On The Other Side Of Letting Go
DeniseRenee, Book Writing Coach
Converting Ideas Into Finished Manuscripts!
Have you ever been so afraid to let go of something because you knew it would mark a major change in your life??
Did you imagine all the scary things that could potentially happen? When you looked, was there a black nothingness on the other side of letting go? You just knew your life would be over, didn’t you?
I know those have been the thoughts and images in my head. Every. Single. Time!
And then, somehow, whenever I miraculously made the decision to take the leap and risk it all, I got to the other side of letting go and found out the ground was still beneath my feet.?
(Sometimes the ground was beneath my bottom, but we won’t talk about that today!)?
I was still breathing.?
Life continued on. And it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
I’m hoping that will be the case for me today because I just released the first two episodes of my new podcast called Unpublished.?
In my mind’s worst-case scenario, I let it go, and it gets only one listen (mine). In the best-case scenario, all of my followers across my social media profiles hear it, love it, and share it and the reach and engagement go through the roof in less than 24 hours.?
Reality will probably settle in somewhere between those two points.??
As the title might suggest, the Unpublished podcast is a WIP (Work In Progress) audio podcast where I share past unpublished creative works and current writing projects still in process. I’ll also use the space to talk about whatever whimsical musings or deep thoughts I have about the creative process.
I started it because I have been writing creatively since I was eight years old and yet have never published any creative written works in my name, on my own.?
In my very early 20s, I submitted some poems to an anthology project that I don’t even remember the name of or have a copy of anymore, so that doesn’t count! Neither do the books I ghostwrote for clients because they are not published in my name.
Also, I wrote, produced, performed, and self-promoted an independent CD project when I was 28 years old. But it wasn’t a book so I’m not counting that either.?
The biggest fear I have as a writer is that my work will be ripped to shreds by critics and ignored by a vast majority of people to the point where I cannot fulfill my dream of making a living and selling in the form of words.
Add to that as a Gen X baby, I was heavily encouraged to always have a “real job” because there was no glory (or rent being paid) in being a “starving artist.”?
I’m sure you’re starting to see the mental gymnastics I had to go through just to let it all go and publish Unpublished today!
Because the easiest thing for me to do all this time was to do nothing. If I didn’t even try to publish anything, it was mission accomplished on my self-fulfilling prophecy.
Turning 50 this past Christmas was a true awakening point in my life in so many ways. I’m looking to take a different approach in my next 50 years of life, as God gives me the grace to live them. I have to let all the crappy self-talk go.
I know exactly what’s going to happen when I don’t even try to do what’s in my heart. At least if I try now, I’ll be proud of myself for releasing my ideas and giving them an honest effort, even if I don’t see all the results I desire to see.
Because what happens to me when I don’t try is that I get haunted by my creative ideas. They keep coming back to me over and over again in different ways, shapes, and iterations. I’ve lived enough to recognize I won’t be at peace until I take action on them.?
I don’t feel like I am ready to give my written creative work the proper attention it needs right now because I am busy juggling a full-time job, growing my brand, getting clients consistently enough in my business so I can quit said job, and, oh yeah I’m a mom too! (I will have a bona fide teenager on my hands this coming July.)
But if I continue doing nothing, I know how that will turn out; more creative torture for me and not living my life to my full potential. So even if most of the world never hears about or ignores my work, there is a small subsection of people that I know will be moved by it. And I’m compelled to find them and help them find me so that I can do the work I was put on this earth to do and live the creative life I’m meant to live.
So I compromised with myself and created Unpublished and let it go. I’m particularly proud of myself because I came up with this idea only about three weeks ago and I now have published two episodes and two others are already in the cue.?
Now, I just have to keep walking into the winds that still blow on the other side of my fears and see what unfolds. At least the ground is still intact and I’m walking (not scooching my bumm) on it!
I’m quite sure that anyone who is in a creative process can identify with and appreciate feeling a bit awkward when you don’t feel as prepared as you could be when presenting your work.
But I’ve decided that I will embrace the awkwardness, let it go, and keep moving forward.?
So if you relate to my struggle, if you relate to my bravery, or are curious about my creative writing side, check out the first episodes above and episode 2 below.??
Just a note: it is an audio podcast and the visuals on YouTube are just to provide something to look at besides a static picture. They aren’t intended to be a word-for-word visualization.?
If Unpublished is your vibe, then subscribe on YouTube and leave me a comment there. Thank you in advance for your support.
Hi, I'm Denise Renee! (That's a double first name, by the way! ??)
A professional writer and editor since 1999, I can help you write a book that shares your experiences or expertise that builds your personal or business brand.
I typically work with professionals, entrepreneurs, content creators, spiritual leaders, and religious laypeople. I occasionally work with fiction writers.
Get your book writing process started now by downloading my free guide, 4 STEPS TO START WRITING YOUR BOOK at https://writingwithdeniserenee.com/4steps.