pepper-like sound collage after all, a stylistic device that has long absorbed him. The very randomness of his current free form band is the element he most cherishes.

     Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest, 1993, was particularly exhilarating before the media and public discovered who The Fireman was. Flaming Pie, 1997, is one of the finest pieces of songwriting he has done in years, directly from his heart to you, in his most elegant of packages. It’s what he does best.

       But then he boldly followed up with both Rushes 1998, his second outing as The Fireman, a wordless and muscular dance experiment for people with alien hand syndrome, and Liverpool Sound Collage, 2000, which harkens back to his early tape experiments on Revolver and Pepper. The Fireman? Just like in “Penny Lane” he rushed in from the pouring rain, very strange!

     As a matter of fact, McCartney has often remarked that he’d like to release the album everyone is afraid of, the one called Paul Goes Too Far. One of the purposes of this essay is to encourage him do so. As a matter of fact, the subtitle to his new release may well have used that tongue in cheek line quite seriously, except that for our purposes he has already gone just far enough, thank you.

   Twin Freaks, 2005, is an amazing experiment wherein McCartney gave free access to a treasure chest of his master tapes to one of his young collaborators, who then remixed well known songs in fragmented and sculptural ways with suitably shiny and spaced out results.

     The Fireman has three albums so far, including the latest one from December 2008. That record, Electric Arguments is a brilliant return to form which merges the two sides of his character into an almost conventional rock band format. But the music he has composed behind that persona mask is far from conventional, contrary to his myth, McCartney always was and still is, a shockingly innovative and dissonant contemporary artist. He just hides it so well behind that beatific smile.

       In fact, I'm still amazed that McCartney hasn't yet sought out Jack White to play with him, especially since White is just about the only person capable of matching Lennon's wicked voice and matching his astonishing charisma. But that might yet come to pass.

       There is a big difference between something that is unknown, as in merely undiscovered or unnoticed, and something that is kept secret, as in the result of a tactical strategy to escape either public scrutiny or critical judgments, or both. That is one distinction to be made and clarified at the outset. And all of this, after already having reinvented popular music as the rhythmic and melodic engine behind The Beatles? That’s like expecting Mozart to outdo himself once he finally grew up, and to have a whole second career as an adult artist. But most legendary artists only reach their peak once really, and end up trying to recapture it forever after.

     Not so in the case of McCartney. But the only reason it’s not more obvious is that no one has actually heard very much of what qualifies as McCartney’s other innovations, post-Beatles, or for that matter, even in the context of his more accurate role as the true trendsetter within that legendary group itself.

     Several able music journalists have contributed important insights into the paradox that is Paul but they focused largely on the difficulty of a mass public ever accessing the more experimental side of the man they thought they knew so well. As such he remains an unknown enigma. I, however, am much more interested in the exotic fact that the artist himself created both the difficulty and the ensuing distance, as a means of creative survival and evolution, and as a method of escape from the burden of his already historic persona.

       Basically a realist, he instinctively kept his melodies close to the rhythms and cadences of speech, coloring his lyrics with bluesy tone and harmony rather than creating tunes that made striking shapes of their own. McCartney’s lines by display his extroverted energy and optimism, ranging freely across the stave in scaled steps and wide intervals, often encompassing more than an octave.

     His is the creation of the natural melodist, a creator of tunes capable of existing apart from their harmony---whereas Lennon’s lines tended to be allusive, moody affairs which make sense only when accompanied, particularly the more chromatic creations of his later style. Meanwhile, Lennon’s suffering-laden solo music was utterly solipsistic.

     McCartney’s method is active in terms of intervals, “vertical” (melodic, consonant) and Lennon’s is passively “horizontal” (harmonic, dissonant). Seeing music as a vehicle for thought and feeling, Lennon stressed expression at the expense of formal elegance, which held no interest or value for him per se.

       Yet is was McCartney who went on to so effortlessly express himself for forty five more years as a solo artist, perfectly balancing both sides of his genius with a versatility nearly unheard of in the world of popular culture.

      Paul’s secret story is also about how he learned to creatively survive being the survivor of John Lennon by continuing to follow his own search for two things, one of them impossible and the other merely improbable: to find another John Lennon, and to find a way to make music that satisfies both opposing sides of his own split creative personality. It’s a sane form of schizoid, in a very real and rewarding sense.

     We need to begin to appreciate the quieter but often even more volatile pathology of the solo artist at war with himself, and most importantly, how it was possible for McCartney to devise an artistic strategy that allowed both creative sides of himself, and all of us, to win. That, in the end, is what makes his overall musical and creative accomplishment so unique and so special. He’s never really been about yesterday at all, it was always tomorrow. And as his late partner’s most compelling Revolver-song once opined, tomorrow never knows.


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